Mike Leach on QB accuracy


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Where is the statistical evidence to support this supposed "inaccuracy"? If it were "accurate", there would be statistical evidence. And there isn't. There are missed throws here and there that some want to show in a video capture. But if it actually was an issue, the stats would bear it out. And they don't. His numbers are actually far better than his contemporaries and far better than many of the greats. That's the truth of it.

What matters more, the "five games" you've selected here, or the 48 + games in a career? Again, his career numbers don't show inaccuracy at all.

It wasn’t just 5 games. As the article states his numbers were dipping for the second straight season. That’s statistical and real for a season and 5 games. I think it’s a little crazy to soap box this so much when a real QB who studies the tape for a living states that he has accuracy issues. It’s not black and white. He could be 22-25 at 0-15 yard passes and be 0-7 past 20 yards. 22-32 isn’t horrible but if throwing downfield is an issue it’s accuracy. He improved with Cooper but not sure if it’s the WR making plays or Dak finally getting comfort with someone. Not sure why it’s so black and white on some of these issues.

The Houston game is perfect look at it

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But...but...but...he’s Dak and he play’s for the Cowboys! The homers will never get this.

It's not about "homers" and "haters" the way some want to portray it. A poster who views it that way, on either side, can only see extremes and therefore doesn't have a credible argument because as with most things, reasonable discussion can't be based only on extremes.

The more realistic, fair minded view with Dak is that, there have been times, and even games, where his accuracy has been off, and once in awhile we scratch our head over an individual throw that is particularly off target. But on the other hand, this isn't nearly the game to game, possession to possession, play by play problem some make it out to be. Bottom line is he isn't likely to ever be the most deadly accurate QB around, but neither is he a slouch that has no ability to make the plays that need to be made to win games.

The answer to his chances of success is in the whole package. For example, do some of the other factors - mobility/running ability, leadership, character etc, outweigh being somewhat less accurate than the most accurate QBs in the league.

My personal opinion is it all depends on how much progress he can make reading defenses and making quick, decisive decisions. If he can make significant strides toward that, I think he has a chance to be a franchise QB, but I also think the jury is clearly still out on that.


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Not to prolong the debate, but I daresay that most QBs are good when everything is perfect. And, with regard to a mano y mano shootout, I don't think Dak will ever be in the rarefied air of a Patrick Mahomes, but if the January 15, 2017 playoff game with Green Bay is any indication, then, yes, he can sling it in a shootout.

And he also out-performed Goff in the playoff game against the Rams this year. But watch both of these valid points be ignored. It destroys the false narrative these guys are trying to project.


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That's not the crux of this thread.

I'm arguing that point. That he's not accurate and that accuracy can't be taught or improved. That's 100% false on both counts.

I'm arguing exactly that.
That’s the basis of my opinion. That he’s not one of the prolific passing QB in the NFL.


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That’s why paying Dak elite money will kill this team. Dak needs elite players around him to make this offense go. If he has an average RB, average WRs or an average OL, this offense is doomed.

I’d let Dak play out his contract and if he takes some positive steps forward, by all means sign the guy. He’s just not worth 25 million per year right now.

We had franchise QB money allocated in 2016 and the team went 13-3 with a subpar defense. But sure I guess.

He had average receivers last season and the offense wasn't doomed. Yet again, wrong. Dak had a below average RB in week 17 and we had our 2nd best offensive performance. While having an average Oline all season long. SO MANY HOLES


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They discuss his accuracy issues, and how those issues hinder him and can be fixed.

They don't falsely claim he's inaccurate. Learn the difference. He's an accurate QB.
Correct. His stats clearly reflect in our toned down offensive scheme he’s very accurate with Dink and Dunk.

Unfortunately it’s culminated into a bottom tier passing attack which was resurrected with Cooper ending in 22nd in the league. Bravo!

I think the criticism is valid on his passing weaknesses. It doesn’t mean Dak doesn’t bring some assets and we obviously can have some success with him. But the bigger point as Erod refers to is does it put us on a more less keel with some of the other teams in Final 8 and their prolific passing QB’s?


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It wasn’t just 5 games. As the article states his numbers were dipping for the second straight season. That’s statistical and real for a season and 5 games.

And again, it's not enough to affect his career numbers to this point. Numbers which are better than Goff and Wentz, his contemporaries, and far better than many of what are considered to be the game's greats at the same points in their careers. Feel free to look those up.

I think it’s a little crazy to soap box this so much when a real QB who studies the tape for a living states that he has accuracy issues.

I love Troy, but do you find his words more than a bit ironic when Daks' statistics crush his own in ever way? Do Troy's words trump reality?

It’s not black and white. He could be 22-25 at 0-15 yard passes and be 0-7 past 20 yards. 22-32 isn’t horrible but if throwing downfield is an issue it’s accuracy. He improved with Cooper but not sure if it’s the WR making plays or Dak finally getting comfort with someone.

Actually, it is black and white. But the black and white numbers don't say what some people wish they would, so they don't like them.

Not sure why it’s so black and white on some of these issues.

Ask the guy who started the thread.


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And that will essentially be the end of another era of Cowboys football in terms of championships.

Dak is Jerry's newest Chutch/Henson/Quincy.
Nah!!! Not even close. Closed minded individuals that think the only way to win is with an elite QB think so. the fact of the matter is that Dak is good enough to win with a TEAM. Not everyone can be Dan Marino. Oh wait!! Bad example! Lol


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There is no coach that can teach Dak how to throw a football. You're either accurate, or you're not.

This isn't about poise. Dak has poise. So it isn't an experience fix that comes with getting "comfortable". Dak is comfortable.

And that's a problem because this just comes down to lack of ability.

Darius Jackson can practice all he wants, but he'll never be Zeke. Dak can work himself to the bone, but he'll never be an elite passer.

This is stupid! Mike Leach is a good coach, not great. maybe if he knew how to teach accuracy he would have won a championship.


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dak is going to get paid jerry has already said that if its not the right thing to do then the cowboys will continue to be what the have been for 23 years now a mediocre franchise that will win some regular season games and when they meet the better teams in the playoffs they will lose its for me to the point now where I don't get excited either way about the team now until things change at the top and with the head coach they are what they are I haven't seen any thing in the last four years that tell me that things are going to get better three division titles and o and 3 in the divisional playoffs pretty much tell u all u need to know


Regular Joe....
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Nah!!! Not even close. Closed minded individuals that think the only way to win is with an elite QB think so. the fact of the matter is that Dak is good enough to win with a TEAM. Not everyone can be Dan Marino. Oh wait!! Bad example! Lol

I actually lean towards this thought process as well. The problem with that is, as you probably know, you can't pay that QB like you would a Rodgers. That's where the problem comes into play IMO.


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Nah!!! Not even close. Closed minded individuals that think the only way to win is with an elite QB think so. the fact of the matter is that Dak is good enough to win with a TEAM. Not everyone can be Dan Marino. Oh wait!! Bad example! Lol
No doubt but with less than a prolific passing QB like most of the other final 8 teams does it present a greater challenge for us to overcome?

How much greater of team do we need to surround a less than prolific QB with to overcome?