Boycott the SB


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I know I have the unpopular opinion about this whole play, and argued with my friends right after it happened last night, but here's my thoughts:

I understand why there was no call made. :eek: (and for the record, I was rooting for the Saints)


The ref closest to the play was standing behind the WR/CB, and from that angle, and the ball's arrival and the hit were pretty damn close. No, Robey-Coleman (RC) didn't make a great play on Lewis and the ball, he just got lucky that he arrived "around" the time the ball did. So, from the back ref, it was hard to tell, so no flag.

The refs farther away with better angles likely thought, "Well, since the ref closest to the play didn't throw a flag, and I can't 100% say whether the timing wasn't inadvertently perfect by the DB, I better let it go too." Thus, no flag from anyone else.

The bottom line, I think it was much closer than people are giving credit, in regards to the ball's arrival and the timing of the hit. And certainly for the ref behind the play (closest to the play), it looked even closer, as the trajectory of the ball may almost have been blocked by the players making contact.

And no, I don't think a personal foul because RC "targeted the WR with his helmet" should have been called. It wasn't some egregious hit to the head...RC didn't lead with his head or anything. Their helmets simply made contact because of the hit. Sure, a personal foul could have been called, but that would have been a stupid penalty, IMO. And no, it wasn't a blatant hit to "a defenseless WR" because RC was certainly try to break up the play....and all in all, he didn't exactly blow Lewis up. Sure, they could have called the personal foul for "a hit to a defenseless WR", but I think 80% of these calls are bogus anyway...because "a defenseless WR" is so subjective.

So, ultimately, no call was made, and yes, one COULD have been called, but I totally see why none was made. IMO, it was that means the call simply didn't go the Saints way.

Last, Brees had a chance to take command of the game on 1st down of that drive. They called a pass on 1st down (which I was fine with, even though all the pundits said they should have run on 1st and 2nd downs...and I get it, to use the Rams TOs)...and on that 1st down pass, it was a quick, high percentage throw to Thomas. And he was wide open on a quick slant because of a subtle pick play, and Thomas at worst was going to get 5 yards and keep the clock moving (forcing the Rams to take a timeout like a running play), more likely going to get 10 yards for a 1st down (which would have basically sealed it), or he was going to score, for the Saints to take the lead by more than a FG. But you know what? Brees (who I love, by the way), he blew it. He threw the ball right into the ground at Thomas' feet, no catch. As soon as it happened, I thought, "Oh snap, that's a big play right there, a big miss by Brees."...because the clock stopped too. And that put more pressure on the next 2 plays for the Saints.

Now, if that would have been Dak who missed that easy throw, this forum would have blown up and asked for his head on a platter....PROOF that he can't make the big plays when needed. :confused: Brees didn't execute, and that simple missed throw was it would have never came down to hoping the ref makes the call on 3rd down. When he goes back and looks at that 1st down play, he'll remember that...that was on him, and that could have easily sealed the game.

And of course, no, I ain't boycottin' the Superbowl, because I didn't even boycott the Superbowl when the blew the call against the Cowboys against the Packers when EVERYone knew that Dez caught that ball. :mad: No, it wasn't an egregious decision by the refs that it was no catch, because by the letter of the law, they maybe made the right call, but what a stupid rule in the rule book for what a catch is.

So for me, it was not some OBVIOUS missed call, not by any stretch of the imagination. The hit wasn't even a full second before the ball arrived, it was a bang-bang play, closer than many are giving credit in the heat of the moment.
Didn’t agree with everything but appreciate the long post


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I thought this entire thread was ridicules.

It won't be the last time a bad call costs a team and a game is made up of countless variations that could change the outcome. I respect those people's decision not to watch but I have not, nor will I ever miss a Super Bowl. Football is a passion of mine and I will not let anything deny me of that passion.

But then you posted and Star I have to say if the Stealers were in a Super Bowl against the Eagles or Giants or Commanders - I can absolutely see myself not watching.

