Dak and Zeke dont care about championships


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They may care about championships but not about the team. Or it’s cap room.

I never played college ball or came close to being paid for it. So not sure of how they view it. Do they play to get to the NFL and cash in. Do they want get that ring. I am sure they want it all. Do they truly love playing the game.


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Can someone PLEASE explain why its ok for NBA and MLB players to grab every dollar they can, when they have long careers, but if NFL players have comparably short careers and try to get every dollar they can, they are seen as selfish? Its not the players job to build the roster and build a championship team.

I mean, NFL players get paid less than other sports, dont have guaranteed contracts, can be cut and released pretty much anytime, have to deal with WAYYYYY more injuries during their career and during retirement and have shorter careers.

Yet they are supposed to "take one for the team".


as fans, we as treat this as business as business
if so, let gets stop saying somebody earned the money


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They may care about championships but not about the team. Or it’s cap room.

I never played college ball or came close to being paid for it. So not sure of how they view it. Do they play to get to the NFL and cash in. Do they want get that ring. I am sure they want it all. Do they truly love playing the game.
you need a really good team to win a championship


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Can someone PLEASE explain why its ok for NBA and MLB players to grab every dollar they can, when they have long careers, but if NFL players have comparably short careers and try to get every dollar they can, they are seen as selfish? Its not the players job to build the roster and build a championship team.

I mean, NFL players get paid less than other sports, dont have guaranteed contracts, can be cut and released pretty much anytime, have to deal with WAYYYYY more injuries during their career and during retirement and have shorter careers.

Yet they are supposed to "take one for the team".

I don't care about baseball or the NBA and what their players make. It seems those organizations don't have as strict as a cap. It also seems that team loyalty is not as expected in those sports anymore. Started with LeBron I think in NBA, and quickly went that way.

Just my 2 cents on that.


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OK, then viewership is down. Period. There are no extenuating circumstances as to why, per your requirements.

Well, the owners created the value of the NFL and the players are working hard to destroy that value. Goodell does not help either. The value is the game itself, not the star players.


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actually some are saying this guy earned this and the other guy earned or not earned that.
lets just skip these bs, and talk leverage and using these players like the commodities that they are

I understand the FAN perspective. But what about the player perspective. Yes its great when players give hometown discounts are make deals that are advantegous to the team.
But for every player that does that, you end up with an Earl Thomas who breaks his leg because he doesnt want to be a disruption and hold out and thinks the team will do "right" by him. Then everyone plays revisionists history and says" he should have gotten paid and not played". No **** sherlock, but its too late now.

I just dont understand the mindset.

When the 6th best player on a basketball team can get paid more than the best player on a football team and fans bring out the pitchforks and torches because said football player holds out, there is something wrong. Yes I know its two different sports and that needs to be taken into account. Still, marginal NBA players should not be making more than super stars in football. Its just stupid.


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Well, the owners created the value of the NFL and the players are working hard to destroy that value. Goodell does not help either. The value is the game itself, not the star players.

The brilliant aspect of the NFL is that it allows teams like Green Bay, Cleveland, or New Orleans the ability to build powerhouses just like the big markets. Other sports don't have that. So it's truly a fair league in that regard.

The owners need to implement salary limits on positions. Players don't like it? So what. Just ride them out. Most of these players can't rub two brain cells together; what else are they going to do?

The NFL is bigger than the players. They need to use that leverage.

NBA coaches now have ZERO power. They are literally no more prominent than the ball boys. Players coach the teams now.

Do we want that to happen to the NFL, too? If quarterbacks are making $75 million a year, they'll make the decisions, not he coaches.


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I understand the FAN perspective. But what about the player perspective. Yes its great when players give hometown discounts are make deals that are advantegous to the team.
But for every player that does that, you end up with an Earl Thomas who breaks his leg because he doesnt want to be a disruption and hold out and thinks the team will do "right" by him. Then everyone plays revisionists history and says" he should have gotten paid and not played". No **** sherlock, but its too late now.

I just dont understand the mindset.

When the 6th best player on a basketball team can get paid more than the best player on a football team and fans bring out the pitchforks and torches because said football player holds out, there is something wrong. Yes I know its two different sports and that needs to be taken into account. Still, marginal NBA players should not be making more than super stars in football. Its just stupid.

wait, we can treat this like a business or not.

when it is about the player getting the most, then it is about being a business

that means we drop the bs about fan perspective and player perspective.

the player grabs all he can but he is just a commodity, and leverage rules all.

we cheer when the front office can use leverage to squeeze the most player out of the cap

you cannot have it both ways.


