Twitter: Statement from Vegas Police regarding Zeke's incident


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I think some of you are getting worked up over nothing........the only reason it's getting this much attention is he's a Cowboys player....if it was an eagles or Texans player it would get very little attention.

No it’s attention worthy because he’s a NFL player. The persecution angle that he’s a Cowboy is hilarious.

He’s a NFL player with a history of off the field issues and bad judgment who has been under the league office’s microscope doing something incredibly stupid.


Lightning Rod
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No it’s attention worthy because he’s a NFL player. The persecution angle that he’s a Cowboy is hilarious.

He’s a NFL player with a history of off the field issues and bad judgment who has been under the league office’s microscope doing something incredibly stupid.

Gronk did worse and never even had a hearing


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I have to ask, would you pay this guy the same amount of money for a contract extension today, as you would have yesterday? It seems Zeke has a problem keeping his hands to himself. No control. How long before he is suspended for a year or more?
jerry and Stephen say it doesnt effect negotiations one bit but who know what they really think..:)


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it's the offseason, he is allowed to be human

Yeah to me, a NFL player with a history of off the field issues/questionable judgment getting **** faced drunk or high at 3AM to the point where you try to intimidate a security guard and then get handcuffed and led out off the venue isn’t “being human”.

It’s being stupid.


Lightning Rod
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Yeah to me, a NFL player with a history of off the field issues/questionable judgment getting **** faced drunk or high at 3AM to the point where you try to intimidate a security guard and then get handcuffed and led out off the venue isn’t “being human”.

It’s being stupid.

given what is alleged the guard said to him, Zeke showed great restraint in not putting him in an early grave


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Why is it so hard for some of you to understand that he his held to a different standard due to his status? Like it or not, that’s they way it is for all high profile NFL athletes. If this was a one time incident it wouldn’t get nearly the attention but due to his history and continual lack of good judgement it has become concerning.

I’m sure most people who are po’d don’t necessarily think the act itself was a big deal but between his repetitive pattern of behavior, failure to understand consequences for his actions and the fact that the NFL has been known to punish for less is the issue a lot of people have with this moron. He doesn’t get it and neither do any of you who continue to minimize and support this dolt.


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Not really a bump though was it? It was deliberate, unwanted contact, that resulted in the victim being pushed down. Although discretion is often applied by the police (as a previous poster mentioned), there is no question this meets the legal definition of assault. Look it up if you don't believe me.

Not predicting it, but It would not be a surprise to see a 1-2 game suspension result from this- especially given history.

Regardless, it's mindbogglingly stupid- especially after serving a 6 game suspension already.
Most folks can manage to attend a concert without ending up in handcuffs.

He should have called 1-800-No-Cuffs...…because no one looks good in handcuffs...unless you are into that kinda thing...

Sorry, the add is on the radio everyday....


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He should have called 1-800-No-Cuffs...…because no one looks good in handcuffs...unless you are into that kinda thing...

Sorry, the add is on the radio everyday....

Id love to prove you wrong, but Im not sharing pictures of my wife :D you don't have to be into that type of thing to agree. Now if that's not your thing, I'll share my pics, Im not shy :p


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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BTW......those saying it Zeke appears to be drunk are wrong. Think about it, no way in hell police releases him if they felt he was impaired. At a min, they'd lock him overnight and release him the next morning.

You're wrong. If there's a sober, responsible person willing to take him back to his hotel or otherwise keep an eye on him he'll be released nearly every time. No matter how drunk he is.


Lightning Rod
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I can't belive someone that's been around long enough for 33,000 posts can honestly believe what he wrote.

Gronk has been wasted in public, cupped a woman on a float, dry,, her. Everyone just laughs it off and says Gronk is just being Gronk.