Group of N.F.L. Owners Warns Jerry Jones and Threatens Penalties


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And yet, the extension isn’t going through because owners are not agreeing to it.. you seriously think that the committee couldn’t get it done if all the owners outside Jerry agreed to the asking range of Goodell...

The question is do you seriously think 32 owners signed off on authorization without having any idea of the terms or parameters? Do you?

I don’t even get what your point is when you don’t think Goodell deserves that pay, considering the state of the league right now. Like Jerry said also, Goodell hasn’t even finished 40% of his contract and taking into account he current state if the NFL as of THIS YEAR and SEASON and Goodell’s salary is technically INCENTIVE based, there is no need for approving such an extension anyways. Goodell has got out lies multiple times in the context of various negotiations, so who really cares other than Jerry is doing what is best for the league overall..

I'm not arguing any of that.


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Going forward to negotiate does not mean they agreed to a nonsensical salary and at this time
You must have missed the part that said "grant the committee full authority to do a deal." If the owners were worried about the actual number itself then they shouldn't have delegated that authority to the compensation committee.

Let's just be honest here. We all know what has happened since May that led Jerry to change his mind. Let's not pretend it is about something else.


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I suppose the answer to the question rests with whether Jones is being honest when he says Blank promised unanimity within the committee before a deal was completed and whether there is unanimity. If I read correctly, which is not a given, Jones contends the committee was given a blank check only if all the committee members agreed to the terms and implies that isn't the case. Again, I might have misread or misinterpreted; after all, I am an incarcerated Mr. Peanut.

Given changed circumstances the past few months, one would think the league would be wise to go back to the owners for another vote even if it isn't legally necessary; a vote of confidence, if you will. I wonder if that's not Jones' aim -- to force a vote of confidence that might not achieve a majority but could yield a large enough minority to make things difficult for the brazen commissioner.

That's what it's about for me. Changed circumstances. Both league wide and obviously with Jones and the Cowboys personally.

And I think those changed circumstances should be enough to have this whole arrangement scrapped and re-examined. And any sensible owner should want that very thing.

Anyone who thinks Goodell is good for this league is a moron.


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That's what it's about for me. Changed circumstances. Both league wide and obviously with Jones and the Cowboys personally.

And I think those changed circumstances should be enough to have this whole arrangement scrapped and re-examined. And any sensible owner should want that very thing.

Anyone who thinks Goodell is good for this league is a moron.
Goodell is an unmitigated disaster. And enough of his supporters know it to prevent them wanting a re-examination of his potential extension. It seems crazy, but it is what it is.


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You must have missed the part that said "grant the committee full authority to do a deal." If the owners were worried about the actual number itself then they shouldn't have delegated that authority to the compensation committee.

Let's just be honest here. We all know what has happened since May that led Jerry to change his mind. Let's not pretend it is about something else.

I don't disagree with you aboy that one obvious reason, but I think that there are others that have cropped up as well.

And I think it is for those other reason that Jones should be able to get some support.

Goodell is damaging this league while failing to handle any situation that comes his way.


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Goodell is an unmitigated disaster. And enough of his supporters know it to prevent them wanting a re-examination of his potential extension. It seems crazy, but it is what it is.

I think both sides are pretty crazy. How does Demaurice Smith get unanimously re-elected to represent the players after the job he's done?

It must be great to be terrible at your job and yet unanimously voted to keep it.


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We are witnessing the titanic nfl take on water in each of the ships lower compartments.

“And the next.. and the next.. and the next.. until she sinks”



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I think both sides are pretty crazy. How does Demaurice Smith get unanimously re-elected to represent the players after the job he's done?

It must be great to be terrible at your job and yet unanimously voted to keep it.
The NFLPA has always been the weakest of the player unions. I suppose part of the reason is the brevity of the average career. The members are fundamentally handicapped in fighting for elements of an agreement that do not go to the most basic, short-term benefits. And because of the short career spans, a large number of the members are extremely young -- 26-27 years and younger. Their sense of what will be important to them years down the road is limited.

And that circles back to your point. Because of the inherent weakness of the NFLPA, it needs strong and savvy leadership, which it has never had.

