News: BTB: Keep calm and don’t panic Cowboys fans, the franchise is doing just fine


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I'd take him at a decent contract. But the contract he can get and wants is going to be massive. I'd pay him like a 10 sack a year guy. He wants top dollar. Don't blame him. I just wouldn't pay him that. Paying him what he wants and getting 8 sacks a year will be a massive waste of money. If he has an 8 sack year this coming season his price will drop and probably sign a decent contract. If he has another monster season I let him walk with the contract he is going to get. If he gets injured I'd give up on him. I love the decision to tag him. I wouldn't rush a contract for him.
You make some good points.
I don't want to be like the Giants who are paying Olivier Vernon 85 mil for 7 sacks a year.
Now, if Lawrence lights it up - 12-15 sacks + great run defense - then I'd consider a long term deal, but at the same time you cannot pay a non-QB, QB money - almost 20 mil a year. It's one reason why I would be for taking another DE in the first round if the right one is there.


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You make some good points.
I don't want to be like the Giants who are paying Olivier Vernon 85 mil for 7 sacks a year.
Now, if Lawrence lights it up - 12-15 sacks + great run defense - then I'd consider a long term deal, but at the same time you cannot pay a non-QB, QB money - almost 20 mil a year. It's one reason why I would be for taking another DE in the first round if the right one is there.
The Giants got better today btw...traded for Alec Ogletree. Meanwhile we sit on our hands and read articles from Dallas sports media writers making false claims how we been "busy" behind the scenes lol...


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The Giants got better today btw...traded for Alec Ogletree. Meanwhile we sit on our hands and read articles from Dallas sports media writers making false claims how we been "busy" behind the scenes lol...
There are plently of good moves to be made that the Boys will probably not make.
Every year there are solid vets like a Chris Long that would immediately help the team.
Affordable too. They just turn the other way though. It is what it is unfortunately lol.


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There are plently of good moves to be made that the Boys will probably not make.
Every year there are solid vets like a Chris Long that would immediately help the team.
Affordable too. They just turn the other way though. It is what it is unfortunately lol.
Its all a effort by the Jones Clan to appear as if they are the movers and shakers in the league and they THINK they can achieve this by doing things in an unconventional manner on their terms...even though its failed miserably to date. The true definition of insanity man.


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Its all a effort by the Jones Clan to appear as if they are the movers and shakers in the league and they THINK they can achieve this by doing things in an unconventional manner on their terms...even though its failed miserably to date. The true definition of insanity man.
I know right? And if you notice, it is always one extreme or another with them. Jerry has always liked to dish out big contracts like it's Christmas and Stephen is afraid to pay anyone more than vet minimum.
I'd like to see a little bit of rationality and moderation to Free Agency and trades.
Y'know, like taking a look at some of these solid mid-level FA's?


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I've stated my position too many times to count. My mistake is assuming regular posters know where I stand, but that's actually arrogant and stupid. Aside from a small handful of friends, who would remember MY opinion, let alone care? My other mistake is an inability to keep my mouth shut. I see something I consider stupid, and I feel compelled, nay DRIVEN, to scoff and comment.

I LOVE football, especially the Cowboys, and I'm Hellbent on enjoying it. I'm also a big believer in the folly of second guessing driven, highly intelligent and richly compensated professionals. In addition, I don't like to blame any single person or event for the team's failure. I believe it's a collection of many factors together--a veritable "death by a thousand cuts".

I gotta say, I'm VERY dissatisfied with the absence of the Cowboy dominance I grew up with. I'm frustrated by the vanilla and predictable playcalling (consecutive empty sets in the RZ is a pet peeve), the poor halftime adjustments, Jerry's meddling and bad drafting, and the obviously biased officiating and league's harassment. But through it all, I endeavor to retain hope, patience and good humor. Everything has it's limits, however, and if we can stay healthy, draft well, and not get screwed by the league and it's zebras, and we STILL flop, I'll pick up my pitchfork and torch and lynching rope, and join the "Tar and Feather Garrett Club".
nice post...i'll add a pet peeve of mine to your mix...this fascination with Garrett always wanting the ball first to begin the game. I just think its more of an advantage getting the ball after haltime.


