Dak > Brady (since Amari)


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People should care less about efficiency and more about results. Dak's efficiency on 3rd down jumped 30 or 40 points on 3rd down with Cooper, but we were still at the bottom of the league in actual 3rd down success. Who care if someone is efficient if it doesn't translate into success?

And what do the numbers shown in this thread show? They show "results". Which you yourself say "People should care less about efficiency and more about results."

That's what we're doing, we're caring about "results", results that show that Dak as an individual, for the time that he had Amari Cooper, had better "results" than the greatest quarterback in the game.


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That's the easy way out for Dak haters. They keep saying Dak isn't elite or top 5 or whatever...... Newsflash, not a single Dak supporter has said that. I'm fact most say he is still developing and getting much better.

Watch them give credit to Kitna or Moore when Dak has an MVP type season....... Even though they bashed them signings as well. They bashed Cooper before he actually stepped on the field with Dallas, now they say Daks numbers only look better because of Cooper. Haha I remember these same guys bashing Cooper talking about he drops too many passes, wasted pick etc.

These guys flip flop more then anything I know. It's comical at this point.
not a single dak supporter has said that!! really...so why continue to compare him to Brady, Rodgers and Brees… come on dude.... seriously.....

and yes, if Dak has a good season, with Cooper and Zeke and Fredrick back and kitna helping to fix his fundamental flaws.... a lot of credit needs to go to Kitna….

but leave it to Dak lovers, since according to them Dak was a good QB while in his mother's womb!


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Crawford is highly paid...I guess he is a great player.....

and would you put that OL in the same class as Smith and Martin? come on dude.... your highly desperate attempts in making dak equal to Brady is failing miserably and its a joke and laugahable at best…. but you so desparatley trying to look stupid by that comparison...no one in their right mind would even make that comparison, but leave it to Dak lovers.....they resort to anything

Crawford is paid less than half the highest paid DT in the league.


Your attempt to misconstrue the surrounding talents of the two is crashing and burning in front of your face and everyone is calkins you out on not knowing the topic. Keep digging your hole:muttley:

Little Jr

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29th Red Zone offense in the NFL
18th ranked QB in the NFL
17 games of under 200 yards passing in 3 years.
15 str8 Q of offense without a Passing TD
Boys shut-out after a zillion years vrs Colts Last season
We lose when Zeke has under 75 yards of rushing.

How much more PROOF do you want there sheriff?
Are you 1 of those guys who say W's aren't a QB stat?


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Some of The same posters who argue and complain anytime someone mentions Dak’s record as a starter, also like to blame Dak for the Rams loss in a game where the defense gave up 273 yards rushing.


They say that Dak people are quick to blame everyone but Dak when something goes poorly, but then you bring up Zeke's poor 2017 and they're the first ones to blame everyone but Zeke.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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Some of The same posters who argue and complain anytime someone mentions Dak’s record as a starter, also like to blame Dak for the Rams loss in a game where the defense gave up 273 yards rushing.

2 playoff loses where we scored a total of 20 points in the 1st half.
Let's be honest here if Zeke or the Defense isn't at 100% we are NOT winning the game!!!
Now do you dare to ask the leader of our offense Mr. Prescott why that is?
Nah why bother with reality when its easier to live the Dak Dream......:omg:


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Some of The same posters who argue and complain anytime someone mentions Dak’s record as a starter, also like to blame Dak for the Rams loss in a game where the defense gave up 273 yards rushing.

I don't blame Dak for that loss... But not long before that... I said the defense has pulled the offense out of bad situations repeatedly this season... At some point it would be on the offense. The defense wasn't going to be there every single game. So when they weren't, we saw what happened.


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2 playoff loses where we scored a total of 20 points in the 1st half.
Let's be honest here if Zeke or the Defense isn't at 100% we are NOT winning the game!!!
Now do you dare to ask the leader of our offense Mr. Prescott why that is?
Nah why bother with reality when its easier to live the Dak Dream......:omg:

Yeah, blame Dak for the yards and points the defense gave up.


You want to talk "playoffs"? Let's do that. We can talk about exactly who and what causes this team to lose those playoff games.

Manage to look dumber.


