Skip wants Cowboys to lose the next 5 games


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As much as I try to rationalize tanking, I just don't understand it or have it in me.
This fan base is so bi polar. This same crap happened last year half way through the season. We lose...tank. Next week we win...we can getva WC! Next week we lose...tank. Following week...tank. Next week...we can still win!

It’s nauseating.
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I hate to say it but I agree with Skip.

My biggest issue, and this was also my dilemma when Tony was QB, is that we may have to sacrifice a good QB in the process of getting rid of Garrett.

I remember back when most fans could not stand Tony Romo because he was so horrible, too mistake prone, and just could not win the big game. I stuck with him in hopes that something would happen that would elevate Romo of the Garrett cancer when JG was setting all kinds of not-very-good franchise records for the Cowboys organization.

Not trying to say Dak is Romo as they are clearly two different people and quarterbacks, but I just hate that from my point of view, Dak is not being in a situation to succeed. Leadership matters. In the military, in sports, and in business. I've seen it all first hand and do not believe Garrett is a leader.

Yesterday listening to 105.3, I believe it was Ben & Skin were talking about how Linehan wanted Tony Romo gone so badly, that he made the simplest, most easiest to execute game plan for Dak to look amazingly good once Romo was ready to play again. Fast forward to this year, when we could utilize RPOs, Roll Outs, not almost running exclusively on 1st down when the game is competitive, and I wonder why the "trying to make Dak look good" game plan is no longer a concern.

FYI, the given reason why SL wanted TR gone was due to Romo always changing the called plays at the LOS. According to B&S, SL was also the driving force behind Dez, Frank Pollock, Wade Wilson, ect ... for no longer being on the team. Apparently he has that kind of power at Valley Ranch and he wanted Dak over Tony because Dak would not go against what SL wanted to run.

While I DO NOT agree with extending Dak to a LTD this summer unless it is for BU like money, I also DESPERATELY want to see what he can due under coaches that are NOT Garrett, SL or Moore.

Considering our 1st Round pick gone (which IMO was the right call because without Cooper, this WR/TE group was just not good enough regardless of who the QB is/was), I am hoping Dak gets exactly ONE year under a different coaching staff to prove whether or not he is Starting QB material.

I know that this is not popular among Cowboys fans. But my wanting to stick with Romo several years ago was not popular and yet now most Cowboys fans would do anything to get him back.

I will be the first to admit that I have no clue whether or not Dak will justify my belief in him, but I am willing to bet that he does not have the leadership team in tack to put him in the best position to succeed.


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While it would force a staff change,(and warranted) I’m still concerned because Jerry and Co.are the ones who put this together in the first place. The FO needs to change how they put a winning club together,or it’s totally pointless and we’ll be doing this again the next go round.


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Skip is a poser that wants clicks, page views and people watching his show. He is not a Cowboys fan.


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How about we’re basically one game out of being tied for the division, let’s try actually winning it before throwing in the towel like a bunch of quitting sissy losers?

Oh, just like last year, right? Yeah, lets waste another one in this failed "cause". After all, it will only be 9 years, lets shoot for an even 10!


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While it would force a staff change,(and warranted) I’m still concerned because Jerry and Co.are the ones who put this together in the first place. The FO needs to change how they put a winning club together,or it’s totally pointless and we’ll be doing this again the next go round.

But even if that happens, the next guy won't get nine years to fail and founder.


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Conversely, I don't care what you think about it. If losing a few games now gets Garrett fired and am actually capable coach hired? Just tank baby!
Makes perfect sense coming from a typical hypocritical Cowboys fan. Literally in the same thread you go from saying “I don’t have it in me” to “just tank baby!”.

Off your meds or iust been a Cowboys fan too long?


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Makes perfect sense coming from a typical hypocritical Cowboys fan. Literally in the same thread you go from saying “I don’t have it in me” to “just tank baby!”.

Off your meds or iust been a Cowboys fan too long?

What is the "I don't have it in me" quote from?



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Oh, just like last year, right? Yeah, lets waste another one in this failed "cause". After all, it will only be 9 years, lets shoot for an even 10!
We were one game away at the end of the season and people were wanting to tank half way through the season!

Whatever dude, hell with it, since everyone can see the future I’ll be the first to shout I hope we tank next season, and the season after.

Mark this post, I want Jerry gone because he’s ruined my last 20 football years and I don’t want him to even sniff success. From here on out, I hope we lose every game until Jerry is dead.

Go Philadelphia! I hope Wentz tears are pathetic secondary up and exposes them for the over rated chumps they are. Wentz will make Richards his dog and I’ll love every minute of it. Good luck Philly, everyone over here is pulling for ya! Help us out!


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But even if that happens, the next guy won't get nine years to fail and founder.
I don’t want superficial changes...I want the FO to change. Troy really hit the nail on the head. They can keep doing this laundry washing,but it’s not going to clean what’s really needed.


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We were one game away at the end of the season and people were wanting to tank half way through the season!

And what did we end up with? Yet again? Disappointment and a lesser draft pick. The Garrett specialty. I'm glad that you were happy though.

Whatever dude, hell with it, since everyone can see the future I’ll be the first to shout I hope we tank next season, and the season after.

Well, that's a bit extreme, but sure you do you bud.

Mark this post, I want Jerry gone because he’s ruined my last 20 football years and I don’t want him to even sniff success. From here on out, I hope we lose every game until Jerry is dead.

Go Philadelphia! I hope Wentz tears are pathetic secondary up and exposes them for the over rated chumps they are. Wentz will make Richards his dog and I’ll love every minute of it. Good luck Philly, everyone over here is pulling for ya! Help us out!

Wow dude, you have a bad attitude!


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I don’t want superficial changes...I want the FO to change. Troy really hit the nail on the head. They can keep doing this laundry washing,but it’s not going to clean what’s really needed.

Maybe it's a start. It's better than nothing changing, I think we can agree on that.


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Nobody worth knowing cares what Skip Bayless says or thinks. And nobody who knows sports thinks the time to tank is after you've given away the draft pick that would've benefited from that tanking.
