TV ratings continuing to fall

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Proud Native Texan, USMC-1972-79, USN-1983-2000
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I'm very happy with the decorum of our debate in this thread. It's been mostly upstanding.

That's just my view. Perhaps others feel slighted, but I haven't really seen it.

Good stuff, fam
Agree. I am impressed with the intelligence and debate abilities of a number of posters here. I don't agree with all of them on every single thing, but I sure as hell respect their opinions and understand their logic. This has been both entertaining and enlightening!


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The NFL players are hurting their pocketbooks.

CBA negotiations, when it comes to money, are very closely tied to ratings and revenue. Ratings bring premium rates for advertising, thus revenue for TV contracts and all that implies.

Last night's kickoff opener was down 12% from the ratings of a year ago. Ratings were already down last year.

I suggest the players get off their butt and stand for the anthem, and stop trying to be social justice warriors. That is, if they don't want to see their checks shrink next CBA.

People are developing a cold shoulder toward athletes. If they want that golden egg, they'd better stop punching the goose.

On a personal note, I can feel my interest waning. I NEVER thought I'd say that about the NFL. Stop preaching to me, and play football.
Yeah let's blame the players kneeling for the ratings downfall and not the fact that the game is over officiated, the league continues to ignore CTE, a commissioner who does whatever the **** he wants and creates his own rules, and the overall play is not as good and the league just isn't very fun to watch. Get the **** outta here with putting the blame on players kneeling.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Your facts are incorrect or stated in a way that isn't clear.
The reality is black men are 21 times more likely to be shot by police than white men.

Police are drastically more likely to be killed by black males than any other demographic. IIRC the stats are similar to the 21 times more likely number so basically it goes both ways.

13% (Black) of the population commit over 50% of all murders.

If the stats are adjusted based on the number of encounters police have with Blacks vs Others, the stats no longer look biased. In other words the kill rate per 1 million encounters is similar regardless of race.

Black Police Officers kill Black people at 3x the rate of White Officers.

All un-justified killings by Police need to stop. Having said that, the kill rate for people that didn't have a weapon and didn't resist arrest is very low.

It's not just a Black issue. Low income people of other races commit more crimes and get killed by Police more often than higher income people.


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I brought that up because it increases the number of interactions with Police

If someone is in a gang or selling drugs or shooting people they are going to have way more frequent and intense interactions with Police

Michael Bennett was tackled and detained because he ran from a shooting scene out of a bar, scaled an 8 foot wall and ran into traffic..........and this was minutes after the initial call when a second wave of cops came back into the club to do interviews...... you run like that and you will get stopped...... and guess what? they let him go with no violence

People can manipulate stats to whatever agenda they have but stop acting like cops are out there hunting black is ignorant and silly at the same time and that is why they are telling a multi millionaire 1% like CK to STHU

Sooooo the only people who have negative interactions with cops are those selling drugs or in a gang?

Minorities have been telling people like you that their interactions with the police look a lot differently than your interactions with the police. It was not until everyone is walking around with a camcorder in their pocket have people started to realize...hey this may be true. Maybe we should stop saying blacks are targeted because they are gang members when a kid with skittles is killed. Then a man selling cigarettes is choked to death. Then a man selling cds is shot and killed while handcuffed. And then a school teacher who has a right to carry permit is killed while following directions in front of his girlfriend and child. Maybe we should say hey maybe this isn't just a gang violence thing.

You even framing the conversation that way says a LOT about you.


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I understand the different views on this but for me, I watch football be it college or pros and will attend our local high school game and will watch the playoffs and championship High School football. I do it because I love the sport. I will not stop because I don't like how the NFL is handling Zeke case. Football is my passion and my escape I do it for me and will continue to do it for me.


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Yeah let's blame the players kneeling for the ratings downfall and not the fact that the game is over officiated, the league continues to ignore CTE, a commissioner who does whatever the **** he wants and creates his own rules, and the overall play is not as good and the league just isn't very fun to watch. Get the **** outta here with putting the blame on players kneeling.