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Young players don't often chase a ring. They want to get paid first and win second, in most cases.

Its typically guys towards the end of their career that are the most concerned with winning. They've already made "enough," then they began to think about their legacy.


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The brilliant aspect of the NFL is that it allows teams like Green Bay, Cleveland, or New Orleans the ability to build powerhouses just like the big markets. Other sports don't have that. So it's truly a fair league in that regard.

Cleveland is a powerhouse? lol

The owners need to implement salary limits on positions. Players don't like it? So what. Just ride them out. Most of these players can't rub two brain cells together; what else are they going to do?

This is dumb and would probably be seen as racist by some. "Oh, all the QB's most of whom are white, get most of the money, while everyone else gets scraps"? Also, players union wouldn't even entertain this.

The NFL is bigger than the players. They need to use that leverage.

MLB is bigger than the players yet they get paid.
The NFL needs to be more like the MLB when it comes to players. A good balance between owners and labor.
The NBA is wayyy to player run. Its ALL about the players. No one cares about the teams anymore, its just about how many superstars can we fit on one team now.
The NFL is the exact opposite. The players have zero power and ownership reigns supreme.

NBA coaches now have ZERO power. They are literally no more prominent than the ball boys. Players coach the teams now.

I wouldnt go that far. I mean yea there are player coaches, but there isnt a player in the history of the NBA that has had as much influence on his team as Peyton Manning in his prime. Colts didnt even need an offensive coordinator.

Do we want that to happen to the NFL, too? If quarterbacks are making $75 million a year, they'll make the decisions, not he coaches.

Its going to happen. The only thing holding it back is the incompetence of the NFLPA


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wait, we can treat this like a business or not.

when it is about the player getting the most, then it is about being a business

that means we drop the bs about fan perspective and player perspective.

the player grabs all he can but he is just a commodity, and leverage rules all.

we cheer when the front office can use leverage to squeeze the most player out of the cap

you cannot have it both ways.

Yes this is how it should be.
But fans dont act this way.
Fans want players to see things from their perspective.

Fan: "you should take a discount because we drafted you so you owe us loyalty"
Player: "Nah, I want to get as much as I can in case I get injured"
Fan: "Nonsense, its not about you, its about the team"
Player: "You are right" signs lesser deal then gets injured
**Couple of years pass**
Player: "Its time for a new contract and I gave you guys a discount, and have been very production. can you return the favor"?
Fans: Nah, you had some injuries...you should have held out. Bad business decision on your part.

Fans want it both ways ALL THE TIME. But players cant? hahahaha.


Taco Engineer
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The average NFL career is under 4 seasons, less for a RB and QB. So anyone who thinks they're the authority over another person's career and employment are completely out of bounds. They deserve to get as much as they can.
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Yes this is how it should be.
But fans dont act this way.
Fans want players to see things from their perspective.

Fan: "you should take a discount because we drafted you so you owe us loyalty"
Player: "Nah, I want to get as much as I can in case I get injured"
Fan: "Nonsense, its not about you, its about the team"
Player: "You are right" signs lesser deal then gets injured
**Couple of years pass**
Player: "Its time for a new contract and I gave you guys a discount, and have been very production. can you return the favor"?
Fans: Nah, you had some injuries...you should have held out. Bad business decision on your part.

Fans want it both ways ALL THE TIME. But players cant? hahahaha.

but dak and zeke (and dlaw) have showed their hands. no more loyalty talk. it is about leverage and no more crying about having earned his money...


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OK, then viewership is down. Period. There are no extenuating circumstances as to why, per your requirements.

All TV viewership is down. This has nothing to do with football and as I've noted, the NFL still is dominant and still commands large contract size increases when TV deals go up for bid (e.g., TH night football getting a 33% increase in revenue despite being a terrible product).


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All TV viewership is down. This has nothing to do with football and as I've noted, the NFL still is dominant and still commands large contract size increases when TV deals go up for bid (e.g., TH night football getting a 33% increase in revenue despite being a terrible product).
Overall viewership is still down.

Football is just one of the few things worth bidding for. The under-40 crowd is stuck on Instagram.