Thanks for reminding me - never say never! :clap:

I think for some people, football is a passion, but when you see time and again that passion being tainted over and over again by questionable officiating calls, not just bad ones but suspicious ones, it calls into question the sanctity of the results. There is still plenty of football to watch other than the NFL if people decide to boycott it. That doesn't make them any less passionate than you. It just means they're more fedup with what's been going on (whether it's just epic bad officiating or something more sinister)


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I haven't watched the last 4 Super Bowls, nor will I watch this one.

I am apathetic towards the NFL once the Cowboys are done. Meh.

I am too, and every year it gets easier to be apathetic, with the entitled, overpaid diva players, the super greedy owners, the stupid rule changes, the corrupt Commisioner, the litigation, agents, bad officiating, etc.


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I think for some people, football is a passion, but when you see time and again that passion being tainted over and over again by questionable officiating calls, not just bad ones but suspicious ones, it calls into question the sanctity of the results. There is still plenty of football to watch other than the NFL if people decide to boycott it. That doesn't make them any less passionate than you. It just means they're more fedup with what's been going on (whether it's just epic bad officiating or something more sinister)

Well put, DM!


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Come on.

These teams and games are so close that every little bit matters.

It's not as simple as just play better. Both teams went to OT.

But there are lots of missed calls the other way too (even a meme about it). All pf those played a role too. One play doesn't decide a game.

Fastpitch Dad

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I think for some people, football is a passion, but when you see time and again that passion being tainted over and over again by questionable officiating calls, not just bad ones but suspicious ones, it calls into question the sanctity of the results. There is still plenty of football to watch other than the NFL if people decide to boycott it. That doesn't make them any less passionate than you. It just means they're more fedup with what's been going on (whether it's just epic bad officiating or something more sinister)
Very well put.


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@CouchCoach in my opinion the wrong NFC team has been going to the Super Bowl since 1997. So I just have to suck it up and watch.


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If that called is made. Which it should have been. NO’s had at least a 98% chance of winning the game!

Many times games are close in the NFL, decided by the last play, etc. THAT is why everything should be reviewable, it’s common sense. We watch football for 5 months and the wrong team in the NFC is going to the Super Bowl because of the refs and the league. They have a rule that could have fixed that mistake, but the league didn’t use it! Ridiculous!!

Once again there have been many bad calls in the history of the NFL that have cost teams games and Super Bowls. Not sure why all of the sudden there is a huge uproar on this game. It is what it is and the ref made a mistake. Big deal the Saints should never have been in that position and only have themselves to blame. They had every opportunity after that call to win that game and they didn't.


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I’ll be watching for sure. Excited to see the two greatest minds in the game go head to head.

Excited to hear Romo announce it.

Should be a great game!


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
How many games are not dictated by 1 play?

The thing is, there are 20 one plays over the course of a game, whether bad calls, missed calls, dropped passes, untimely penalties, overthrown receivers, etc. Obviously we hate to see a bad call matter in the outcome, but the reality is the outcome of a game is never exclusively on one play.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I wonder how the NFL would react to a full out boycott effort by fans over their allowing the wrong team to participate through their own incompetent officiating? Do fans really care that much?

I really do wonder because the NFL can pull anything and the sheep still keep showing up for the shearing. Oh, we're sorry, we'll do better.

I do not have a horse in the race and was actually rooting for LA more than NO but this is a tainted SB. This is blatantly wrong, it is an injustice.

So, I will not watch this SB. Not only that but am contacting the sponsors of the NFL and SB to let them know I am not a prospect of theirs now or in the future for their support of this injustice.

It is not enough just to say this is wrong, they must feel it or they could care less. OK, I am not Don Quixote but I am doing the only thing I can by not supporting something that is wrong and I will feel better than watching a team that should not be there. A game that should not actually be taking place.

I am sick of the NFL and them not fixing something until it's broken. A team was more blatantly robbed yesterday than in the history of the NFL and while that is not the fault of the team that is representing the NFC, I will not be a witness to their misrepresentation.

