TV ratings continuing to fall

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Kellen Moore baby
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I stand in my living room for it out of respect. As do my wife and kids.
Well, hell, that's awesome, brother. Really awesome. But so are other's right to do otherwise.

Like I said in an earlier post in this thread, my son stands at Edison Field, I sit because I'm boozing. It's everyone's right to do as we please. Our soldiers, our backbone as a county, defend those rights.

Imagine some Al Assad crazy **** where we are shot on the spot for not standing. Or arrested, what have you.

Nah, our men didn't go into the hellfire of battle for that craziness. If anything, Kaep highlights our freedom, more so than stiffening it.


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On their own time, fine. Not on their company's time. Show respect for your employer.

Your constitutional rights don't end when you punch into the clock.

The anthem should be a time to bring everyone together.

That's the problem. A lot of people in this country don't feel very "together." Just go ask the child who was brought to this country as a 1 year old. Who is a college student and good employee. Who pays taxes but isn't eligible for welfare, healthcare subsidies and other benefits from the federal government...who is being told that hey you need to leave the only country you've ever known. Or Michael Bennett who was cuffed and thrown to the ground for "walking while black." Or the couple who is in love but is told its wrong fo rthem to want the same tax benefits marriage affords hetersosexual couples. Go tell all those people to suck it up and just...I don't together.

Also on a related note....isn't you telling me that people should stand and praise the flag and anthem and feel together the type of advocacy (just on the other side) that you're calling abhorrent?

Now everybody uses it for their own reality TV show.
Kneeling during the anthem to raise awareness around real concerns in minority communities = reality tv show to you. You know what? THAT says a lot about you.


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My facts are 100% facts..... there is no basis for the 21x more likely stat

1500 people shot by cops: 750 white..........380 black........370 other
You do realize that only 12.3% of the US population is black right?
You are the capologist. You can certainly figure out the flaw in your numbers...Hopefully its just an honest mistake you are making and you are not pulling a Roger Goodell and ignoring evidence that doesn't agree with your position.


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Do they even really show the national anthem all that much on most NFL games? I guess they do for the big prime time games.

The whole bitterness over the national anthem totally and completely has me perplexed.

Almost never and the funny thing to me is the tv and radio broadcasters are never standing with their hands on their hearts and are almost all white and I have never once heard a complaint about it.

It's funny to me I don't want to see or hear all the praising of these guys gods and their nonsense with that but I never complain about it and I certainly won't stop watching the NFL over it.

It's just the same group of people who all complain about the same things over and over and will not accept the young black men have every right to express their thoughts and that they live in this country too. I am sure these same people complain about how much they make, what kind of cars they drive and the clothes they wear. It's not hard to see what it's about.


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This crashes two worlds together. I'm sure there are some people that would rather watch a mindless action flick, or a game show, or an unscripted reality TV program that just lets them vegitate, rather than be reminded of all the troubles of the world.

Just my opinion. Personally, I don't watch the national anthem. I tune in right as the kick's in the air usually.

They're killing Independent George!



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It is not disrespectful to the flag to peacefully protest. That flag is honored everytime someone feels comfortable exercising their constitutional rights as citizens that the flag represents.

The analogy to endorsements is that people who say "just stick to sports" really mean "just don't talk about things I disagree with" because the animosity doesn't occur when these same athletes use their platforms to advocate for other things (in your example a fast food chain).

I've yet to see someone watch a nascar race and say I wish these drivers would "just stick to racing" because their cars are plastered with brands.

This is the definition of hypocrisy. Be quiet you dumb athlete unless you are saying and wearing what I agree with or what will make me money....and then its ok.
My original statement had nothing to do with the protest in general, i understand and support their right to protest. My problem is with the NFL shoving it down our throats. They could just stay out of the whole Zeke case. Or suspend him if he was convicted or even charged. But No, they have to play Big Brother, try to protect their political stance on Social Issues and piss a lot of people off who just want to watch football.


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Such balogny.

If young intelligent professional men wish to express their opinions and thoughts they should be able to.

Here is a thought also if you don't want to watch the nfl don't. If your politics are so extreme that you can't accept another's viewpoint or opinion then it's you and your ilk that have the problem and not the players.

So stop watching and your problem is solved.
That is exactly what we are talking about .....100s of thousands have stopped watching but the people in charge and doing the protests don't want to believe it is because of them even though the ones that stopped watching told them so

They are using their power of the wallet against the NFL just like Target, Starbucks, Kelloggs and can call them extreme and bigots and uninformed but a lot more NFL fans stand with the Police and Military than with the activists


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Does someone sitting down for the anthem really ruin watching your favorite team playing your favorite sport? How dumb. We SHOULDN'T even have the anthem before sporting events. It's an American sport played in America. The country is so diverse now. It's a little outdated similar to singing patriotic songs/pledge of allegiance in early Elementary school. I find out a little bit silly how cameras are searching for players sitting now before games. Just keep it moving and don't make a big deal of it. It's funny how the media controls what it then later complains about.


