Twitter: Jerry: We have a QB we can build with for years to come


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So we draft a wr and spend some cash on another. We change the OC and go with Dak into 2019. We give Dak a new contract. We go 8-8 that season. Rinse and repeat.
Dallas continues to throw 200 yards in a 350 yards NFL.
JJ tells us our offence is as good as whoever is the No1 next season.
We draft another TE and WR in 2020. Change the OC. We go 8-8 that season .Rinse and repeat
Dak throws 200 yards in a 400 yards NFL.
JJ tells us the offence is as good as whoever is No1 that season.
Deja Vu baby!
I swear i'm getting too old for any more of this s***.


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I think he is trying to show Dak he has confidence in him. By not saying he doubts Dak to the open media. However, I still believe that if Dak struggles so much that it causes him to end the season with very poor stats and the Cowboys having a losing season, that Jerry will consider drafting a top prospect QB in the next one or two years.

I think Jerry wants a top WR again like Irvin or T.O. after watching the current WRs and seeing how a true #1 (Hopkins) can dominate and win games.

PA Cowboy Fan

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I'm not sure I'd put a lot of credence into this type of happy talk.

Wasn't Jerry talking really supportive of Wade just before he fired him?

This may be the Hail Mary prayer out in the rowboat just before Fredo was shot.

Or, it could be that Jerry is just drunk again.

The difference is the team quit on Wade. Doubt it happens this year.


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It doesn't matter. You're just scapegoating coaches. There isn't a coach on planet Earth that's going to win anything with a QB who can't throw.

Are you though? Have these coaches proven that they're winners or that it's not them? I mean what have they done without Romo bailing them out?

This is not a defense of Dak's own issues, but these coaches aren't helping him or anyone else either.


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It doesn't matter. You're just scapegoating coaches. There isn't a coach on planet Earth that's going to win anything with a QB who can't throw.

I clearly stated that I don’t agree with Jerry on the QB.

Although the coaching staff definitely matters. Dak is what he is, so I don’t think he’ll ever be a guy that sniffs a SB. But with that said, give McVay an off season with this offense and it would look drastically different. Like I said, Dak still isn’t a good NFL QB regardless, but the Cowboys offensive scheme is horrifically bad. Look at Goff with Fischer and then with McVay.


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Jerry is in a big denial about Dak. and he will be the last person to see the player is no good.
We are stuck for years to come with mediocrity.
Yea but he’ll sell a ton of jerseys. And he has quite a following after his sensational Rookie season. Butts in the seats.

And Jerry has to stick with Dak after booting Romo to the curb for him.


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I'm not sure I'd put a lot of credence into this type of happy talk.

Wasn't Jerry talking really supportive of Wade just before he fired him?

This may be the Hail Mary prayer out in the rowboat just before Fredo was shot.

Or, it could be that Jerry is just drunk again.

or....he actually believes it.


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As long as these words don't lead to a huge contract, that's all they are - words.

I've seen Jerry try to prop people up before, before they were ultimately shown the door.
I hope this is the case, saying what needs to be said so the team keeps competing.

nate dizzle

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This made me choose between a snot rocket or spitting hot coffee. I went with snot rocket...


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As long as these words don't lead to a huge contract, that's all they are - words.

I've seen Jerry try to prop people up before, before they were ultimately shown the door.
If we’re going to stick with Dak I’m fine with firing Garrett. He’s not going to have much success with Dak anyway.

Maybe bring in a college coach who can implement run and shoot or something.

My support of Garrett was always in hope he’d finally be in position to draft the next great HOF championship caliber QB.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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As I have said in the another thread.

If this team is going to keep Dak as it's QB.
They need to get rid of Linehan and Garrett this season or off season. Those two and Dak are not the right fit.

You need to get a OC who is going to basically set up an offense that is for a bus driver QB that throws check down throws and who can run the ball.
You better get WRs who are WRs that can get plenty of YAC because they will rarely get deep throws.
And you better get a copy cat of a back up QB so when the starter runs on a regular basis we have a back up ready to do the same if the starter gets hurt or needs a rest.

If you are going to keep Linehan and or Garrett...find a different QB.

I have also stated in the other thread that I can only hope that Stephen sees the problem and will talk Daddy Johnny Walker into changing his stance like he did with TO and Dez.

Actually one of the beauties of moving on to another QB (if it comes from the draft) that you move on from the potential of paying HUGE money to Dak in the next year or so. Money that can be spent paying Tank to stay and maybe getting a quality S, WR and TE while having a young QB from the draft.


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Trust Jerry he knows football look at his success as a GM. Jerry is a real Jack**s if he really believes this. Dak $ number is why he is here next year. Remember it can not be Dak's or Jason's fault Jerry says they are great so that's the way it is. Dak is Cam Newton and Jerrod Goffe in one QB say's Jerry so it's like getting 2 for one, what is wrong with everyone for not seeing this, Jason is just as good as Landry (sorry I used Landry's name in same sentence as Garrett's) why can't you people see it. The cowboys are a super bowl contender why can you people it. Trust Jerry he know football and is a legend in his own mind. Anyone how doesn't believe Jerry is the root problem of this teams incompetence needs to reevaluate their view. This team is doomed as long as Jerry is the ring leader, he really is a sick pathetic man