Dez making his comeback. Still wants to play on Dallas as a possibility


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Apparently he is working out again.

Says Dallas is one of his places he would like to play or the Saints.

I will not ask becuz some of you will have heart attack.

Ahhh..sign him to a 1 year deal?

What is the risk?



we already have an over pair aging coming off major injury guy in room for two of them..

id say no just because of that..

Redball Express

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Just what I was going to say. I wonder if he could reinvent himself as a special teams ace (not necessarily with the Cowboys). The only reason we didn’t play him on punt returns as much back in the day is that we didn’t want to risk our number one receiver but those days are over.
He was our passing attack along with Witten.

And yes ST would probably be a role for punts deep from the end zone.

Dez can break tackles and run thru people.

When people want to point to Dez and the Achilles injury as finishing him .

I think not

Apparently the surgery has succeeded and he needs stretching and strengthening.

His back has had more than a year to feel better as well as his knee.

Who knows how this all comes together.

I wish him well.
Just hope it's with us again.


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1. You dont know if he isnt better than Gallup

2. He was willing to take a backseat to Michael Thomas in NO. I cant see why he wouldnt mind taking a backseat to Coop

3. How cares about Snake Lee???? Dude is done.

4. I agree with you here.

5. Good questions. Probably the only reason it wont happen.

6. Dez being back has no effect on Dak and Coops chemistry

I'm confident that Gallup is better than a 30 year old WR with a limited rout tree, coming off of a torn Achilles.

My issue is, Dez was drafted here. Still has millions of Cowboy fans. It's easy to take a backseat in Nawlins. Quite different to take a backseat here in Big D.


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Just like any veteran that isn’t in his prime.. at the right price I wouldn’t mind.

I should say tho.. I’m not sure if his ego would allow himself to be the 3rd or 4th string.

Cooper and Gallup should retain starting roles. And Cobb plays the slot, I can’t see Dallas seriously considering him at this point, exp since we could draft a WR to backup the starters.

I still love what Dez was for this team when Romo was around, but that was yesteryear. Dak and Romo never seemed to be able to get on the same page. Can’t see how that would change now
Dak is not accurate enough to make the passes that was Dez’s strengths. Dak has not shown the ability to throw the back-shoulder fades or the passes where Dez could high-point the ball. Dak doesn’t have the touch. Dez was good on slant routes , but Dak was not consistent enough to hit him in stride very often. Romo could make these passes and YouTube is full of Romo to Dez TD passes.


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#3 who gaf about Lee? Jaylon is the man on D now and he loves Dez.

Team chemistry matters. Sean knows the Wolf Hunter and Jaylon are the alphas. He's not gonna bark at coaches because he's not getting snaps.

Lee's not what he was and knows it. And although he won't be a team captain, players will still follow his leadership.

If Dez didn't bury the hatchet, teammates will notice and it (could) splinter the locker room. We don't need that (potential) drama.


Outta bounds
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I liked Dez when he came to Dallas and was proud for him overcoming what he had to in order to play in the NFL.

There were things that I loved about him: his physicality and his huge catch radius were a handful for DB’s. It was great watching him just bull through arm tackles and dragging guys with him into the end zone.

There were also things that I didn’t like about him from the start too: his routes were somewhat less than stellar and his emotional outbursts did nothing to help the team or the perception of the team.

It became clear at the end of his time in Dallas that his physically dominant traits were betraying Dez as they slipped back towards normal, taking away what made him special. The technical aspects of his position were never Dez’s forte, and unfortunately for him, there was no real foundation for him to default to once his diminishing skills began to abandon him.

Dez was never hard to cover... he was just difficult to stop. Once he lost his physical dominance, he was no longer special at all.

The rest of the NFL saw this as well and when it was coupled with his tendency to have “emotional outbursts”, teams just weren’t going to pay much for Bryant to play for them. Dez was in denial about his value to teams and passed on his only decent offer when he said no to the Ravens.

Now he’s recovering from one of the worst injuries a player can have, causing his value to plummet even further than it already was.

Dallas didn’t want him a year younger and before his Achilles tear... I can’t imagine they’d want him - at any price - now that his physical skills have deteriorated that much more.

I don’t think he’d be effective at all in the return game. Those days are gone IMO. He won’t be as effective on routes on a play-to-play basis as the other guys on the team. His routes just aren’t going to be anywhere close to what Cooper, Gallup, Cobb, and even Wilson is going to give the team.

That leaves just his ability to go up for jump balls, and frankly, after his Achilles, I’m not even sure he still has that in him.

The bottom line, IMO, is that there is really nothing that Dez can give to the team except for a media circus when he’s signed and a game by game concern that he’s going to blow up on the sideline.

I see no reason whatsoever for the team to go backwards and bring Dez back. I’d also bet that the team sees it exactly the same way. I don’t think there is a chance in hell that Dez gets another chance to play in Dallas. Like zero percent chance.

And unfortunately for Dez... he might not ever get another chance from any team, which I really do hate to see.


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He wasn’t a mature guy, so some old school fans that want their football players to act like white collar businessmen don’t like him. That’s my best guess.

I think it’s really born out of an adolescent desire to turn athletes into heroes and wanting those heroes to be unrealistically perfect in character and virtue.


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I remember seeing a few videos of him working out with his saints teammates during practices last year. he was so out of shape, he couldn't keep up. still lazy. probably contributed to his injury.


