Randy Gregory Extended


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Randy being actively treated for his dependency works in his favor here.


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Someone remind me, but was there a reason for his suspension? Missed test or failed a test, or was it something he forgot to do or foreclose to someone?


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Well I disagree and apparently so do the Cowboys who know the situation much better than us.

As I said before I get called a homer when I agree and a hater when I don't. it is the Cowboys call to make and as a fan all I can do is give my view. We know not all things the Cowboys have chosen to do has worked out as they hope. Myself I think it is a mistake keeping a player who continues to get in trouble. I have no problem with giving a player a second chance but at what point do your chances run out?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
JJ will make Randy Gregory the face of getting rid of the marijuana rule in the NFL.

The players association alone will be enough to get that removed. I don't know whose in favor of keeping it banned anymore.


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Let's see...an NFL football season is a total grind on these guys. They are being physically abused for 4 hours/week not to mention the physical toll that practices and training can have on a body. So, in an effort to get some relief from the pain, and to keep these guys from checking out of games, the NFL is feeding them handfuls of opioids. Doing so has created additional addicts who are over-medicating themselves because they can get whatever they need from their training staff. Then you have a handful of guys, who see the writing on the wall, that are avoiding the addiction to opioids at all costs. We all know that Advil, Tylenol, Aspirin, etc. do jack poop for 'pain'. I'm not talking headaches. I'm talking physical pain that is so bad that you can't sleep, it's constantly on your mind 24/7 and there's nothing that you can take to make it go away. We have all been there. However, most have us have the option to rest, relax and avoid physical activities until we're healed. Unfortunately, these guys don't have that option. The few that do quit are roasted on boards, such as this one, for being quitters and wastes of salary cap space. How many Cowboys, past and present, have been or are currently, addicted to opioids? Not sure that I've ever seen anyone on this board ridicule a player based off of his addiction to pain killers probably because it's not public knowledge as the NFL doesn't want another black eye. And this black eye would be bigger than any of the black eyes that the NFL has ever had to deal with. With all that said, here we have a player who was mature enough to say no to opioids, say no to the addiction and say no to the NFL and their way of masking pain so that they can continue to deploy a product onto the field every week. Here is a guy who is constantly hated on because he chose weed for his pain and not the 'norm'. Anytime that Roger screws something up, and it happens all of the time, people here are all for whatever it was that made Roger look like a fool. And here we have Gregory, a guy who is giving Roger and his methods on treating pain the middle finger, yet it seems to me that a lot of people here are backing Roger by constantly berating one of our own because he's so weak that he can't give up his weed. So I ask you, would you rather him give up 'his' form of treating pain and treating it the 'Roger' way or should he stay the course, feel proud that he's not one of the NFL Opioid Brethren while giving Roger the middle finger. I, for one, am a fan of Randy and always will be. Stay strong 94!


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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Let's see...an NFL football season is a total grind on these guys. They are being physically abused for 4 hours/week not to mention the physical toll that practices and training can have on a body. So, in an effort to get some relief from the pain, and to keep these guys from checking out of games, the NFL is feeding them handfuls of opioids. Doing so has created additional addicts who are over-medicating themselves because they can get whatever they need from their training staff. Then you have a handful of guys, who see the writing on the wall, that are avoiding the addiction to opioids at all costs. We all know that Advil, Tylenol, Aspirin, etc. do jack poop for 'pain'. I'm not talking headaches. I'm talking physical pain that is so bad that you can't sleep, it's constantly on your mind 24/7 and there's nothing that you can take to make it go away. We have all been there. However, most have us have the option to rest, relax and avoid physical activities until we're healed. Unfortunately, these guys don't have that option. The few that do quit are roasted on boards, such as this one, for being quitters and wastes of salary cap space. How many Cowboys, past and present, have been or are currently, addicted to opioids? Not sure that I've ever seen anyone on this board ridicule a player based off of his addiction to pain killers probably because it's not public knowledge as the NFL doesn't want another black eye. And this black eye would be bigger than any of the black eyes that the NFL has ever had to deal with. With all that said, here we have a player who was mature enough to say no to opioids, say no to the addiction and say no to the NFL and their way of masking pain so that they can continue to deploy a product onto the field every week. Here is a guy who is constantly hated on because he chose weed for his pain and not the 'norm'. Anytime that Roger screws something up, and it happens all of the time, people here are all for whatever it was that made Roger look like a fool. And here we have Gregory, a guy who is giving Roger and his methods on treating pain the middle finger, yet it seems to me that a lot of people here are backing Roger by constantly berating one of our own because he's so weak that he can't give up his weed. So I ask you, would you rather him give up 'his' form of treating pain and treating it the 'Roger' way or should he stay the course, feel proud that he's not one of the NFL Opioid Brethren while giving Roger the middle finger. I, for one, am a fan of Randy and always will be. Stay strong 94!