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first of ALL THIS IS NO DIFFERENT THAN THE OPPOSITE DOOM AND GLOOM FAN SIDE..we are 22-10 the last two season , 39-28 the last 5 years and they have been slowing do a soft rebuild toward youth , letting go of Romo, Ware, Free retiring Leary gone, Murray gone, and 18 ST/Defensive players from 2016 gone, they also let go of the failed FA before the season ended last year and started two rookies on Offense at key positions..we are rebuilding toward youth and yet we are competitive and winning, sure its a disappointment last year but there were REAL reasons .. Its not looking at it with rose colored glasses, these fan sites do the complete opposite and looking at it with emotion and constantly comparing their team to others and acts as if we are Cleveland here.. we are NOT them or the bottom 10 in this league..we are in fact only 9-7 lat year because of major losses to stars, failed FA, retirement, and horrible scheduling..9-7 was a miracle that all that happened..if not been for collapses in the rams and GB games in the 4th qtr we would have been in the playoffs..thats reality we were beating the crap out of both those teams which were at the time playoff teams playing well... we had a chance mid year to be 6-2 but those games derailed us than the rest with zekes suspensions and injuries just was the knock out blow but in the 12th round not the first..this team is better than most on here want to see..Mistakes are and were made by US for sure coaches and GM failed us with depth but it was still at midseason a playoff type team , it just didn't end well..

so yes FO and Team writers may be a bit over the top on the upside but you guys are ridiculously ripping your own team when its really not as bad as you make it..lets all change our glasses..a nice shade of polarized blue would be good..

I get it. You're Ok with the lack of real results, the excuses, the ineptitude. You say exactly that in your post. But you are in the vast minority on this site. The majority on this site are not OK with it. What has that 22-10 record the last 2 seasons got us? One playoff appearance, a home field loss while we had the #1 seed. How about the last 5 years? Ten years? Twenty? Go ahead & make the excuses, again, they're right there in your own words. You can call it doom & gloom, the rest of us call it reality.
BTW, try punctuation, it's real helpful in getting a point across.


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The point here is we don't have to go out and win the FA contest every year, but we shouldn't be sitting idling by either, we have players who are going to get cut, is it wrong to try and trade and get something for them? this team has a lot of holes, FA should be used to address some of those holes before the draft. I think like most of us here...this FO is not even at work or making any calls around the league.


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nice post...i'll add a pet peeve of mine to your mix...this fascination with Garrett always wanting the ball first to begin the game. I just think its more of an advantage getting the ball after haltime.
Yeah, I'd LOVE to see s little variation, at least!


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Its all a effort by the Jones Clan to appear as if they are the movers and shakers in the league and they THINK they can achieve this by doing things in an unconventional manner on their terms...even though its failed miserably to date. The true definition of insanity man.
I find this to be extremely accurate.


The Excellence of Execution
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The Cowboys are TOO YOUNG. They're missing key, veteran players with PLAYOFF or SUPER BOWL experience. Who are the younger players looking to in preparation for the divisional round or if we're lucky, the NFC Championship? In the past 8 years, the majority of the roster has experienced two winning seasons with quick playoff exits; they've generally been associated with LOSING. We needed a Richard Sherman or need an Earl Thomas, just to have players who have been to the dance, because the Cowboys certainly haven't gotten there.


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I get it. You're Ok with the lack of real results, the excuses, the ineptitude. You say exactly that in your post. But you are in the vast minority on this site. The majority on this site are not OK with it. What has that 22-10 record the last 2 seasons got us? One playoff appearance, a home field loss while we had the #1 seed. How about the last 5 years? Ten years? Twenty? Go ahead & make the excuses, again, they're right there in your own words. You can call it doom & gloom, the rest of us call it reality.
BTW, try punctuation, it's real helpful in getting a point across.
In my 15 years or so associated w/ online websites, I've seen most complete homers turn into negative nancies. As I have myself. I'm not a naturally negative person at all, but when you see obvious mistakes happening over and over and over, you'd really have to stick your head in the sand to not get tired of it.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Dallas is still the winningest football team ever.

It just makes me laugh when I see things like this.

I have been a fan longer than many of you, and I could care less about the historical win/loss percentage.

The Chicago Bears are third all time. I wonder how many of their fans bask in that glory.

The Steelers are 11th. Are they all busted up that they are not even in the top 10?


Well-Known Member
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It just makes me laugh when I see things like this.

I have been a fan longer than many of you, and I could care less about the historical win/loss percentage.

The Chicago Bears are third all time. I wonder how many of their fans bask in that glory.

The Steelers are 11th. Are they all busted up that they are not even in the top 10?
Well said.

And not what I wish to rely on concerning my fandom.