Of all the problems with the league, the over (and biased) officiating is the reason I've stopped watching NFL games not involving the Cowboys. So I'm not even just claiming the bias is just against Dallas, but most games I watched in the last few years seem to clearly favor one team over another.

Even the Cowboy games are barely watchable to me, and I suspect that this year, after Zeke gets his TRO granted, we'll see a flurry of yellow unprecedented even for the Cowboys.

As a test, what do you do after every big play by the Cowboys? If you didn't answer wait for the flag, you're lying.

The Natural

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I once was banned from a thread for saying we needed to be fair and balanced. It was a comment about football. Politics never entered the equation before, during or after the conversation.

In my chat with the Mod who banned me from the thread he said the phrase "fair and balanced" is a political one.

Meanwhile Erod made a thread crying about social justice warriors and here we are 14 pages later....
I have no idea how this thread has made it this far. If the rules are out the window and it's free for all of folks posting whatever topics they want in here then I'm about to put up my top 5 adult "actresses" with photos.


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Police are drastically more likely to be killed by black males than any other demographic. IIRC the stats are similar to the 21 times more likely number so basically it goes both ways.

13% (Black) of the population commit over 50% of all murders.

If the stats are adjusted based on the number of encounters police have with Blacks vs Others, the stats no longer look biased. In other words the kill rate per 1 million encounters is similar regardless of race.

Black Police Officers kill Black people at 3x the rate of White Officers.

All un-justified killings by Police need to stop. Having said that, the kill rate for people that didn't have a weapon and didn't resist arrest is very low.

It's not just a Black issue. Low income people of other races commit more crimes and get killed by Police more often than higher income people.
I agree that Low Income is a huge part of the problem.
US policies have created higher levels of poverty in the black communities as well. Mass incarceration has made this problem even worse.
The reality is the black community has been disproportionately impacted by US government policies over the last 30 years. So when a player sits during the anthem they are protesting the overall condition of being black in America. Police shootings are only a part of it. Unemployment, Incarceration rates, Poverty are issues athletes are trying to bring attention to.


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Sooooo the only people who have negative interactions with cops are those selling drugs or in a gang?

Minorities have been telling people like you that their interactions with the police look a lot differently than your interactions with the police. It was not until everyone is walking around with a camcorder in their pocket have people started to realize...hey this may be true. Maybe we should stop saying blacks are targeted because they are gang members when a kid with skittles is killed. Then a man selling cigarettes is choked to death. Then a man selling cds is shot and killed while handcuffed. And then a school teacher who has a right to carry permit is killed while following directions in front of his girlfriend and child. Maybe we should say hey maybe this isn't just a gang violence thing.

You even framing the conversation that way says a LOT about you.
You mean the criminal giving the Neighborhood Watch guy a felony beating after he went to buy his sizzurp
or the repeat offender resisting arrest
or the loiterer with a gun in pocket that fought police
or the guy with the gun in lap in a car wanted for a Armed robbery that was told 3 times not to move
or the one you didn't mention that all based on a lie "hand up don't shoot" another strong arm robbery while high as a kite that assaults a cop did his 2 buddies survive...oh yeah they didn't attack a cop
or the guy high on PCP in the middle the road that went to his car after being warned 20 times

It is funny we all know their names and stories but we don't remember any of the names of the cops killed in Dallas that ran to protect people that were protesting their very existence based on the same lies repeated over and over again


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Such balogny.

If young intelligent professional men wish to express their opinions and thoughts they should be able to.

Here is a thought also if you don't want to watch the nfl don't. If your politics are so extreme that you can't accept another's viewpoint or opinion then it's you and your ilk that have the problem and not the players.

So stop watching and your problem is solved.
Fans pay for the NFL. If the majority of fans don't like it, then it needs to stop.


