Dez Calls Out the "Garrett Guys" With C's On Their Jerseys


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Garrett is, has been and will remain the biggest issue with this team on Sundays, but Jerry and Stephen, those enabling him, remain the single biggest detriment to this franchise.

Maybe so, but they got this right. No more brutal dropped by Dez as a Cowboy.


"You want some?"
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No, you give me a break Mike.

If you want to close your eyes to this stuff, that's all on you.

But I'm done listening to excuses for these guys.

And player after player after player being ripped on their way out the door as these frauds stab them in the back and save their own worthless hides.



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Yet more honest words from a guy who's been there but is no longer beholden to the Cowboys to keep his mouth shut.

But hey if some fans need to blind themselves to the truth, that's on them.

Do I really need to post Dez's stats and salary the past 3 years ? Dez can buy a dam country club.
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I'll be honest, when the season got wrapped up I thought a good amount of Dak's problems were on Dez.
But a few things have changed my thinking quite a bit. Including some of the ridiculous contracts given out to guys like Watkins.
If THAT is the market for guys that catch 30-45 balls a year, plus this apparently not being a great WR draft, then I don't see getting rid of Dez
with no viable replacement as a good thing at all.

It just shows you that the team is basically managed by crisis and not planning. The Patriots dangled Brandon Cooks and came away with a first round pick. Why not dangle Dez? What the heck was their to lose.............unless it was just a rash decision only recently decided. Not exactly comforting.
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Dez could have easily took the high road and went on about his business. But nope. He thinks him getting cut is some big deal. Players are cut constantly in this league. Even the good ones get this treatment.
We let Ware go. Wouldn't let Tony back on the field, then released him.

Did he expect to be immune from release, when Ware and Romo weren't?

Dez had a lack of production, failing health, and failing athleticism. He hasn't comes to grip with any of that, and instead interprets being cut as personal persecution. It's too bad.


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You tell me. We're Bryant's numbers any better then?

Who's hiring as offensive coordinator did Dez Bryant's decline coincide with?
No, cause the player sucks.

But our OC got a rookie QB to the pro bowl. We had a rookie RB in the running for rookie of the year. To be beat out by our rookie QB.

All the while making the play offs with a middling defense.

Listen, Garrett angst is justified. Linehan has not fully run his offense due to Garrett. I know you like hating on Linehan. Like it or not, his offenses have largely been very successful. His head coaching skills are lacking. But he's not our head coach.

And to not hold the player accountable is just ignorance on your part.


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Cry me a river, the chump is no longer a Cowboy and I can officially hate the guy (more so than I already did)