News: PFT: Federal judge reinstates Ezekiel Elliott suspension


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Yep. They believe it until it effects them and/or their own team. Sad part is that there are probably a majority of team owners who enjoying what's going on here to "Americas Team".
There's probably a coup of them giving Goodell new contract consent for sticking it to Jerry. For those thinking that Jerry is going to get help or support with fighting Goodell's new contract, good luck.
Whats good for the Cowboys is good for the league. But I can see where some might be feeling some joy in Jerry’s struggles. Jerry does continue to press when it comes to his suspended players . I keep hoping he’s going to cross the line like Donald Sterling did and finally rid us of his self centered egotistical ways of running our beloved franchise.

Remember, Elliott brought this on himself. And then while being investigated continued with questionable conduct. Now whether it all is worthy of a 6 game suspension is debatable but it’s not like the rest of the NFL fabricated Elliott’s behavior.
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Yep. They believe it until it effects them and/or their own team. Sad part is that there are probably a majority of team owners who enjoying what's going on here to "Americas Team".
Well, if we're being fair, we would have to recognize that none other than Jerry Jones himself said Goodell was doing a good job when Goodell was doing to Brady what he is now doing to Elliott.

"(Goodell) is doing an outstanding job" - Jerruh, last year
"I'm all for the power of the Commissioner" - Jerruh, last year

Show me 1 team getting screwed and I'll show you 31 who don't give a damn (or, if anything, enjoy it)


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Whats good for the Cowboys is good for the league. But I can see where some might be feeling some joy in Jerry’s struggles. Jerry does continue to press when it comes to his suspended players . I keep hoping he’s going to cross the line like Donald Sterling did and finally rid us of his self centered egotistical ways of running our beloved franchise.

Remember, Elliott brought this on himself. And then while being investigated continued with questionable conduct. Now whether it all is worthy of a 6 game suspension is debatable but it’s not like the rest of the NFL fabricated Elliott’s behavior.
The suspension is not about the "rest of the stuff". It's ONLY about the alleged DV, which has been debunked fairly well.


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Not feasible in today's environment. The NFL got reamed for giving Ray Rice "only" 2 games. According to the above, he would have gotten zero.

I don’t know man. An incident like Ray Rice, where the video came out in such a manner are rare.

I think people would be fine with the overall approach. They can just say as a general rule, “we leave these matters to those who are fully qualified in investigating these types of incidents and repose our trust in the law. It is out of our hands until this happens. If they deem actions to be inappropriate we will take actions per our well define policy.”

Or some other statement like that.

Only SJW will be offended. Even many of them will still continue to watch the games.


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I understand but the” rest of the stuff” didn’t help his image or sympathy.
I would go so far as to argue that the rest of the stuff moved the NFL to put the suspension in place as it corroborated what they believed (that Zeke has a demeaning, abusive attitude toward women).


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Whats good for the Cowboys is good for the league.

Remember, Elliott brought this on himself. And then while being investigated continued with questionable conduct. Now whether it all is worthy of a 6 game suspension is debatable but it’s not like the rest of the NFL fabricated Elliott’s behavior.
Believe me, I have thought about this and early on, I was on the other side of the fence to slap Zeke's wrist so he'd learn a lesson for the long run.
However after understanding how the NFL handled this case compared to the evidence and other cases, in my mind the NFL is just as pitiful as Zeke's behavior in what they are doing.
Yes given the CBA, evidently they have the right to do it, but their methodology and consistency is terrible and they should be held accountable themselves in some way for the precedence their setting.
Lastly, (On Zekes behavior) when I was Zeke's age, I was a hell raiser and if I had had his fame and fortune (at that age), no telling where I would have ended up so I cannot judge. That said, no matter what my situation was, I never, ever thought of lifting a hand or physically harming a woman so if for some reason he is guilty of that, throw the book at him.
As they say, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" , and as I hear more about this case, I think that is the case here.


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Well, if we're being fair, we would have to recognize that none other than Jerry Jones himself said Goodell was doing a good job when Goodell was doing to Brady what he is now doing to Elliott.

