Dez Calls Out the "Garrett Guys" With C's On Their Jerseys


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Dude. Trust me when I say that Garrett now has one year to impress with a deep playoff run. The gauntlet has been laid down.... & not by Jerry.

Garrett will find himself meeting with Jerry in less than a year if he doesn't deploy less clapping and more leadership.... STAT!

Agreed. No need to hear any of that garbage about Jerry being too close to Garrett either. Hes proved time and again he will release/fire those he is the closest with.

PA Cowboy Fan

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I think Garrett has secured his spot for so long because he is very agreeable to the Joneses;
They don't view him as a threat to their collective Egos.
It seems they view that as "loyalty", thus he is rewarded with job security.
Guys like Dez (who I was kinda on the fence about until I saw some of those FA WR contracts dished out.
Sammy Watkins, Lol?) who have spoken out about the predictable scheme, playcalling, ect...get the axe.
Unlike before with Demarcus Ware, and to a lesser degree Romo, this move does not make logical
sense to me at all. The offense needed more talent at reciever, not less.
Not this year, anyhow. No rookie is going to come in and give you what Dez (even a declinining Dez)
gives you. And what about the defense? Now we are going to have to burn a top pick on a WR
in a poor reciever class? I do not like that one bit.
This team needs to be concentrating on the defense and this is just one more reason they'll ignore it.


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Just another example of the mental midget that is Dez. I loved this kid. But the past 3 years killed that love for me.

People need to look at the production folks. That's what matters most. Throw that in with an attitude and you got yourself cut.
dez has blamed everyone but himself. IMMATURE.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
And if they couldn't trade him?

Heck at least they gave the guy a couple weeks before the draft to try finding another team.

Someone out there must have noticed that Dez's production decline coincided with the demise of his QB. So, if that is the case and Dez still has some juice in the tank, he's well worth the 25 million over 2 years left on his contract. I guess we are about to see what his market value really is.......


"You want some?"
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Someone out there must have noticed that Dez's production decline coincided with the demise of his QB. So, if that is the case and Dez still has some juice in the tank, he's well worth the 25 million over 2 years left on his contract. I guess we are about to see what his market value really is.......

Dallas didn't care about Dez' market value. If they did, they would have asked for a pay cut. Instead it was a firing.

Yeah, Dez still has something left in the tank, but whoever signs him is going to have to put up with his constant shenanigans on & off the field.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
What are we playing? Freeze tag?

You and your rants and out right hate for Dez is old.
Think I will just put you on ignore for awhile, maybe until the season starts so I don’t wast any time on your crap.


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We have all of these players, from Dez to TO to Butler to Scandrick to Church and some others all talking about how Garrett manipulates the situation for his own benefit, even at the expense of the players or the team.

Now you can choose to not believe it, but I ask a question......What has Garrett accomplished or earned that makes him so above board that the word of multiple players should be totally ignored? In other words, why such an allegiance to somebody that has accomplished so very little in their entire coaching career?
Don’t forget Crayton. I wonder what he thinks of this situation now.


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Jane Slater should have brought a mirror to her interview for she could show him who to blame.


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Someone out there must have noticed that Dez's production decline coincided with the demise of his QB. So, if that is the case and Dez still has some juice in the tank, he's well worth the 25 million over 2 years left on his contract. I guess we are about to see what his market value really is.......
I'll be honest, when the season got wrapped up I thought a good amount of Dak's problems were on Dez.
But a few things have changed my thinking quite a bit. Including some of the ridiculous contracts given out to guys like Watkins.
If THAT is the market for guys that catch 30-45 balls a year, plus this apparently not being a great WR draft, then I don't see getting rid of Dez
with no viable replacement as a good thing at all.