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*** I applaud them for having guts to stand for what they believe in.
Indeed...put your money where your mouth is!?! If protest doesn't really cost anything, then you're just there to impress some girl...that was my reasoning back in the day in any case ;)


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Sooooo the only people who have negative interactions with cops are those selling drugs or in a gang?

Minorities have been telling people like you that their interactions with the police look a lot differently than your interactions with the police.

How would they know? Nobody knows my experience with cops anymore than I know their experiences. Maybe people should stop assuming they know what other people's experiences are?


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Zeke is getting good counsel. And false accounts of sexual assault are a real thing. They also actually rarely happen (hey don't shoot the messenger...go look at the research yourself). The real issue is women not reporting often enough.

But to your point...I think Kaep is more worried about unarmed black men being killed than Zeke's appeal.

Speaking about Kaep, notice he isn't saying anything. Doesn't seem to want to play. Lost a ton of weight on his vegan trip. He seems disinterested in whether he plays or not, but the political firestorm surrounding him makes it sound like he desperate to find a team.


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Police are drastically more likely to be killed by black males than any other demographic. IIRC the stats are similar to the 21 times more likely number so basically it goes both ways.

13% (Black) of the population commit over 50% of all murders.

If the stats are adjusted based on the number of encounters police have with Blacks vs Others, the stats no longer look biased. In other words the kill rate per 1 million encounters is similar regardless of race.

Black Police Officers kill Black people at 3x the rate of White Officers.

All un-justified killings by Police need to stop. Having said that, the kill rate for people that didn't have a weapon and didn't resist arrest is very low.

It's not just a Black issue. Low income people of other races commit more crimes and get killed by Police more often than higher income people.

This is a great point. I'm a family therapist for at-risk youth and Child Protective Services investigator. People sometimes ask me what are the biggest similarities between the families I work with. Obviously, they're nosing around for whether I mostly work with black families, white trailer trash, or whatever.

I always answer that the biggest common factor between all the families I work with is poverty. More specifically, generational poverty and how far reaching its tendrils are.


Kellen Moore baby
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I have no idea how this thread has made it this far. If the rules are out the window and it's free for all of folks posting whatever topics they want in here then I'm about to put up my top 5 adult "actresses" with photos.
Woot!!! :yourock::yourock::yourock:


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If we're just spitballing and offering anecdotal thoughts, I've seen a ton of "boycott the NFL" posts from folks concerned about racial bias. There's as much evidence saying its those people driving down ratings as "people who are angry about protests during the national anthem."

My two cents: the National anthem isn't about the military, neither is the flag. Both are about our country. If you're upset about something happening on a country-wide basis, those seem like natural fits as a venue for that protest. I support non-violent protest in all of its manners. Raising a fist during the national anthem, kneeling, covering your face, doing somersaults, standing on one leg....whatever. I don't really get why people are riled up beyond a general insecurity that maybe these people are right and security for white folks means insecurity for others. The stats are pretty startling across the board and maybe if you want folks to stop protesting we could start looking at the issues they're talking about instead of demonizing them for saying "enough is enough." You may want them to "stick to sports" but this is an everyday lived reality. Wealthy black men get pulled over on the streets, and in their cars, in their neighborhoods because policy say "that guy doesn't fit" and those encounters are at higher risk than others because police are more likely to feel threatened by large black men. Michael Bennett is the tip of the iceberg. I've seen plenty of drunk white dudes resisting arrest, ignoring direct orders, threatening people, and somehow they tend to make it out alive. There is a lower threshold for the use of force against minorities. To believe otherwise is to retreat into the comfort of privilege (in my opinion) and we as a country are stronger than that. That's what makes us great. We're not afraid of tough questions, of introspection, and of decisive action. I'm as proud of those athletes who feel compelled to speak out as I am of Muhammad Ali. Boxers could have stuck to boxing but he didn't and we'll remember him forever as the hero he was.

Looking forward to Sunday. God bless.
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