If there's an obscure penalty that hasn't been called in 15 years


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I had no idea the defense could get a delay of game penalty, unless a player threw the ball down the field after a play.

That's the problem. Fans don't know the rules. Just like with the Dez no-catch. When something happens, they go straight into outrage meltdown mode instead of the rulebook and then are too emotional to come back and actually read. Here are the other delay of game penalties and even this isn't an exhaustive list. (d) is the one that applied here, obviously.

ARTICLE 5. OTHER DELAY OF GAME FOULS. Other examples of action or inaction that are to be construed as delay of the game include, but are not limited to:
(a) a player unnecessarily remains on a dead ball or on a runner who has been downed;
(b) the snapper repeatedly snaps the ball after the neutral zone is established and before all the officials have had a reasonable time to assume their positions (see 7-6-3-c);
(c) undue delay by either team in assembling after a timeout;
(d) a defensive player aligned in a stationary position within one yard of the line of scrimmage makes quick and abrupt actions that are not a part of normal defensive player movement and are an obvious attempt to cause an offensive player(s) to foul (false start). (The officials shall blow their whistles immediately.) If the defender is walking or running toward the line of scrimmage in an effort to time the snap, but stops abruptly because the snap is not made, it is not a foul for delay of game;
(e) spiking or throwing the ball in the field of play after a down has ended, except after a score;
(f) intentional contact with the football to delay the snap or the officials’ ability to make the ball ready for play; or
(g) when a timeout is erroneously granted. See 4-5-1-Note for enforcement.


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The refs are so bad everything should be reviewable if a coach has a challenge flag. So stupid, some of the toughest plays to officiate,judgement calls, should definitely be reviewable. Pass interference can change a game because the ref thought he saw a push, while running full speed backwards. What a joke! I hate Pittsburgh but they got robbed on a pass interference in the end zone vs NO’s today. If it was reviewable they could have corrected the terrible call.


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That's the problem. Fans don't know the rules. Just like with the Dez no-catch. When something happens, they go straight into outrage meltdown mode instead of the rulebook and then are too emotional to come back and actually read. Here are the other delay of game penalties and even this isn't an exhaustive list. (d) is the one that applied here, obviously.

ARTICLE 5. OTHER DELAY OF GAME FOULS. Other examples of action or inaction that are to be construed as delay of the game include, but are not limited to:
(a) a player unnecessarily remains on a dead ball or on a runner who has been downed;
(b) the snapper repeatedly snaps the ball after the neutral zone is established and before all the officials have had a reasonable time to assume their positions (see 7-6-3-c);
(c) undue delay by either team in assembling after a timeout;
(d) a defensive player aligned in a stationary position within one yard of the line of scrimmage makes quick and abrupt actions that are not a part of normal defensive player movement and are an obvious attempt to cause an offensive player(s) to foul (false start). (The officials shall blow their whistles immediately.) If the defender is walking or running toward the line of scrimmage in an effort to time the snap, but stops abruptly because the snap is not made, it is not a foul for delay of game;
(e) spiking or throwing the ball in the field of play after a down has ended, except after a score;
(f) intentional contact with the football to delay the snap or the officials’ ability to make the ball ready for play; or
(g) when a timeout is erroneously granted. See 4-5-1-Note for enforcement.
As if on que..and how many of those have been called in the last 5 years? Dlinemen are changing gaps constantly


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That's the problem. Fans don't know the rules. Just like with the Dez no-catch. When something happens, they go straight into outrage meltdown mode instead of the rulebook and then are too emotional to come back and actually read. Here are the other delay of game penalties and even this isn't an exhaustive list. (d) is the one that applied here, obviously.

ARTICLE 5. OTHER DELAY OF GAME FOULS. Other examples of action or inaction that are to be construed as delay of the game include, but are not limited to:
(a) a player unnecessarily remains on a dead ball or on a runner who has been downed;
(b) the snapper repeatedly snaps the ball after the neutral zone is established and before all the officials have had a reasonable time to assume their positions (see 7-6-3-c);
(c) undue delay by either team in assembling after a timeout;
(d) a defensive player aligned in a stationary position within one yard of the line of scrimmage makes quick and abrupt actions that are not a part of normal defensive player movement and are an obvious attempt to cause an offensive player(s) to foul (false start). (The officials shall blow their whistles immediately.) If the defender is walking or running toward the line of scrimmage in an effort to time the snap, but stops abruptly because the snap is not made, it is not a foul for delay of game;
(e) spiking or throwing the ball in the field of play after a down has ended, except after a score;
(f) intentional contact with the football to delay the snap or the officials’ ability to make the ball ready for play; or
(g) when a timeout is erroneously granted. See 4-5-1-Note for enforcement.
Why call that delay of game? The NFL has some dumb rules.


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The league office should be required to release a formal statement analyzing why that call was right or wrong when calls like that go. How in the world do you call Lawrence for a delay when all he was doing was pointing at the TE who moved when Lawrence shifted inside?