The only real defense of the NFLPA is to observe that it simply never envisioned a commissioner becoming so power-hungry and manic in his sense of moral certitude. As the old Don McLean song went, "perhaps they'll listen now." But I have my doubts.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The NFLPA has always been the weakest of the player unions. I suppose part of the reason is the brevity of the average career. The members are fundamentally handicapped in fighting for elements of an agreement that do not go to the most basic, short-term benefits. And because of the short career spans, a large number of the members are extremely young -- 26-27 years and younger. Their sense of what will be important to them years down the road is limited.

And that circles back to your point. Because of the inherent weakness of the NFLPA, it needs strong and savvy leadership, which it has never had.

The only real defense of the NFLPA is to observe that it simply never envisioned a commissioner becoming so power-hungry and manic in his sense of moral certitude. As the old Don McLean song went, "perhaps they'll listen now." But I have my doubts.

I think a big issue for the Players' Union is organization, and lack thereof. No long term planning or vision, and certainly no preparedness.

On one side, you've got owners who are billionaires. That kind of money allows you to be patient and to ride out the bumps.

On the other side, you've got players who manage to burn through millions overnight. Guys like Bryant McKinnie (look up that clown) who take out ridiculous interest loans because they've already managed to burn through every penny they ever made.

One side can afford a lockout, at least for a while. The other side can't. And yet, the players and their union do nothing to try to change that.

And if nothing changes, nothing changes. And the owners will always win.


1st Round Pick
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You must have missed the part that said "grant the committee full authority to do a deal." If the owners were worried about the actual number itself then they shouldn't have delegated that authority to the compensation committee.

Let's just be honest here. We all know what has happened since May that led Jerry to change his mind. Let's not pretend it is about something else.

I would agree with you but if you look at Goodells contract, his demands, and the state of the NFL it's hard to say that all of that stuff didn't have something to do with it as well.

Moving on from Goodell is the best thing for the league. I can't believe other owners want to stick by him unless Roger is just giving them favorable treatment.


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Is Jerry included with this?
No. We only count it when someone not involved with the Cowboys does something stupid and terrible.

When someone in our organization steps out of line, we blame it on the refs or the media or the league office or--obviously--the Giants' owner.


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I’m getting really tired of the NFL. Never thought I’d say that but it’s almost come to the point where I have no interest in watching another game. Goodell is the worst commissioner in the history of sports.
This. I usually casually watch the Thursday and Monday games and perhaps one game other than the Boys on Sunday. I just don't have the interest in broadcast that comes with the games anymore. On top of that, I really don't have any interest in supporting the league with my time at all. Sad that it took me to this point to figure out how terrible the game has become. There's a flag on every other play and a "professional" in the booth who decides if the call is correct. There's the drama of who stand ands and who kneels at the anthem. There's the drama on the sidelines of players and coaches interaction. The drama of a correct hit or tackle with the helmet above/below the waist. Mix that with a million overplayed commercials and where in the hell is the game of football itself?


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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I hope that there is a real group of owners that stupid and enough balls to be taken quickly to court and thrashed for blatant stupidity in the real world. Jerry, by NFL standards, is no eye sore waiting to be punished.

I'd quit watching the NFL entirely, if that ran the course...

I already did. I would recommend everyone else do the same. The NFL is far to big for their britches these days. They need the Harvey Weinstein / Kevin Spacey treatment. A complete and utter backlash so strong that they get whiplash and are forever injured by the fallout.


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I would agree with you but if you look at Goodells contract, his demands, and the state of the NFL it's hard to say that all of that stuff didn't have something to do with it as well.

Moving on from Goodell is the best thing for the league. I can't believe other owners want to stick by him unless Roger is just giving them favorable treatment.
I agree and I can't believe how so many of these owners support Goodell.


Star Power
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Jerry Jones bought the Dallas Cowboys for $140 million.

Roger Goodell is asking for salary demands of $50 million for 5 years. That's $250 million total for those who can't do the math, $90 million more than what Jerry paid for the franchise.

The value of the franchise has jumped to over $4 billion dollars in his tenure as owner. In this period, he has helped make almost every other owner in the NFL billionaires.

Yet, some owners have the audacity to tell him to cease and desist for an NFL commissioner who not only has done nothing of significance, he has made the league worse.


Get out of here.