CowBabe Up!!!
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I am a Dak guy but comparing him to Brady is silly. Brady is the best of all time. I don’t think there is any argument against that anymore.
I don't think the OP premise is that Dak is better than Brady. I think the premise is that those who say Dak is a bum, loser, noodle arm, joke, worst qb ever, etc., need to slow their roll and give him some credit for improvement shown. There is hope. Whether we sign him now or later, however much we sign him for, there is hope. We can win with Dak Prescott.


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2 playoff loses where we scored a total of 20 points in the 1st half.
Let's be honest here if Zeke or the Defense isn't at 100% we are NOT winning the game!!!

Now do you dare to ask the leader of our offense Mr. Prescott why that is?
Nah why bother with reality when its easier to live the Dak Dream......:omg:

So the failure to score 20 pts in the first half of the two playoff losses is all on Dak, eh?

You do realize in the Rams game the Rams had the ball for FORTY EIGHT plays in the first half, right? Cowboys? 22. Rams had the ball for over 36 minutes in the game. Bit hard to score a lot of points with 22 plays, unless you're in a high-volume passing offense or your running back is going crazy, like Anderson did in the Rams game.

And the Cowboys lost by a grand total of 8 pts to the Rams. You don't think if the Cowboys had had the ball a couple more times then they couldn't have scored more?

And as far as Zeke and the defense needing to be 100%, this is a run-first offense, of course if the running game isn't going well it's going to be tougher to win. But that's the way the offense is set up, apparently you want a 300 yard, 3 td a game quarterback and nothing else will do.

Well better find another team to root for, because THIS team isn't set up for that.

Look, few here, including myself, think Dak is the one of the top 5 NFL (as the rules are set these days) quarterbacks. He needs to get better. But saying he can't win with a perfect team around him is nonsense, NO team is perfect. Brady can't run, P. Manning had terrible stats his last year, Nick Foles was a career backup, and is anybody saying Trent Dilfer or Brad Johnson are sure-fire HOF quarterbacks? Certainly not, but they all won SBs.

Dak ain't going anywhere, and will shortly get a $30 million or better long term deal. It's fine to criticize his play, every quarterback gets criticism, but ridiculous statements like he can't win without a super running game and super defense are just silly....


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2 playoff loses where we scored a total of 20 points in the 1st half.
Let's be honest here if Zeke or the Defense isn't at 100% we are NOT winning the game!!!
Now do you dare to ask the leader of our offense Mr. Prescott why that is?
Nah why bother with reality when its easier to live the Dak Dream......:omg:
Just a question, who made the biggest play on 3rd and long at the end of the Seattle playoff game that gave us the win?


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Crawford is paid less than half the highest paid DT in the league.


Your attempt to misconstrue the surrounding talents of the two is crashing and burning in front of your face and everyone is calkins you out on not knowing the topic. Keep digging your hole:muttley:
OK, given you fragile ego and penchant and man love for Dak…..

Dak is as good as Brady.... happy now? now shoo and go live in your fantasy world.....


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Never mind Brady won his 6th SB, Dak > Brady. :rolleyes:

I agree hell you can't compare any NFL QB to Brady. However the comparison what was being made only encompassed the 2nd have of the season. Brady is a 19 Year vet entering his 20th season in the NFL while Dak is entering his 4th. If I was going to make a comparison to Brady it would be based on his 1st 3 years in the league not 19 seasons into his career.


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Hopefully this shows up right. I’m terrible with images

Y’all have got to STOP this madness!!! I get it, millennial Cowboys fans are cool with moral victories. It’s how this generation has been raised and ultimately indoctrinated. But, for most of us fans who aren’t from this snowflake generation, we care about one thing, championships. Ok, two things , competing for championships. Regular season stats and numbers mean as much to us as preseason stats and numbers. They are a complete waste of time and mean absolutely nothing!!!!!

If you can’t be the best out of 13 other teams, who cares about TD numbers, yards, completions, or even Wins. The ONLY thing that matters is Conference Championships and Championships. Something that has eluded Dallas for a quarter of a century now.

It’s embarrassing that people are comparing Dak with guys like Brady, Brees, Rogers, Wilson, etc. These guys are champions!!!! Stop, just stop!! It’s proving a lot of fans of other teams right when they talk about how delusional we are.