Dez making his comeback. Still wants to play on Dallas as a possibility


Maple Leaf
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Dez in my opinion is a unique misunderstood case. He came from a hell of an upbringing. I'd imagine he took his release from the cowboys more personal than any other professional player would. Almost like family severing ties. I mean the staff and organization took him in and basically adopted him like a son. It's something else to come from where he came from and make a success out of it. The cowboys org had a big hand in that as did Dez by giving his own passion and commitment to the team for what he did. Having all the gifts in the world is great, but overcoming the mental hurdles he has overcome really says alot about his personal strength as a person. It would be nice for the fanbase to consider how far he came. Either way, hes had great success and hopefully he gets on with some team and still has some in the tank to do great things in the league.

He made a ******** of money. Not just a little, but a ********!

The Jones and the team went away above and beyond for him. The whispers are rampant about what the team did to cover up his indiscretions.

The Cowboys have to be about winning SuperBowls. Time to move on without any hesitation and guilt. We have done Bryant good for his career. It's tie Dez took on the responsibility of his life and his maturity without the blanket that was the Cowboys organization.


Maple Leaf
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I liked Dez when he came to Dallas and was proud for him overcoming what he had to in order to play in the NFL.

There were things that I loved about him: his physicality and his huge catch radius were a handful for DB’s. It was great watching him just bull through arm tackles and dragging guys with him into the end zone.

There were also things that I didn’t like about him from the start too: his routes were somewhat less than stellar and his emotional outbursts did nothing to help the team or the perception of the team.

It became clear at the end of his time in Dallas that his physically dominant traits were betraying Dez as they slipped back towards normal, taking away what made him special. The technical aspects of his position were never Dez’s forte, and unfortunately for him, there was no real foundation for him to default to once his diminishing skills began to abandon him.

Dez was never hard to cover... he was just difficult to stop. Once he lost his physical dominance, he was no longer special at all.

The rest of the NFL saw this as well and when it was coupled with his tendency to have “emotional outbursts”, teams just weren’t going to pay much for Bryant to play for them. Dez was in denial about his value to teams and passed on his only decent offer when he said no to the Ravens.

Now he’s recovering from one of the worst injuries a player can have, causing his value to plummet even further than it already was.

Dallas didn’t want him a year younger and before his Achilles tear... I can’t imagine they’d want him - at any price - now that his physical skills have deteriorated that much more.

I don’t think he’d be effective at all in the return game. Those days are gone IMO. He won’t be as effective on routes on a play-to-play basis as the other guys on the team. His routes just aren’t going to be anywhere close to what Cooper, Gallup, Cobb, and even Wilson is going to give the team.

That leaves just his ability to go up for jump balls, and frankly, after his Achilles, I’m not even sure he still has that in him.

The bottom line, IMO, is that there is really nothing that Dez can give to the team except for a media circus when he’s signed and a game by game concern that he’s going to blow up on the sideline.

I see no reason whatsoever for the team to go backwards and bring Dez back. I’d also bet that the team sees it exactly the same way. I don’t think there is a chance in hell that Dez gets another chance to play in Dallas. Like zero percent chance.

And unfortunately for Dez... he might not ever get another chance from any team, which I really do hate to see.

It's too bad I can't give this post more than one like.


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What happened when we let the Kraken into the locker room? What happened to Gregory? Other young players?

We don't know all the **** that has happened, but this is the time of the year when you set up you roster. This is the time to show true leadership and just say no to things that get in the way.

At work I always tell my staff that our job is to focus on the little things that build into making the 80% difference. Focus on the real 20%.

Dez's attitude that he has shown over the years has to be taken into account for. The time for Dez to pay the consequences of his actions are now.

The Dez situation is a real damning statement on the Jones' and their mgmt of what became a pet cat for them. Parcells was brilliant about the pet cat concept. It makes people do irrational things that are contrary to the team's goals.

No more stupid pet cats on the Cowboys!
No interested in the speculation, if you weren't in the locker room you don't know.

I clearly stated, I'm speaking on the field stuff. Your talking drama Bro, c'mon now.


Maple Leaf
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No interested in the speculation, if you weren't in the locker room you don't know.

I clearly stated, I'm speaking on the field stuff. Your talking drama Bro, c'mon now.

If you can avoid the opinions in this article this is a prime example of letting the fox in the hen house.

or this...

I guess I could begin a cut and paste exercise on the stuff about Dez Bryant, but I will stop here.

Dez has more drama than I can post about.


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I'm confident that Gallup is better than a 30 year old WR with a limited rout tree, coming off of a torn Achilles.

My issue is, Dez was drafted here. Still has millions of Cowboy fans. It's easy to take a backseat in Nawlins. Quite different to take a backseat here in Big D.

All speculation


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If you can avoid the opinions in this article this is a prime example of letting the fox in the hen house.

or this...

I guess I could begin a cut and paste exercise on the stuff about Dez Bryant, but I will stop here.

Dez has more drama than I can post about.
Haha...yo man. What are your opinions on the WR4 spot, the punt returner spot, the depth behind Coop/Gallup/Cobb?


Maple Leaf
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Haha...yo man. What are your opinions on the WR4 spot, the punt returner spot, the depth behind Coop/Gallup/Cobb?

