Skip wants Cowboys to lose the next 5 games


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I don't think it's going to matter. This team is only going to win a couple more games. They play the next 2 on the road plus the Saints coming up. It will be pretty hard to win those anyway.
exactly, that is why I say dont tank, try to win next 3 and if they lose it is same as tanking , only you tried.

but If they were to win the next 3 then I doubt anyone would then want them to tank.
they would be 6-5 if they win next 3, that would be something lol. but that is what they need to do if they
want a chance at playoffs or div. and it is possible, just not very likely.


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I hate to say it but I agree with Skip.

My biggest issue, and this was also my dilemma when Tony was QB, is that we may have to sacrifice a good QB in the process of getting rid of Garrett.

I remember back when most fans could not stand Tony Romo because he was so horrible, too mistake prone, and just could not win the big game. I stuck with him in hopes that something would happen that would elevate Romo of the Garrett cancer when JG was setting all kinds of not-very-good franchise records for the Cowboys organization.

Not trying to say Dak is Romo as they are clearly two different people and quarterbacks, but I just hate that from my point of view, Dak is not being in a situation to succeed. Leadership matters. In the military, in sports, and in business. I've seen it all first hand and do not believe Garrett is a leader.

Yesterday listening to 105.3, I believe it was Ben & Skin were talking about how Linehan wanted Tony Romo gone so badly, that he made the simplest, most easiest to execute game plan for Dak to look amazingly good once Romo was ready to play again. Fast forward to this year, when we could utilize RPOs, Roll Outs, not almost running exclusively on 1st down when the game is competitive, and I wonder why the "trying to make Dak look good" game plan is no longer a concern.

FYI, the given reason why SL wanted TR gone was due to Romo always changing the called plays at the LOS. According to B&S, SL was also the driving force behind Dez, Frank Pollock, Wade Wilson, ect ... for no longer being on the team. Apparently he has that kind of power at Valley Ranch and he wanted Dak over Tony because Dak would not go against what SL wanted to run.

While I DO NOT agree with extending Dak to a LTD this summer unless it is for BU like money, I also DESPERATELY want to see what he can due under coaches that are NOT Garrett, SL or Moore.

Considering our 1st Round pick gone (which IMO was the right call because without Cooper, this WR/TE group was just not good enough regardless of who the QB is/was), I am hoping Dak gets exactly ONE year under a different coaching staff to prove whether or not he is Starting QB material.

I know that this is not popular among Cowboys fans. But my wanting to stick with Romo several years ago was not popular and yet now most Cowboys fans would do anything to get him back.

I will be the first to admit that I have no clue whether or not Dak will justify my belief in him, but I am willing to bet that he does not have the leadership team in tack to put him in the best position to succeed.

Thanks for that insight into the game. I'm pretty sure that Garrett is the driving force in making sure that Linehan follows the playbook. Thus both those clowns are the real reasons why this offense is underachieving. Dak has regressed. But the reason for that is he's forced to run this plays that don't work and not allowed his style of football. I too am not sure if Dak is our long term solution at QB. But I know that the problem lies with the coaches. Mainly Garrett and Linehan.. You get rid of both those clowns and we have ourselves a viable football team.


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This team doesn't purposely have to tank. The inept coaches will do us in even without trying. Watch us go 5-11 for the year.


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I don't think tanking is in any way positive for a franchise. You can still fire a 7-9 head coach.

Especially when you don't have a first round pick to tank for.


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Blame the oline all you want, but when Dak holds ball for an eternity, what do you expect?


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Skip Ball-less is a tool. I'm not gonna agree with anything he ever says, even if I know he's right.


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Isn’t this the fair weather fan Kelce was talking about? I don’t care how people justify it, tanking is a loser mentality and is for losers.
do not believe he meant tanking, just hoping they lose so JG gets fired.


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The objective every year is to win the SB. I don't see this team even close to getting to the SB. It's time for a change at HC. The offensive scheme and playing is tormenting to watch, and I"m tired of wasting talent. If having a losing season gets JG fired, I'm all in, but not this week. I need the Cowboys to beat the Eagles. Living here in Philly, the misery will be glorious.


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You want short term satisfaction at the expense of long term success. Sometimes successful organizations/people take a couple steps backwards in order to take 3 steps forward.

If I was on the field I would do everything possible to win, but I am a fan. We all want a Super Bowl Championship. A few wins this year WILL not get us a Super Bowl, but a bunch of losses might get rid of Garrett. Getting rid of Garrett gives us an opportunity to win Superbowls. With Garrett, practically no chance.
If you really want change, our best hope is continue losing until Jerry hires a real GM.
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It’s JJ fault. He thought getting Cooper mid season was going to some how spark something. I think the players gave up.

The spark was there to be had, but the early QB redzone failures reminded the team that they need more than a spark.


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If we keep on buying tickets and merchandise, watching the games on TV to bring rating up for this cash cow, it is another spin on Jerry's cycle.

If you want to wish something, wish Jerry steps down completely and stays away



Rising Star
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I think most of us would be shocked if they won more then one of those games, you can't win in the NFL without offensive production.

The worse part as a fan is now we don't even have the draft to look forward to.

Sadly I am at the point that I am starting to not care if they win or lose any more, just going to watch and root for them. Troy is right the front office is dysfunctional and change is needed, but it is all pointless if the 2 guys making those changes don't know what they are doing.