It is not enough to just complain when we actually could affect them, if there were enough of us. So, won't you be my neighbor?
It’s an interesting proposal Coach. The NFL certainly deserves the wrath of fans for more reasons than the ridiculously atrocious call in the NFC championship game. Let us count the ways why us fans would be justified in boycotting the Super Bowl:

1. Despite what fans perceive, NFL players who make the game what it is, they get paid a much smaller piece of the profits because NFL owners continue to treat the players like hourly workers at a fast food joint rather than the wealth generators they really are. Compared to players in MLB, NBA and NHL, NFL players get paid peanuts of what the league generates.

2. NFL owners have proven for decades they don’t give a rat’s behind about real player safety because they do not pay enough attention to critical safety research on things like too many games being played within 10 days. Thursday night football is an example of this. Or the owners constantly calling for 18 regular season games.

3. Look at how the owners treat players that played pre-1993- those players get the most pitiful pensions compared to the other major sports. These are the guys that made the NFL what it is today. The owners also refuse to pay those guys adequate health insurance costs even though they sacrificed their their bodies for the glory and profit of the NFL.

4. Ticket prices. Look at the percentage of increase for ticket prices the last 25 years vs the increases in other sports. The NFL owners have increased prices for everything at a much higher percentage than other pro sports. And it’s not even close.

Bottom line...the NFL owners care about ONE THING AND ONE THING ONLY: LINING THEIR POCKETS.
The owners don’t care about their players, their fans, or the fairness of their game. As long as they get paid, they literally don’t care.


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Much better way to boycott is to boycott any product advertised i.e. if Coors is going to have a commerical, send a letter, text, twit, whatever telling Coors that you will be drinking Sam Adams or something until changes made. If Doritos then go to another chip. Best way for a Boycott to really hurt is to hit them where it hurts, the pocketbook. If advertisers see sales slipping not only for the Super Bowl but in general the next several months, you can bet they will put pressure on the owners to make significant changes. Then when preseason starts boycott those games in fact just protest outside the stadium. If thousands among thousands start hitting the owners pocketbook, then we will see changes.

There should be no way to referees looking directly at the play miss the PI call and the helmet to helmet. Humans make errors but that was inexcusable. Each member of that crew should be made to publicly apologize and suspended for at least a year if not permanently. The crew in the AFC game was almost as bad. The two calls for roughing the passer on Brady were phantom calls, the head referee could not even see where the defense hand was. He related that he saw Brady's head move, really, you cannot throw a flag when you do not actually see the foul.

Officiating is always subjective and humans will make errors but those errors in any game, championship or not, should have been gotten right. The NFL doesn't care about getting it right, they only care about the money and what they perceive as the best match up for ratings. There are extremely easy fixes to the problem and the last people to institute them is the NFL. Really, really, really poor leadership and policy making.


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Once again there have been many bad calls in the history of the NFL that have cost teams games and Super Bowls. Not sure why all of the sudden there is a huge uproar on this game. It is what it is and the ref made a mistake. Big deal the Saints should never have been in that position and only have themselves to blame. They had every opportunity after that call to win that game and they didn't.

Nfl needs to put all the officials that were responsible for looking at the ball and receivers behind the podium and explain to us all what it was they were looking at and why. The blame doesn't go to one guy because they're a team, and they're allowed to throw a flag as early or late as they like before the next play happens.

Considering the game being played, the score, the down and distance to go up this OBVIOUS no call is a huge blunder. This isn't any ordinary missed call.


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most all games. People might remember 1 play but in reality these guys play 60 minutes of football not just 1 play to win.
That 1 play was a BIG play in the worst time....But Brees was terrible..has been terrible since Dallas beat them ...


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Everyone is making a big stink about the play. The Saints aren't the only team screwed by a bad call in the history of the NFL. Yes, Dez caught it. Now they want to launch lawsuits etc. Get real, this is silly talk. The Saints lost that game on their own letting LA back into it, getting suckered by a fake punt and losing in OT. They had chances to win that game regardless of that call. You never let a game be decided by the Refs, they could have put out the Rams but they didn't.
2 straight years Saints lost in last second