TV ratings continuing to fall

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This is a good thing and it is needed. In the end it will be the ultimate nail in the coffin for Roger. The NFL will continue on but they will have to adapt and get rid of that stupid Directv Sunday Ticket model. Sunday Ticket no longer holds / draws people to directv. People would rather stream than sign a bad deal with directv

I agree the Sunday ticket needs to be done a little differently. I called DirectTV to cut the cord... I ended up getting a sweet deal. Direct TV for 13 bucks a month which includes a 25 dollar credit for having my cell services through AT&T. Includes HBO and the Sunday ticket for $100 for the year. That ended up being way cheaper then the options I was looking at to cut the cord.


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The only thing that gets in the way, is when the camera pans to the person kneeling during the anthem and doesn't move off of him. Its the same concept when someone ask "how do you stop racism?" Morgan Freeman said it best. Stop talking about it. Why is it hard to grasp that when the NFL controls what you see on TV it is them forcing it down your throat. Oh wait, I forgot. Que the argument, " Just change the channel if you do not want to watch the protest?"
I know. I hate when the camera pans to these players and i'm missing all that sweet football action on the field.

Oh wait....


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I have many friends who do not do it, nor do I have a problem with those who dont do it.

As a 22 Kill veterans advocate, I hear what men and women have gone through to defend the right for you to kneel, sit or otherwise.

Simply sitting on the couch to enjoy a football game is entirely different that putting forth the effort to protest the anthem & flag. To the men and women who fought or died for this country that is a middle finger to the face. But they(most) will never say a word because they fought for your right to do that.

I am also one of those who while out and about or traveling will go out of my way to walk up to veterans and active service members to thank them for their service.
You do realize that people not standing for the anthem has nothing to do with putting a finger in the face of a service man right?
It seems people are having a hard time listening to the protesters and deciding for them what they are protesting.


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not sure if that is why Kaepernick etc are/ is kneeling...........he has several times stated its the "plight of the Black American" as his reason.........

you'd think he would bring up in a presser.......the "plight" of Zeke. Here is a Black American who is being oppressed by a very opportunistic white woman, she is being helped by a rich powerful white man who is apparently very biased against Zeke and maybe his team......but with the usual plausible deniability.

If Keap is serious here is a classic case for him to focus thinks he isnt.

The degree on one's emotions varies inversely with one's knowlege of the facts--the less you know, the hotter you get. (Bertrand Russell 1872-1970)
Zeke is getting good counsel. And false accounts of sexual assault are a real thing. They also actually rarely happen (hey don't shoot the messenger...go look at the research yourself). The real issue is women not reporting often enough.

But to your point...I think Kaep is more worried about unarmed black men being killed than Zeke's appeal.


Kellen Moore baby
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You do realize that people not standing for the anthem has nothing to do with putting a finger in the face of a service man right?
It seems people are having a hard time listening to the protesters and deciding for them what they are protesting.


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Basketball in this country like soccer in the rest of the world to a great degree...relatively easy access to courts, no real significant equipment hurdles to speak of other than a ball and perhaps some decent shoes...doing it is pretty spontaneous - "hey, let's go shoot some hoops" - and so on. My 11 year old is the same way. When I was 11 I was ALWAYS playing touch football - during recess, after school, etc., in a the street, at the park, on a front lawn...I never see that happening how.

Great explanation and it makes sense.

When I was 11 I was playing football every second I could -- along with every other boy in the neighborhood.

I don't see that anymore either and like it or not the concussion / CTE / head injury stuff plays a part in it.


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You realize some of the things they are protesting is the systemic targeting of minority males which "destroy american black families." For profit prisons which have lead to mass incarceration. Mandatory minimum sentences. Three strikes you're out. Federal sentencing guidelines (crack vs. cocaine). Location of police drug enforcement vs leniency (whites do drugs at the same rate as every other race but face the fewest arrests and convictions).

Like dude wake the hell up. This is exactly why people are protesting. The systemic racism that erodes minority families.

You desperately need to read "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the age of colorblindness."

I'll even buy it for you on Amazon. Just tell me where to send it.


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I've never heard of it and have the veteran's suicide hotline magnet on my fridge :)

I am a Vet and I think I have heard of it a couple of times. I think its in reference to every 22 mins a Vet or service member commits suicide.


Kellen Moore baby
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I am a Vet and I think I have heard of it a couple of times. I think its in reference to every 22 mins a Vet or service member commits suicide.
Thanks brother, have heard similar statistics, but not of the Advocacy Group


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What are you talking about?
You are not so defeated in your statements that you are getting away from the police killings and trying to switch it to street violence?

Deal with your bias and retract your incorrect statements about police shootings and race.

The black communities are also a lot more poverty ridden then the white community. Also look at the number of black men that have been locked up for extended excessive amounts of time. These men are taken out of their communities and this creates more poverty for the families which leads to more violence and more prison...Its a vicious cycle. 300k to 3 million more people locked up since 1980 with a disproportionate amount being black has a lot to do with black on black crime.
I brought that up because it increases the number of interactions with Police

If someone is in a gang or selling drugs or shooting people they are going to have way more frequent and intense interactions with Police

Michael Bennett was tackled and detained because he ran from a shooting scene out of a bar, scaled an 8 foot wall and ran into traffic..........and this was minutes after the initial call when a second wave of cops came back into the club to do interviews...... you run like that and you will get stopped...... and guess what? they let him go with no violence

People can manipulate stats to whatever agenda they have but stop acting like cops are out there hunting black is ignorant and silly at the same time and that is why they are telling a multi millionaire 1% like CK to STHU


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I once was banned from a thread for saying we needed to be fair and balanced. It was a comment about football. Politics never entered the equation before, during or after the conversation.

In my chat with the Mod who banned me from the thread he said the phrase "fair and balanced" is a political one.

Meanwhile Erod made a thread crying about social justice warriors and here we are 14 pages later....

Yup. I got something more extreme for comments that are far less political.
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