Let me ask you this - lets say you (or Randy Gregory) were a cop with excruciating back pain, and smoking marijuana is the only thing that provides relief (at least that's what you tell yourself, true or not, to justify smoking dope). The police department prohibits drug use (for obvious reasons, duh). Do you think the department should make an exception just for you to allow you to do something that is a violation of law and policy?

That sounds like what you are asking the NFL to do - disregard the state and federal laws, and NFL policy against drug use. If you are suffering from such aggravating pain and you feel resorting to breaking laws and league rules is your only way to cope, maybe you shouldn't be playing a contact sport such as football. Personally, I thing he's just like David Irving and wants to do drugs when he feels like it, no matter what the rules might say otherwise.

By the way, practice sessions are watered down and have practically no physical contact whatsoever.


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so when NE picks up these kinds of players, most recently Gordon who quit on them, I guess they are smarter? all teams do this and paper is paper he can easily be cut without pay and no real risk for the Cowboys IF its for suspensions etc..maybe they have real reason and im trusting billion dollar corporation and the people Jerry was in meeting with that said do this for whatever reason then a bunch of internet GMs that think they have a clue abut running professional sports team..

How many chances do you think NE is going to give Gordon? How many?
I doubt he gets another chance after this one.


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Let me ask you this - lets say you (or Randy Gregory) were a cop with excruciating back pain, and smoking marijuana is the only thing that provides relief (at least that's what you tell yourself, true or not, to justify smoking dope). The police department prohibits drug use (for obvious reasons, duh). Do you think the department should make an exception just for you to allow you to do something that is a violation of law and policy?

That sounds like what you are asking the NFL to do - disregard the state and federal laws, and NFL policy against drug use. If you are suffering from such aggravating pain and you feel resorting to breaking laws and league rules is your only way to cope, maybe you shouldn't be playing a contact sport such as football. Personally, I thing he's just like David Irving and wants to do drugs when he feels like it, no matter what the rules might say otherwise.

By the way, practice sessions are watered down and have practically no physical contact whatsoever.

I respect your opinion. The one thing that I'll say is that medical marijuana is not illegal and is being prescribed all over the US to treat pain and many other things. It's the NFL who is not allowing the use of 'medical' marijuana and I'm on the side of the fence where I think it's BS. In regards to practices, how 'watered-down' are they? I've never played in the NFL so I don't have a clue as to how physically hard/draining they are.


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How many chances do you think NE is going to give Gordon? How many?
I doubt he gets another chance after this one.
He was a RFA this offseason and they tendered him using an original round tender which was the 2nd round(2nd highest tender you can give).

....so the Patriots are already giving him another chance.


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This is literally a low to no risk move for this team and you still got guys in here whining about us doing it. They say they care about the good of the team but this doesn't harm the team whatsoever. The reality is the ____ player (I'll let you guess what the blank adjective is) smoked weed and people on this board want him punished because they don't like it. End of story.


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How many chances do you think NE is going to give Gordon? How many?
I doubt he gets another chance after this one.
OMG guys, missing the point, them signing him AT ALL just the one time is GIVING HIM YET ANOTHER CHANCE..he exhausted his chances in CLE and NE went ahead and gave him YET another one.. its the same dang!! Thing!! whether its your own guy or someone elses, if you know the history and sign them anyone, SEE Hunt now..i get its not popular right now to even let Gregory have chance but its none of our business if the FO decided to extend him just in case, at a very low number basically VET MIN for one year..no true risk..nothing we should worry about..

I rather worry about game 1-16 and the playoffs.. RG hasn't held us up to this point and when hes suspended hes off the clock and unpaid..no risk..


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And what did it get them? Gordon played in 11 games and had 3 tds. Wasn't around for the playoffs. To me he wasn't worth it either...
my point was lots of other teams do this with players like Gregory, we arent alone, yet half these posts call us stupid and clue less and act as if its not going on around the league..


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1.5 mil in fines
And he is suspended now so not sure he gets much this year
No..... what I reported was after fines but the amount was only 2.3m(now 2.6m)

He has forfeited another 1.5m in fines


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
They maybe changing a rule or making exceptions before the next CBA. I would say JJ knows something we don’t. Indefanately is at least a year. Unless if he don’t play this year then the payment extends to the following year.
I love how people condemned something before it even happens though. It could be a very smart move I agree


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I respect your opinion. The one thing that I'll say is that medical marijuana is not illegal and is being prescribed all over the US to treat pain and many other things. It's the NFL who is not allowing the use of 'medical' marijuana and I'm on the side of the fence where I think it's BS. In regards to practices, how 'watered-down' are they? I've never played in the NFL so I don't have a clue as to how physically hard/draining they are.
If they used the non-THC strains they wouldn't fail the tests

They are still mainly using weed to get high, which in effect may numb them to the pain but that does not make it a medicine