I want to see them try to defend that call.
I was yelling at my wife and her sister that in 40yrs of watching football I don't think I have ever seen a call like that.


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As if on que..and how many of those have been called in the last 5 years? Dlinemen are changing gaps constantly

It's not about changing gaps, it's about abrupt movement causing the offensive line to move. Was what Lawrence did abrupt or not?


The Labeled One
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I look forward to whatever else the NFL can think of in two weeks.

I'm waiting for....

-the use of an illegal number on the D-line Reid #51

-Randy Gregory....too high an SAT score.

-Tyron Smith illegal use of eqiupement...using too big a brace on arm.

-LVE unsportsman like conduct.....making too many tackles.

-Unsportsman like conduct on the Hot Boyz...Too many club members.

-Personal foul...Jason Garrett...(clapping) too loud

-Illegal use of cell phone...spying

-A 'Palpably Unfair Act' penalty on Jeff Heath. To my knowledge, it has never been called in the NFL (in college, on more than one occasion). It allows the Referee, in his judgement, to mark off any such yardage that seems equitable, expel the offending player(s)/coach(es), and/or award points (TD or FG). The Referee is required to confer with his entire crew before enforcing this penalty.

-Dead-ball foul vs Elliott. Using an invisble prop



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I though there for awhile the refs were going to throw a flag on dak for being scared? 15 yard penalty for fear.
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The whole league has become a joke due to sorry refs. College refs would be a huge upgrade of these nimrods.

The bloody replacement refs would be better. In fact, I'd ask some of the World Cup refs to do these games.


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You know you're in other posters' heads when .... lol.
Here is what I posted in the other thread on this play.

Let's talk the DLaw play and since no one ever does this. Like ever. Let's look at the actual rule. It's clear Troy and Joe Buck had no idea what the rule was. I respect Pereira but think he missed a small detail that might have influenced the call. Notice the underlining (emphasis mine).

ARTICLE 5. OTHER DELAY OF GAME FOULS. Other examples of action or inaction that are to be construed as delay of the game include, but are not limited to:

(d) a defensive player aligned in a stationary position within one yard of the line of scrimmage makes quick and abrupt actions that are not a part of normal defensive player movement and are an obvious attempt to cause an offensive player(s) to foul (false start). (The officials shall blow their whistles immediately.) If the defender is walking or running toward the line of scrimmage in an effort to time the snap, but stops abruptly because the snap is not made, it is not a foul for delay of game;

First the play real speed with the clocks. Lawrence is clearly not set for his rush (and appears to be watching the play clock) and then right around 1 to go and Winston getting under Center, does a jerky-type move to move inside causing the TE to move.


Here is what I think Pereira missed. Notice how when Lawrence made his move with his head first looking right, he does a head fake left as he jerks over to the right. Who does that if they're simply changing gaps? I get "hopping" over to get your feet set but why the head fake, and right at 1 on the play clock? Could the officials have seen that as an obvious "quick and abrupt action?"


Of course no one agrees because we're always the victim but I am giving an honest assessment at what officials might have been looking at. Videos are posted. The hate will ensue. But can people for once just debate the video instead of the usual diversion tactics?

Except, even Mike bloody Pereira said it was a rubbish call, and he's the rules expert on Fox. He's allowed to slide a bit on the line to get a better matchup, and he's perfectly right to point to the play clock when it's at nil. How many players point at each other or the clock when they see movement or the clock at nil? Sorry mate, but this one, I think you're dead wrong.


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I think the penalty wasn’t the “point”, it was that DLaw shifted causing the TB player to move. So, it was the fault of the Dallas player that the Tampa player loved, Dallas penalty

Biggest crock of kaka I have ever seen. This game was amongst the worst officiated that I have ever witnessed

Yes, and he's perfectly right to move along the line of scrimmage if he sees fit. He never crossed the line, as far as what I saw, so that's not the issue here. I don't know what the refs saw, but Pereira stated quite clearly that it was a rubbish call. I think a lot of people would agree that it's rubbish. Even JJ Watt shifts about on the dline. As long as he doesn't cross the line, then he's fine, as far as I know.


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Except, even Mike bloody Pereira said it was a rubbish call, and he's the rules expert on Fox. He's allowed to slide a bit on the line to get a better matchup, and he's perfectly right to point to the play clock when it's at nil. How many players point at each other or the clock when they see movement or the clock at nil? Sorry mate, but this one, I think you're dead wrong.

But people said Pereira was a hack when he called the Dez play not a catch, lol. People want to appeal to authority when it's convenient instead of looking at what actually happened.

You're only paying attention to what the broadcasters said. Troy and Joe had no idea what the rule was. They were talking about Lawrence pointing which was after what the play was actually about, which was Lawrence's abrupt motion causing the TE to flinch. You simply can't do that by the rule. And that happened with 1 second left on the play clock which is why I showed the video with the clocks. You don't think Lawrence's motion was abrupt when does a head fake one way but moves the other way?