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Colin Kaepernick stood (or took a knee) up for his beliefs and I believe the owners/GMs are doing the same whether it's financially motivated or personal beliefs. CK has the right to do what he is doing and I along with 100s of thousands more have the right speak our mind about his actions.

If the owners allowed the protest, why should the players stop. If a owner doesn't allow kneeing or sitting for the anthem, that player has a decision to make. At the end of the day, it is a private business.

Throughout the history of the world, has there ever been a place in the world without racism, injustice, misery, and tyranny?


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It is not disrespectful to the flag to peacefully protest. That flag is honored everytime someone feels comfortable exercising their constitutional rights as citizens that the flag represents.

The analogy to endorsements is that people who say "just stick to sports" really mean "just don't talk about things I disagree with" because the animosity doesn't occur when these same athletes use their platforms to advocate for other things (in your example a fast food chain).

I've yet to see someone watch a nascar race and say I wish these drivers would "just stick to racing" because their cars are plastered with brands.

This is the definition of hypocrisy. Be quiet you dumb athlete unless you are saying and wearing what I agree with or what will make me money....and then its ok.

Yeah they should just stick to things that I agree with! :mad:


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Well, hell, that's awesome, brother. Really awesome. But so are other's right to do otherwise.

Like I said in an earlier post in this thread, my son stands at Edison Field, I sit because I'm boozing. It's everyone's right to do as we please. Our soldiers, our backbone as a county, defends those rights.

Imagine some Al Assad crazy **** where we are shot on the spot for not standing.

Nah, our men didn't go into the hellfire of battle for that craziness. If anything, Kaep highlights our freedom, more so than stiffening it.

Oh don't get me wrong. I believe in the right for him to do that. As do all of my friends who served.

I am merely stating, that is not the platform (symbolically) in which to launch your argument\awareness. If anything I think more negative attention has come to it than positive.

I am personally one who speaks out against what I believe is wrong. But finding the right time and way to do so sometimes is the most important thing to do in getting your message across.


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I stand in my living room for it out of respect. As do my wife and kids.

Not trying to be funny or anything but that sounds like some weird crap.
If you have people over for a superbowl party does everyone stand up and get quiet and solute?
If I went to a buddies house and this happened I wouldn't be able to stop laughing the rest of the game.


Kellen Moore baby
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What the hell did I just say? Of course I am going

What in the world do you think that post just said? Of course I am going to watch the Cowboys. The whole point was that all of these people being holier than though on both sides should "stahp" and "cut it out already" as it is as misguided. And that post pointed out that the irony of my desire to set someone straight was just as misguided and silly.

Brother. You go'n watch some foosball. Take off your high hat.

You ain't setting anyone straight.


Kellen Moore baby
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Oh don't get me wrong. I believe in the right for him to do that. As do all of my friends who served.

I am merely stating, that is not the platform (symbolically) in which to launch your argument\awareness. If anything I think more negative attention has come to it than positive.

I am personally one who speaks out against what I believe is wrong. But finding the right time and way to do so sometimes is the most important thing to do in getting your message across.
Fair enough, brother. I respect your opinion. Just know, America is built on these sort of protests. Going back to our independence from England


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My original statement had nothing to do with the protest in general, i understand and support their right to protest. My problem is with the NFL shoving it down our throats. They could just stay out of the whole Zeke case. Or suspend him if he was convicted or even charged. But No, they have to play Big Brother, try to protect their political stance on Social Issues and piss a lot of people off who just want to watch football.
I'm really sorry that taking a knee to bring awareness for injustice against minority groups has gotten in the way of your "just wanting to watch football."

I hope you can get through this difficult time.


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Your constitutional rights don't end when you punch into the clock.

That's the problem. A lot of people in this country don't feel very "together." Just go ask the child who was brought to this country as a 1 year old. Who is a college student and good employee. Who pays taxes but isn't eligible for welfare, healthcare subsidies and other benefits from the federal government...who is being told that hey you need to leave the only country you've ever known. Or Michael Bennett who was cuffed and thrown to the ground for "walking while black." Or the couple who is in love but is told its wrong fo rthem to want the same tax benefits marriage affords hetersosexual couples. Go tell all those people to suck it up and just...I don't together.

Also on a related note....isn't you telling me that people should stand and praise the flag and anthem and feel together the type of advocacy (just on the other side) that you're calling abhorrent?

Kneeling during the anthem to raise awareness around real concerns in minority communities = reality tv show to you. You know what? THAT says a lot about you.

You touched on all the wildly exaggerated issues, but you left out the REAL issue that nobody talks about. The only one that can fix anything.

The absolute destruction of American black families. They almost don't exist anymore. 80% of black children born in Dallas county hospitals do not have a father listed on the birth certificate. Marriage and involved fathers are the rarest of commodities. That's why Hispanic, Asian, and Middle Eastern Americans don't have the challenges that our fellow black citizenry does.

Until that is somehow fixed, none of the rest of this means squat.
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