"(Goodell) is doing an outstanding job" - Jerruh, last year
"I'm all for the power of the Commissioner" - Jerruh, last year

Show me 1 team getting screwed and I'll show you 31 who don't give a damn (or, if anything, enjoy it)
Ouch, Good points!!


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Believe me, I have thought about this and early on, I was on the other side of the fence to slap Zeke's wrist so he'd learn a lesson for the long run.
However after understanding how the NFL handled this case compared to the evidence and other cases, in my mind the NFL is just as pitiful as Zeke's behavior in what they are doing.
Yes given the CBA, evidently they have the right to do it, but their methodology and consistency is terrible and they should be held accountable themselves in some way for the precedence their setting.
Lastly, (On Zekes behavior) when I was Zeke's age, I was a hell raiser and if I had had his fame and fortune (at that age), no telling where I would have ended up so I cannot judge. That said, no matter what my situation was, I never, ever thought of lifting a hand or physically harming a woman so if for some reason he is guilty of that, throw the book at him.
As they say, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" , and as I hear more about this case, I think that is the case here.
It’s unfortunate. I was hopeful it would go away but I believe his other altercations fueled this investigation because Elliott was like dangling his Fame challenging them to take action.

Then as I learned more about his history at Ohio St there was a pattern. The fact that the Columbus DA office didn’t want to prosecute didn’t mean he was innocent .

These huge talents are often above the law. I’ve been around it most of my life. It would have been very difficult to find a jury in Columbus to convict him and remember that DA wants to be re-elected. There were many holes in her testimony but it didn’t deny she was physically abused which was really all the circumstancual evidence along with her accusation the NFL needed within the wide parameters of their conduct policy .

These players must be more careful especially with information immediately available . With the millions afforded to them they practically need to live in a bubble at least while they’re on an active roster walking on eggshells .

It’s not like when I was growing up when the NFL was just a part time job and you still needed a regular job in offseason . Shoot, my uncle first contract was only 10 grand a year with a 1,000 signing bonus. He couldn’t even afford to move his family. Now playing 5-10 years can set you and your family up for life. You must be smarter. If your not you might be paying the price.

If Elliott hadn’t any other incidents I believe this might have faded and why ultimately I hold him responsible for giving the NFL the ammo and resolve to follow thru with it. Once they did and made the decision I’ve felt it would stick.


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Well, if we're being fair, we would have to recognize that none other than Jerry Jones himself said Goodell was doing a good job when Goodell was doing to Brady what he is now doing to Elliott.

"(Goodell) is doing an outstanding job" - Jerruh, last year

"I'm all for the power of the Commissioner" - Jerruh, last year

Show me 1 team getting screwed and I'll show you 31 who don't give a damn (or, if anything, enjoy it)

But let's ignore that he cheated on field and disrupted the integrity of the GAME itself.

I see 2 entirely different situations here.


Lightning Rod
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True, but the NFL probe is not a legal proceeding.

while true, I don't think anyone meant for Goodie and his lackeys to run roughshod over rights. I mean say Mr. Bundschen was charged with murder, was acquitted, etc, not like Goodie could then say, well we say he did it and therefore he is suspended for life


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and destroyed evidence raising at least the appearance of guilt, and the ability to draw an adverse inference

Exactly! 2 entirely different situations

Anyone who threatens the integrity of the game should be penalized. Without the game itself what would we have? No NFL. So yes while it sounds like a double standard it really isn't. Now if they went after Brady for the same thing it would be a double standard. I just see this Brady vs Zeke argument as a false equivalence.


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Exactly! 2 entirely different situations

Anyone who threatens the integrity of the game should be penalized. Without the game itself what would we have? No NFL. So yes while it sounds like a double standard it really isn't. Now if they went after Brady for the same thing it would be a double standard. I just see this Brady vs Zeke argument as a false equivalence.
Brady was guilty and caught red-handed...... the only issue was the punishment was much more than any other "equipment violator" ever got...... the others only got he argued he was never given notice he could be suspended for such a violation