Maple Leaf
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Yall are something else, i tell ya

Yall are ok with Snake Lee being on this team, but wouldnt welcome back the 2nd Best Receiver in Team History :facepalm:

Here the thing. Lee may be just as inconsistent as Dez was in his final year, but one thing Lee doesn't do is run his mouth off.

It's not just performance, but its also locker room leadership that gels a team. We don't need Dez's ways anymore. His production doesn't warrant the risk his mouth poses to the team and the coaching staff. Time to move on.

He should find another team, and Dallas should find other WRs that fit their schemes.


Maple Leaf
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He always wass what you could say was a venter.

Witten and Lee may have not liked him but I never heard them say they were unhappy with Dez.

Here is what Witten had to say about Dez after he went to Monday Night Football.

I do not detect any problems b/w them.

That seems overblown.

Here is what Stephen Jones- had to say about Dez after cutting him.

Does not sound like there are alot of problems there.

What you are witnessing is called professional courtesy and politeness. If you want to know the truth about any player get into a more private and personal discussion if you want the dirt.

The is the new NFL where anything you say gets magnified by a 1000 fold. Dez doesn't get that.

How can we even propose that NFL team fighting to even get into the playoffs would find benefit in signing an aging, somewhat lesser physically receiver, with a recent, not long past history, of immature behaviour in public?

I don't understand how anyone would even begin to put that premise together and say SuperBowl in the same sentence. What kind of **** is this forum prepared to take in order to see our team succeed. After all the handwringing on this forum on Gregory, Irving, purple drank LB and the multitude of youth detention centre candidates we have brought onto the team how does this all work along the path to the SuperBowl?

We need to move on.


Maple Leaf
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From a football perspective:

WR4: Dez Bryant > Wilson, N.Brown, Lenoir
PR'er: Dez Bryant > Tavon

Dollars n Cents:

8 yr vet minimum salary was $915K in 2018. Dez at $1M is still a team friendly situation, plus w/o any guaranteed money.

As a Backup WR at Split and the punt returner at a near minimum salary is a no brainier on the field, now outside of that isn't none of my business.


What happened when we let the Kraken into the locker room? What happened to Gregory? Other young players?

We don't know all the **** that has happened, but this is the time of the year when you set up you roster. This is the time to show true leadership and just say no to things that get in the way.

At work I always tell my staff that our job is to focus on the little things that build into making the 80% difference. Focus on the real 20%.

Dez's attitude that he has shown over the years has to be taken into account for. The time for Dez to pay the consequences of his actions are now.

The Dez situation is a real damning statement on the Jones' and their mgmt of what became a pet cat for them. Parcells was brilliant about the pet cat concept. It makes people do irrational things that are contrary to the team's goals.

No more stupid pet cats on the Cowboys!


Village Idiot
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I think it’s really born out of an adolescent desire to turn athletes into heroes and wanting those heroes to be unrealistically perfect in character and virtue.

Not so much that. It just got to the point where his talent wasn't there anymore. Juice wasn't worth the squeeze.


Maple Leaf
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Beasley is overrated and a clown, and has been badmouthing the team since before he left. Dez is an all-time Cowboy and bad mouthed them after being done extremely dirty. We learned that the Patriots have Tom Brady and Bill Belichek, and have taken copious amounts of risk on lightning rod players over the years.

What Patriots players do you know have taken an exit like Dez only to be brought back into the fold by Belichick after a major injury?

Even Bill won't take back Amendola, ad when Danny gets his head out of his rear he will see what a difference the Patriots made in his career.


Maple Leaf
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Becuz we like our Cowboy players?

This FO at times makes significant mistakes.

It's why we have won nothing in 25 years.

The whole Dez release was handled poorly on both sides

If Dez is available and healthy..

the team says it is looking for a WR in the draft.

If they take one it will be a 5th Rd player..

nobody of any impact..

a ST player at best.

Dez is the Franchise leader in receiving.

Sort of nonsensical if you ask me.

We would keep Hurns over Dez?

You got to be kidding.

Because our next WR is going to be one that is based on position flex and contributes to the overall team dynamic.

I think Dez is not a player who can play multiple positions, gel a locker room of young and impressionable players together and keep his focus on the team.

He talks too much, reacts too much to other immature players like Jourdain Lewis and when the going gets real tough for him he breaks down on his craft and runs around the sidelines venting forcing other players to be parental influence on his childish behaviour.

We can't win with this guy. We have to find good positive players for this team.


Maple Leaf
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Can’t disagree. There would have to be a understanding if he came back. He wouldn’t be a starter. I think if we told him that then he likely wouldn’t want to come play for us. But there is still some skill left. But does it outweigh the possible negatives it could bring.

I think he will hamper Moore who will be staring over at the sidelines at Dez.

In my jobs as a leader I have always felt that giving a young guy a chance to succeed meant ushering the old guy out of the way. The best example in life I have of this is the Conan O'Brien/Jay Leno fiasco. It has now become a business case study in some MBA programs.

You can't leave the old guys running around the back alleys and hidden corridors. Take them out and let the new guys pave their own way.


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Name 10 receivers who are better than Dez right now.

This is not about Dez bashing. This is about moving on. We need to move on.
I know hes for sure damn better than Allen hurns, yet I dont see the hate for him that Dez receives