Signed by Cowboys Tavon Austin Re-signed


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I don't think they have to do an injury settlement for a non-guaranteed contract but @Nightman could let us know.

I think the team has loyalty in some cases, they showed a lot of it in giving Josh Brent a make work job instead of letting him stew at home on the DUI tragedy. And they clearly love Hurns personally, you could see that with Garrett out on the field when he was hurt.

But that said, I REALLY don't see loyalty being stacked Four Million Dollars high. I think he is cut or renegotiated down - a lot.
It's typically done with undrafted guys and the like and isn't that much.
I could mainly see it as Dallas saying we don't have a roster spot for you but you worked all off-season and into pre-season so here's a parting gift.
After dealing with a lot of surly WR types Hurns seems to be a refreshing team first guy they want in that locker room.


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I don't think they have to do an injury settlement for a non-guaranteed contract but @Nightman could let us know.

I think the team has loyalty in some cases, they showed a lot of it in giving Josh Brent a make work job instead of letting him stew at home on the DUI tragedy. And they clearly love Hurns personally, you could see that with Garrett out on the field when he was hurt.

But that said, I REALLY don't see loyalty being stacked Four Million Dollars high. I think he is cut or renegotiated down - a lot.
No .... if he can't play because of injury then DAL has to make an injury settlement to cut him..... guaranteed or not

They picked up his option so they are on the hook like any other contract

I think they keep him and pay his full amount ...4m base plus another 1m in game day incentives


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I think they keep him and pay his full amount ...4m base plus another 1m in game day incentives


Blast From The Past

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I'm actually excited he's back. Low expectations, but there is potential if he can ever stay healthy. What he brings in the return game alone is worthwhile a roster spot.
I like it too. If Moore actually finds a way in which he can prosper in the NFL the way he did at West Virginia it would shut up the naysayers


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This guy must stay healthy. Even if it's just as a punt returner. A 15-20 yard return here and there will make a huge difference, let alone if he breaks one.


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Yup, I’m sure Moore will figure it out. That bum Sean McVay obviously didn’t know what he was doing.

Tavon is somehow going to live off of WV college hype forever. At some point people need to accept what he is...which is a great athlete with little to no football skill

Come on now, a little harsh. Coordinator just needs to be non Linehand.


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Yup, I’m sure Moore will figure it out. That bum Sean McVay obviously didn’t know what he was doing.

Austin was their 4th WR and playing on a contract for 4 years, 42 Miliion. But why lets facts get in the way of a good rant.


Vet Min Plus
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So will he get reps in the slot or continue to just be a gadget and st’s player? I’d like to see him get at least 1/3 of those reps in the slot...


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That's like saying you'd rather drive a Ferrari than a Ford.

Cole cost 30M over 4 years with 15 GTD.
Hurns has 0 GTD money and max of 4M in base.
Austin almost certainly took a pay cut and was working out at VR during his "free agency".

Beasley is a better player than either guy to be sure but he will also cost a lot more.
And had you re-signed him he still only plays 2/3 of your offensive snaps when fully healthy.

Hurns is 2+ years younger and Austin is one year + younger than Bease as well.

You can not pay players for what they were or what they did previously going forward long term.

Not really...more like paying a little more for extra features (I’m bad with car references)

Hurns and Austin will likely cost between $9-10M In 2019 and not be on the roster in 2020. So we’re talking $5-6M indifference in guarantee $...I’ll still take Beasley.