TV ratings continuing to fall

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Kellen Moore baby
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Not trying to be funny or anything but that sounds like some weird crap.
If you have people over for a superbowl party does everyone stand up and get quiet and solute?
If I went to a buddies house and this happened I wouldn't be able to stop laughing the rest of the game.
Onyx, with respect to "the protest", I can personally respect a man and his family standing for the anthem in the living room of their pad.

There are some incredibly patriotic people.


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You do realize that only 12.3% of the US population is black right?
You are the capologist. You can certainly figure out the flaw in your numbers...Hopefully its just an honest mistake you are making and you are not pulling a Roger Goodell and ignoring evidence that doesn't agree with your position.
the flaw is on your side......90% of black men are killed by other black men
the black communities are a lot more crime ridden per capita than the rest of the US..... that more than makes up for the population stat


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That is exactly what we are talking about .....100s of thousands have stopped watching but the people in charge and doing the protests don't want to believe it is because of them even though the ones that stopped watching told them so

They are using their power of the wallet against the NFL just like Target, Starbucks, Kelloggs and can call them extreme and bigots and uninformed but a lot more NFL fans stand with the Police and Military than with the activists

That's their option. If they want to stop watching over this then stop watching. I am sure a very large portion of this group also believes hurricane Irma is a liberal conspiracy.

It is more about how people are watching when it comes to ratings than who has stopped. A majority of the people who stop watching the NFL do not spend any money on the actual product anyway so they just stop watching.

Also calling them activists is misleading. These are young men who have lived through this issue they are speaking about and have every right to.

If you are a white person in America and actually believe that minorities do not have challenges they face that we do not then you are being ignorant.

Instead of labeling them activists and problem children they should be embraced and listened to, that is the first step to helping fix the problem.

I also know there is zero chance that the portion of America that is upset over this will ever actually listen or care because they are to busy spouting off about law and order and nationalism.


Well-Known Member
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Onyx, with respect to "the protest", I can personally respect a man and his family standing for the anthem in the living room of their pad.

There are some incredibly patriotic people.
As can I. I just don't think I have ever seen something like that before.
Is this act of patriotism limited to football games or does this also happen during other say...Hollywood award shows?
I think my wife would make me sleep on the coach if I made her and the kids stand and be silent in our living room while waiting for the Oscars to start.


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Not trying to be funny or anything but that sounds like some weird crap.
If you have people over for a superbowl party does everyone stand up and get quiet and solute?
If I went to a buddies house and this happened I wouldn't be able to stop laughing the rest of the game.
I wouldn't be proud of that


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Brother. You go'n watch some foosball. Take off your high hat.

You ain't setting anyone straight.
Which is what I just said. Either you are trying to be obtuse or it makes you feel good to belittle and condescend. I can do the same thing Brother...take yo sef righteous sef home.
See how cool that was.


Well-Known Member
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Not trying to be funny or anything but that sounds like some weird crap.
If you have people over for a superbowl party does everyone stand up and get quiet and solute?
If I went to a buddies house and this happened I wouldn't be able to stop laughing the rest of the game.

I have many friends who do not do it, nor do I have a problem with those who dont do it.

As a 22 Kill veterans advocate, I hear what men and women have gone through to defend the right for you to kneel, sit or otherwise.

Simply sitting on the couch to enjoy a football game is entirely different that putting forth the effort to protest the anthem & flag. To the men and women who fought or died for this country that is a middle finger to the face. But they(most) will never say a word because they fought for your right to do that.

I am also one of those who while out and about or traveling will go out of my way to walk up to veterans and active service members to thank them for their service.


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That's their option. If they want to stop watching over this then stop watching. I am sure a very large portion of this group also believes hurricane Irma is a liberal conspiracy.

It is more about how people are watching when it comes to ratings than who has stopped. A majority of the people who stop watching the NFL do not spend any money on the actual product anyway so they just stop watching.

Also calling them activists is misleading. These are young men who have lived through this issue they are speaking about and have every right to.

If you are a white person in America and actually believe that minorities do not have challenges they face that we do not then you are being ignorant.

Instead of labeling them activists and problem children they should be embraced and listened to, that is the first step to helping fix the problem.

I also know there is zero chance that the portion of America that is upset over this will ever actually listen or care because they are to busy spouting off about law and order and nationalism.
Kumbaya brother


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You really think people are kneeling during the anthem because they despise the anthem. Talk about missing the point.

Oh and since we are on the "point missing" theme....those in our military fought for our constitutional rights. Have you heard of the bill of rights? It contains the first 10 amendments to our constitution. Right there at number 1 is the right to peaceful protest.

So I think when people kneel during the anthem they are thankful for those who have served and bleed and died for this country to protect their god given unassailable rights as citizens of this country.
not sure if that is why Kaepernick etc are/ is kneeling...........he has several times stated its the "plight of the Black American" as his reason.........

you'd think he would bring up in a presser.......the "plight" of Zeke. Here is a Black American who is being oppressed by a very opportunistic white woman, she is being helped by a rich powerful white man who is apparently very biased against Zeke and maybe his team......but with the usual plausible deniability.