I would look long and hard for a strong young player who has major position flex written all over him. Here would be the requirements for that position:

1. Some actual physical ability as a WR, but maybe was held back by his college team, scheme or not enough time actually playing WR.
2. Has to play special teams. Like seriously has to be a special teams player out the ying yang. Every snap!
3. I like kids with great ability, but don't open their mouths for nothing , but food and burping. Eat, burp and play your *** off like you are going to lose your job next week.
4. This is a position I would typically give to speed guy. Maybe a bit smaller, but not Beasley type small. We just hampered ourselves with that size.
5. I like smart kids. Not just football smart. I mean super smart. Like Ph.D. scary *** smart. Knows every play, and also knows the other half of the team's assignments. This would be great for the 4th WR who can fill in for anyone anytime because they know all the jobs.

The above would be my ideal #4. Remember we are looking for a #1, 2 or 3 for that matter. We are assuming we already have them. This guy doesn't make the stat sheet much, but everyone in the locker room knows what he brings to the table when he is on the field. He brings the energy and the juice without the baggage (cuz he's a f'in #4!), and they all know it.

Redball Express

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What you are witnessing is called professional courtesy and politeness. If you want to know the truth about any player get into a more private and personal discussion if you want the dirt.

The is the new NFL where anything you say gets magnified by a 1000 fold. Dez doesn't get that.

How can we even propose that NFL team fighting to even get into the playoffs would find benefit in signing an aging, somewhat lesser physically receiver, with a recent, not long past history, of immature behaviour in public?

I don't understand how anyone would even begin to put that premise together and say SuperBowl in the same sentence. What kind of **** is this forum prepared to take in order to see our team succeed. After all the handwringing on this forum on Gregory, Irving, purple drank LB and the multitude of youth detention centre candidates we have brought onto the team how does this all work along the path to the SuperBowl?

We need to move on.
I can not put Dez into your category of unsavory characters.

Yes he has had maturity issues.

Yes he is mercurial.

Yes I have screamed at the TV for him to shut up

But I have also screamed when he scored his record 72 TDs.

I have seen all our WR since 1965 and he was the best.

Even more than Irving.

So becuz we overpaid him and had to make a change at WR I am not going to change my mind about one of our greatest players ever.

Cooper has played 8 games for us.

I hope he is an answer going forward.

Same with Roy Williams and others.

But at 29 Dez is a product of us supporting him and it paid off big-time.

I wish him well.

I wish him back in Dallas to retire a Cowboy.

So shoot me.

I am fiercely loyal to players who laid it out there for us.

Nobody will talk me out of that.




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So much discussion about someone who will never play for the cowboys again. Doubt you'll see his name on the ring of honor.


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Can someone please provide a link to where Dez has issues with Witten? I’ve never heard of this prior to today. The only issue I remember was in 2013 where Dez was upset that the Lions marked down the field in 58 seconds to beat us in a game we had in the bag (which is normal for the Garrett era)


Well-Known Member
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So much discussion about someone who will never play for the cowboys again. Doubt you'll see his name on the ring of honor.
He will be in the ROH for sure. As he should be. Some people really do not like the guy at all. Haha.


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Apparently he is working out again.

Says Dallas is one of his places he would like to play or the Saints.

I will not ask becuz some of you will have heart attack.

Ahhh..sign him to a 1 year deal?

What is the risk?



H E W A S. A. C A N C E R !


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Did he mail it in after he got paid? Yes. Then I don't want him back. It's that simple.


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Sign him as a camp body. Cut him if he can't perform or add to the mix. However, I'm confident that he would add a different dimension and passion to a team that sorely needs it. Not to mention the fact that he loves the Cowboys despite previous differences.

Redball Express

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So much discussion about someone who will never play for the cowboys again. Doubt you'll see his name on the ring of honor.
I think you are just distorted about Dez.

You can not separate the troubled man from the excellent player he was.

I can.

So can lots of other Cowboy fans.

He never did drugs..

nor abused women.

Never was guilty of a crime.

But becuz he criticized the coaches and a few players for not supporting him at his release..

he's a villain?

Linehan deserved every bit of criticism about his play calling Dez made.

He was later fired.

Garrett and the ownership did not say anything except they appreciated his play.

You can go hear the videos on YouTube.

Ring of Honor?

Yes you will.

Jimmy Johnson?


Not while Jerrah is alive.


Well-Known Member
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I think you are just distorted about Dez.

You can not separate the troubled man from the excellent player he was.

I can.

So can lots of other Cowboy fans.

He never did drugs..

nor abused women.

Never was guilty of a crime.

But becuz he criticized the coaches and a few players for not supporting him at his release..

he's a villain?

Linehan deserved every bit of criticism about his play calling Dez made.

He was later fired.

Garrett and the ownership did not say anything except they appreciated his play.

You can go hear the videos on YouTube.

Ring of Honor?

Yes you will.

Jimmy Johnson?


Not while Jerrah is alive.
Let's put aside everything he did and said. The fact remains his production fell off dramatically. Mostly due to injuries. Also due to his failure to try and improve his craft. He wasn't worth keeping on the team. He's gone now. We don't want him back. His denouement has essentially been written.