Golden Tate to NYG


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Oh my word!! That is a lot of money! I didn't realise the $23 mil was the guarantees. That is an absurd amount of money. I know he's quite good as a slot, but that is insane.

I agree. People want Dallas to sign they don't care about the cost but it is that cost that can alter what they are able to do with real star players on this team. Tate played like crap last season, he is all hat and no Cowboy. People can get upset I'm glad Dallas did not waste that kind of money for a mid tier player


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Amari Cooper will be a fun contract. Once Zeke, Prescott, and if Lawrence gets a big contract, fast forward 4-5 years, when the dead money piles up.

Yes, Cooper will probably be another to get an extension. I actually think that is the sort of reasoning for us to be as slow as we are with FA this year. I think the Joneses are quite aware of how massive the 4 of them are going to be with their contracts. Some may not be able to stay, but I reckon that they are saving quite a bit of cap for that very eventuality. I think Cooper will get extended with the fact that he did cost us a 1st round pick, and I think we're only going to get him for this year left on his contract. Therefore, Cooper is probably going to be a lock for an extension. As I said earlier, we have a bit more time with Zeke before we have to worry terribly, if I'm not mistaken. Really, it comes down to whether they value Prescott or Lawrence more.


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giants signed and lost on Olivier Vernon. same for nate solder. paid thru the nose and lost out on beckham. now golden tate. blew it with apple. blew it with Collins. now that's a lousy front office. some of us don't realize how fortunate we are to have Stephen.
That FO sucks but I wouldn’t say they blew it with any of those players but Vernon. Actually, thy got a top 11-12 guard and freed up a hair of cap space with the Vernon trade IIRC. They’re idiots for not starting the rebuild last year because they could have traded Beckham without paying him this year and they could have traded Collins but Odiva has become a liability and a headache, also injury prone. Collins isn’t worth what he got. Apple is a loser, why do you think we beat the Saints? We torched Apple all night.

It’s funny to see how many people want FA’s but criticize/laugh at almost every other team for paying them.


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I agree. People want Dallas to sign they don't care about the cost but it is that cost that can alter what they are able to do with real star players on this team. Tate played like crap last season, he is all hat and no Cowboy. People can get upset I'm glad Dallas did not waste that kind of money for a mid tier player

Agreed. I was thinking $16 mil max, as stated earlier. This is insane. I actually would've gone ballistic if we HAD made this move for THIS amount of money with Cooper still needing to be signed next offseason. So, we're sort of forced to extend Cooper, barring something catastrophic occurring. Then we need to sort out Dak and/or DLaw next offseason. So, we've got quite a bit of caproom, but the Joneses are being prudent again. I think they're actually planning well for the future. When I saw someone asking what they plan to do with the cap space, I must say I think they are actually being smart. Yes, we want to win with Dak while he's cheap, but, what's to say it works? There's no guarantee a highly paid FA will work for us. We, of all teams, should know that. It's not so much a bit of being in a process. It's more being aware, in my view, of what lies ahead. Besides, I like Dak, but let's assume he doesn't work out for us next year (I happen to think he will), then what? What if something catastrophic to this team occurs and we're forced to again make a massive move? I really actually quite like the sit back and let the stupid money fly about, then come in and make the move. Now, if this were the EPL, then we wouldn't have to worry about the cap space, would we? Alas, it's the NFL. Not to worry, the Eagles will realise soon enough about the cap issues.

The Patriots aren't exactly big players in FA either. We're in good company there. Obviously, we're NOT them, nor do we have the QB or coach they have. But, in terms of controlling cap space, this is the better approach in my view. Now, if the player available is someone you know full well is can't miss and you have an opportunity to get it, sure. Make the move. But that sort of player is really much more rare than some would like to think.


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I never had on thought of Tate coming to Dallas. And as for Tate going to NYG, nothing to talk about until they get a competent QB.

Cool, so now is time for DAL to sign a guy to match NYG move...I could go for another DT or perhaps a S.


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How about Jordy Nelson? He was released.

I dunno. He's quite good, but he is getting up there a bit in age, isn't he? I mean, he is 33 years old. But, I suppose he could be a frugal option with the fact he can't be commanding that much, and Lord knows what he used to do to us.


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I'm fine with this. Would have been an absolute waste of cap space to add another receiver at that price when this is a run first team. I mean how many looks would Tate get anyway? Money needs to be spent on a safety, d-line and DE. Of course they won't spend it there either so what the point I guess.


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Yes, Cooper will probably be another to get an extension. I actually think that is the sort of reasoning for us to be as slow as we are with FA this year. I think the Joneses are quite aware of how massive the 4 of them are going to be with their contracts. Some may not be able to stay, but I reckon that they are saving quite a bit of cap for that very eventuality. I think Cooper will get extended with the fact that he did cost us a 1st round pick, and I think we're only going to get him for this year left on his contract. Therefore, Cooper is probably going to be a lock for an extension. As I said earlier, we have a bit more time with Zeke before we have to worry terribly, if I'm not mistaken. Really, it comes down to whether they value Prescott or Lawrence more.

I agree organization are not just looking at 1 year of the cap they put plans in place knowing when they will need to deal with other contracts. They know they have guys like Dak, Zeke, Cooper and still working on longer term deal with Lawrence. We will have Byron Jones, Jaylon Smith and some others to deal with. I have no issue with mid level FA and getting some very key players resigned. Thus far the deals I have seen color me unimpressed if some others want to pay out the nose for guys like Thomas or a Golden Tate be my guest no rule says because someone else does something stupid you must follow


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I never had on thought of Tate coming to Dallas. And as for Tate going to NYG, nothing to talk about until they get a competent QB.

Cool, so now is time for DAL to sign a guy to match NYG move...I could go for another DT or perhaps a S.

Safety is where I'd reckon our next move will be. I think it might be another bit of a Covington sort of move where, not many people know who he is, but he's actually a bit of a diamond in the rough. Plus, I reckon that Richard could do a really quite good job with that sort of player. I mean, he did save Byron Jones' career, didn't he?

CT Dal Fan

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This sounds like a panic move after the OBJ trade. Remember how Tate was going to be the missing piece in Philly last year and he basically did nothing?

Plus, the Giants paid a lot of money for a receiver in his 30's that three teams (Seahawks, Lions, Eagles) decided they could live without. This could work out well for New York if Tate can regain his old form, or it could be a huge waste of cap.

CT Dal Fan

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Safety is where I'd reckon our next move will be. I think it might be another bit of a Covington sort of move where, not many people know who he is, but he's actually a bit of a diamond in the rough. Plus, I reckon that Richard could do a really quite good job with that sort of player. I mean, he did save Byron Jones' career, didn't he?

Give Richard credit, but the Cowboys' defensive staff is really at fault with Byron Jones. We had a lockdown corner since 2015 but we were playing him at safety. :facepalm:


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They'll get a 3rd round compensation pick for him next year though

Good point. I’m not totally familiar with the process of determining what round the comp pick they get will be, but a year from now at least they do recover something.