If Keap is serious here is a classic case for him to focus thinks he isnt.

The degree on one's emotions varies inversely with one's knowlege of the facts--the less you know, the hotter you get. (Bertrand Russell 1872-1970)


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My original statement had nothing to do with the protest in general, i understand and support their right to protest. My problem is with the NFL shoving it down our throats. They could just stay out of the whole Zeke case. Or suspend him if he was convicted or even charged. But No, they have to play Big Brother, try to protect their political stance on Social Issues and piss a lot of people off who just want to watch football.
That's part of the problem, the NFL chose to interject themselves in these issues for appearances and PR sake and the players are now doing the same for issues they feel strongly about. The other pro sports leagues have players doing similar things, but by and large their league leadership has tried to stay away from policing and publicizing it the way the NFL has. They have the sense to realize it's a no win proposition, you won't please all the people.


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Fair enough, brother. I respect your opinion. Just know, America is built on these sort of protests. Going back to our independence from England
Again, no issue with the protest. My issue is with the method in which he is protesting.


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I'm really sorry that taking a knee to bring awareness for injustice against minority groups has gotten in the way of your "just wanting to watch football."

I hope you can get through this difficult time.
The only thing that gets in the way, is when the camera pans to the person kneeling during the anthem and doesn't move off of him. Its the same concept when someone ask "how do you stop racism?" Morgan Freeman said it best. Stop talking about it. Why is it hard to grasp that when the NFL controls what you see on TV it is them forcing it down your throat. Oh wait, I forgot. Que the argument, " Just change the channel if you do not want to watch the protest?"


Kellen Moore baby
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As can I. I just don't think I have ever seen something like that before.
Is this act of patriotism limited to football games or does this also happen during other say...Hollywood award shows?
I think my wife would make me sleep on the coach if I made her and the kids stand and be silent in our living room while waiting for the Oscars to start.


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I agree.

A a proud father of a typical red-blooded 13 year teenage boy, he and all of his friends seems to be enraptured by the NBA and I continue to be puzzled by it.

It could care less about the NBA and find myself getting dragged into watching it because *he* views it as a bonding experience.

My $0.02 is the NBA is doing a better job of marketing the youth.
Basketball in this country like soccer in the rest of the world to a great degree...relatively easy access to courts, no real significant equipment hurdles to speak of other than a ball and perhaps some decent shoes...doing it is pretty spontaneous - "hey, let's go shoot some hoops" - and so on. My 11 year old is the same way. When I was 11 I was ALWAYS playing touch football - during recess, after school, etc., in a the street, at the park, on a front lawn...I never see that happening how.


Well-Known Member
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the flaw is on your side......90% of black men are killed by other black men
the black communities are a lot more crime ridden per capita than the rest of the US..... that more than makes up for the population stat
What are you talking about?
You are not so defeated in your statements that you are getting away from the police killings and trying to switch it to street violence?

Deal with your bias and retract your incorrect statements about police shootings and race.

The black communities are also a lot more poverty ridden then the white community. Also look at the number of black men that have been locked up for extended excessive amounts of time. These men are taken out of their communities and this creates more poverty for the families which leads to more violence and more prison...Its a vicious cycle. 300k to 3 million more people locked up since 1980 with a disproportionate amount being black has a lot to do with black on black crime.


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You touched on all the wildly exaggerated issues, but you left out the REAL issue that nobody talks about. The only one that can fix anything.

The absolute destruction of American black families. They almost don't exist anymore. 80% of black children born in Dallas county hospitals do not have a father listed on the birth certificate. Marriage and involved fathers are the rarest of commodities. That's why Hispanic, Asian, and Middle Eastern Americans don't have the challenges that our fellow black citizenry does.

Until that is somehow fixed, none of the rest of this means squat.
You realize some of the things they are protesting is the systemic targeting of minority males which "destroy american black families." For profit prisons which have lead to mass incarceration. Mandatory minimum sentences. Three strikes you're out. Federal sentencing guidelines (crack vs. cocaine). Location of police drug enforcement vs leniency (whites do drugs at the same rate as every other race but face the fewest arrests and convictions).

Like dude wake the hell up. This is exactly why people are protesting. The systemic racism that erodes minority families.

You desperately need to read "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the age of colorblindness."

I'll even buy it for you on Amazon. Just tell me where to send it.


Kellen Moore baby
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I have many friends who do not do it, nor do I have a problem with those who dont do it.

As a 22 Kill veterans advocate, I hear what men and women have gone through to defend the right for you to kneel, sit or otherwise.

Simply sitting on the couch to enjoy a football game is entirely different that putting forth the effort to protest the anthem & flag. To the men and women who fought or died for this country that is a middle finger to the face. But they(most) will never say a word because they fought for your right to do that.

I am also one of those who while out and about or traveling will go out of my way to walk up to veterans and active service members to thank them for their service.
What is 22 Kill Veterans?
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