Somebody talk me down


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I'm not usually the most "glass half full" fan and most of you guys know that (all too well!), but in looking at this team, what they accomplished in 2016, their youth, and the players they're adding in both the draft and free agency, my hopes are SKY HIGH!

I'm just seeing signs for improvement and reasons for optimism each and every place I look.

I need a dose of reality from some fellow fans to tell me what I should be worried about. (Other than backup QB, that one might be legit based on the Romo, no-Romo beliefs)

But the more I look at this team, the more excited for what they can be in 2017 and beyond I get.

Someone talk me out of it!
Brother, I've said it before and I'll say it again. There's no shame in sticking out your chin and having the courage to actually believe in your team. Constantly down-talking every move or aspect of the team is a coward's approach. It requires no courage because there's no investment (emotional or otherwise). I'm not saying that YOU are that guy. I saw several positive posts by you last season. On the contrary, I think that we all should share our disappointments, also. The entire Cowboys universe isn't all rosebuds and valentines. Being constant in one way or the other is annoying. NO doubt about it. It shouldn't be all homer, it shouldn't be all whiner. Because frankly, the truth usually lies smack dab in the middle.

I Know one thing: there are only 3-4 fan bases in the league that have ANY reason to be as optimistic as ours. Your hopes and leanings for this coming up season are justified. Not only justified but honest. Your anticipation and excitement for this team is rooted in reality, not homerism. There's no shame in that at all, brother.

Good to see ya, stash.


The Boognish
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The more I look at it, the more I think that Romo is the "in case of emergency" option if Prescott were to suffer serious injury. And I defy anyone to say that he's not much less of an injury risk than what we've had.

Even if those guys are just the same, I think the added talent makes the line better on some level. And I'd again defy people to say that David Irving won't get better on some level.

Wilber is currently still here. And I'd counter coverage worries with Switzer being an enormous upgrade over Unlucky Whitehead.

The Commanders also lost their top two receivers, and I'm not seeing huge upgrades on their defense, especially when they're picking up Cowboys afterthoughts.

They have to figure out the Giants "bugaboo" for sure, but in my opinion they could have and likely should have won those games. Week 17 didn't count to me, nothing to play for.

That's my guy!

Romo is a notoriously slow starter and I am not sold that he can leave football for over a year and come back and play at a high level. OL depth is really troubling to me.

Irving is a strong candidate. I like his potential too but he has yet to realize it. Potential and a quarter doesn't even get you a dribble of coffee anymore. We need more than him to mount an above average rush too.

I agree we should be able to win our division games. My point is that is a tougher row to hoe than say what the Pats, Packers, or Seachickens deal with.


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Brother, I've said it before and I'll say it again. There's no shame in sticking out your chin and having the courage to actually believe in your team. Constantly down-talking every move or aspect of the team is a coward's approach. It requires no courage because there's no investment (emotional or otherwise). I'm not saying that YOU are that guy. I saw several positive posts by you last season. On the contrary, I think that we all should share our disappointments, also. The entire Cowboys universe isn't all rosebuds and valentines. Being constant in one way or the other is annoying. NO doubt about it. It shouldn't be all homer, it shouldn't be all whiner. Because frankly, the truth usually lies smack dab in the middle.

I Know one thing: there are only 3-4 fan bases in the league that have ANY reason to be as optimistic as ours. Your hopes and leanings for this coming up season are justified. Not only justified but honest. Your anticipation and excitement for this team is rooted in reality, not homerism. There's no shame in that at all, brother.

Good to see ya, stash.

Same here, and thanks!


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Romo is a notoriously slow starter and I am not sold that he can leave football for over a year and come back and play at a high level.

I question that too. I think the chance of Romo returning are remote at best. It would take a serious injury to Prescott early in the season. Which I don't see.

OL depth is really troubling to me.

Really? I think it's better than it's ever been.

Irving is a strong candidate. I like his potential too but he has yet to realize it. Potential and a quarter doesn't even get you a dribble of coffee anymore. We need more than him to mount an above average rush too.

I think he's the leader in the clubhouse for LDE. Just ask Gosder Cherilus (in retirement). Irving's arrow is point up and up and up.

I agree we should be able to win our division games. My point is that is a tougher row to hoe than say what the Pats, Packers, or Seachickens deal with.

What's that saying? Iron sharpens iron. I remember back to when the NFC East was the best division in football. Whoever survived it won the whole thing.

I think the personnel the Cowboys have overall against anybody, with New England being the one possible exception.


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Ok, I'll be pessimistic.. I understand the downside and concern of having a young secondary. I also realize our secondary 'over achieved' (PFF #1 for what it's worth)and was our strength on defense last year, yet they rarely managed 'game changing' plays (rk #27 in the league with 9 INTs). Although, our defense as a whole ranked #14, which was a huge Jump from the year before, the real strength came from the #1 ranked run defense contributed by the highly criticized Defensive Line. Our Offense played a big part because, the new age pass-happy league, opponents had to play catch up to our dominant Offense. And make no mistake, our Offense is dominant.. now throw in Switzer, Rico, and experience. My point is.. as good as the Secondary was.. they just couldn't make plays on the ball. Will the new 'Marenilli' style CBs make plays? Well, I guess we'll see. Based on the aggressive styles of our draft picks, I'm encouraged that this secondary could actually be better. Yes, they will make mistakes, but Anthony Brown proved last year that the risk/reward favored the Cowboys. Not to Mention..we've added a 1st rounder (Taco), veterans are healthier(Crawford, Lawrence, & Tapper), and we have young studs (Collins, Irving) that have just scratched the surface on the DL. We have promise at LB (Wilson, Nzeocha) and hopefully a 'top notch' LB in Jaylon, which he's promised he's playing. So Overall, I think this team is in great shape.. will that translate into a Super Bowl? Who knows, but it makes this team as exciting as it has been in years. Ultimately, IMO.. the healthiest team at the end of the year will win the SuperBowl. That said, we have youth on our side;)


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I'm not usually the most "glass half full" fan and most of you guys know that (all too well!), but in looking at this team, what they accomplished in 2016, their youth, and the players they're adding in both the draft and free agency, my hopes are SKY HIGH!

I'm just seeing signs for improvement and reasons for optimism each and every place I look.

I need a dose of reality from some fellow fans to tell me what I should be worried about. (Other than backup QB, that one might be legit based on the Romo, no-Romo beliefs)

But the more I look at this team, the more excited for what they can be in 2017 and beyond I get.

Someone talk me out of it!
I knew they would do a great job. Now step away from the ledge before someone here pushes you over. :muttley:


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I think it is sky high. I just don't see a sb run this season. But I can see multiple runs in the future.


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Injuries and coaching
I agree with injuries,but not the coaching part. I believe that Garrett has set the table for a young discipline team and Marenilli has worked magic with less talent.. I questioned Linehan in the past, but after what he perfected with Dak on short notice last year.. I have faith in him too. If anything, Injuries and inexperience could be our down fall, but injuries could be every teams downfall.. experience is based on the aptitude of the player and his talents.


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I agree with injuries,but not the coaching part. I believe that Garrett has set the table for a young discipline team and Marenilli has worked magic with less talent.. I questioned Linehan in the past, but after what he perfected with Dak on short notice last year.. I have faith in him too. If anything, Injuries and inexperience could be our down fall, but injuries could be every teams downfall.. experience is based on the aptitude of the player and his talents.
We started off slow in every playoff game. That's coaching


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Expectations are the real enemy...bigger than bad coaching...bad luck...and bad injuries.