News: PFT: NFL: Goodell was aware of Kia Roberts’ opinions


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Was it finalized?

...The Patriots and Goodell tension seemed to remain until the team won the Super Bowl in February. While Jones has remained mum on Elliot issue with no statement coming since the suspension was delivered in Aug. 11

With his contract ending and two of the league’s top owners at odd with Goodell there was some speculation that his tenure was coming to an end. However, he does not need the approval of all 32 owners to remain at the helm, as the competition committee was given the power to make this decision.

The most important part of this would be that this extension would keep Goodell in power for the next collective bargaining agreement. The CBA is set to expire in 2020 with both side already preparing for the worst...


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Really the only way they can continue to claim they followed some minimal procedure. If the report was kept from Goodell than that is evidence of a corrupt process, but Goodell probably has the discretion to overrule the investigator's recommendation. He cant do that unless he knows about it....


Fattening up
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Whether or not it got to Goodell is only part of the story. The lead investigator's position was entirely absent from their conclusions.

I realize it probably matters from the standpoint of challenging the league's protocol for administering suspensions, but the PR implications are damning


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NFL: Goodell was aware of Kia Roberts’ opinions

The allegation that league executives conspired to keep the opinions of director of investigations Kia Roberts from Commissioner Roger Goodell is not accurate.

“I can tell you without any hesitation that this is false,” NFL spokesman Joe Lockhart told PFT by phone on Friday morning.

Lockhart explained that Goodell was aware of the views of everyone on the team. Roberts, according to Elliott’s lawsuit, believed Tiffany Thompson was not credible, and that Elliott should not be suspended.

“It’s categorically false that the information was kept from the Commission,” Lockhart said.

Lockhart did not dispute the notion that Roberts believed Thompson to not be credible. He noted that the Commissioner was aware of Roberts’ concerns regarding the credibility of Thompson and other witnesses.
The funny thing about this "new information" is that it in no way excuses the NFL's behavior. All this means is Goodell was part of the conspiracy. To be honest, I'm a little insulted that the NFL thinks fans are that stupid to not put that together. The other aspect of this case I find to be both hilarious and unsettling is the recent admittance that in light of this new information a reduction might be in play now. A reduction? Seriously? They honestly think a reduction would make this go away in light of all the new information that has come to light?

Truly laughable.


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...The Patriots and Goodell tension seemed to remain until the team won the Super Bowl in February. While Jones has remained mum on Elliot issue with no statement coming since the suspension was delivered in Aug. 11

With his contract ending and two of the league’s top owners at odd with Goodell there was some speculation that his tenure was coming to an end. However, he does not need the approval of all 32 owners to remain at the helm, as the competition committee was given the power to make this decision.

The most important part of this would be that this extension would keep Goodell in power for the next collective bargaining agreement. The CBA is set to expire in 2020 with both side already preparing for the worst...
Isn't Stephen Jones on the competition committee?


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Whether or not it got to Goodell is only part of the story. The lead investigator's position was entirely absent from their conclusions.

I realize it probably matters from the standpoint of challenging the league's protocol for administering suspensions, but the PR implications are damning

Hmmm sounds like the Ray Rice video
It's funny how the most important aspects of the investigations are always missing from their initial findings.


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The funny thing about this "new information" is that it in no way excuses the NFL's behavior. All this means is Goodell was part of the conspiracy. To be honest, I'm a little insulted that the NFL thinks fans are that stupid to not put that together. The other aspect of this case I find to be both hilarious and unsettling is the recent admittance that in light of this new information a reduction might be in play now. A reduction? Seriously? They honestly think a reduction would make this go away in light of all the new information that has come to light?

Truly laughable.

Yeah, I am trying to figure out how this seems to help the NFL here. Basically, it just puts Goodell back in front of the target. He at least had plausible deniability if they could argue he didn't know what Roberts was saying and in her report. Now he's admitting he had the information from the person the league hired to head the investigation, the only person to actually interview the alleged victim, and he ignored her findings and went with what Friel wanted to do.

The Quest for Six

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Yes, because the NFL league office would never lie about a fact of the case.

I am generally curious why you are fighting tooth and nail here against Elliott. I get wanting to see more facts before reaching a conclusion but with every turn of this case, and mostly not good for the NFL, you've attempted multiple ways to concoct a defense for the NFL.

So I have to ask, why? Do you have familiarity with DV that makes you prone to believe the girl and therefore, by extension, have to defend everything the NFL says and does here?

I have made no conclusions about Zeke, all I have to go by is that four independent individuals that reviewed all of the evidence concluded by that evidence in a 4-0 decision that Zeke was by a preponderance of the evidence(51% belief) that he hit the woman..that's their conclusion, not mine!! . One investigator believed she wasn't credible and shouldn't be suspended and therefore the NFL is out to get Zeke and it's all a conspiracy???....BURDEN OF PROOF STANDARD in a company policy is minimal. I haven't seen all the evidence but apparently most of this forum has apparently, they've made the conclusion Zeke didn't do it, and that she's a liar, she's a money grabber, she's a stripper, she's this, she's that... that all may be true............
but THIS CASE ISN'T BEFORE A COURT, conflating criminal charges or "guilt" to a company policy is annoying, As many say, Zeke wasn't charged, there's no conviction in a court.....complete different standards in a company policy, or Zeke should sue the league for Slander or libel...or he should sue Thompson, which would only open up a new can of worms, If the appeal is not successful, Zeke will go to court but just remember, the argument in court won't be about Zeke's guilt or innocence of the allegation conclusion by the league, it would be about an injunction so he can play on the basis of a procedure process.. Maybe Zeke wins the appeal and Henderson voids the suspension....Nobody cares about Thompson, she'll be forgotten about in three months, Zeke is a major star in the NFL, playing for the marquee team in the NFL and this notion that there's some conspiracy by the NFL to suspend him because he's a Cowboy and the league is OUT TO GET the Cowboys is laughable, for what would be the reason for that, they only won two play off games in 22 years..

I agree the league has lied for decades in the past, they used to sweep these incidents under the rug but those days are over after the AP, Rice and Brown incidents, no longer can the league ignore these allegations against their players or sweep them under the rug.......


Fattening up
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Hmmm sounds like the Ray Rice video
It's funny how the most important aspects of the investigations are always missing from their initial findings.

They have so little credibility anymore when they do come forward.

This whole thing makes me enjoy football less. Goodell has his fingers around the neck of the Golden Goose and is squeezing for some reason. I don't get it.


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The funny thing about this "new information" is that it in no way excuses the NFL's behavior. All this means is Goodell was part of the conspiracy. To be honest, I'm a little insulted that the NFL thinks fans are that stupid to not put that together. The other aspect of this case I find to be both hilarious and unsettling is the recent admittance that in light of this new information a reduction might be in play now. A reduction? Seriously? They honestly think a reduction would make this go away in light of all the new information that has come to light?

Truly laughable.
But when Friel is telling everyone that only 1 of the 5 incidents was not credible. And Kia Roberts concerns about the creditability on all the incidents is not mentioned or included in the file. It seems to conflict with him (or the advisors) being aware unless he was the one who did the conspiring which is even more damning.