Twitter: Aikman savages Doug Gottlieb on Luck


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Years, 2018? Cool story... you’re obviously triggered by my comment. Maybe I’ll include the sarcasm :cool: next time so you know I’m poking some fun at you.
never poke a bear.. Been on for 10 years up til it ended the MB...then here. I got thin skin..its just bizarre some of the keyboard warriors here.


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I actually think Doug has a point too tho. Didn't Luck owe it to his employer to at least give them an idea in advance that he was thinking about retirement before 2 weeks til kick off? Aikman is right too.

To be honest, I think he was trying his best to get back to the field, but his injury must've been really bad. I suppose he both lost the will to try and recover it for now to get back on the field and must've realized that it was just no use. Especially behind the line he had. I think Irsay owed it to him after his shoulder injury to revamp the line. He didn't, so this is the consequence of not doing so.


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Junior College Transfer
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But so true...............They HAD to get him OUT of the stadium. People were starting to freak out.

He was FORCED to give a press conference immediately.

Trust me............many fans are burning his jersey

How do you have respect for a guy that gets up two weeks before the season begins and tells you he is quitting because he promised himself if he had to play with some pain he would quit?

You should have seen him walking around the sidelines like Gomer Pile saying goodbye to everyone. They were looking at him like he was Gilligan. Pathetic. Who does that?????
A sudden health issue may have come up.
If it were me, commoners and contractors, I would say, heal yourself, lad!


Junior College Transfer
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I bet he and Raymond feel as cheap as a Wal-Mart 3 piece suit after reading
Do you think those suits can be spotted as Walmart? For reals?
I am asking for a neighbors step uncle.


Junior College Transfer
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Lost in all of this nonsense is the fact that the Colts have a shot at
striking gold a third time at the QB spot.

I can see it now "Tank For Tyler" shirts fly off the shelves as
the legend of Tyler Lawrence grows.

Aww! You're nuts!


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How exactly is Doug's point valid? A person who has had the injury history that Luck has had, it is understandable why he would want to walk away. To disparage him by trying to portray this as some macho guy claim that somehow Luck is weak is laughable. Specifically when you consider the fact that Luck's been hurt for a large part of his career with the Colts. The same organization that drafted him and then failed to provide him the protection any bonehead GM would put around a franchise talent.

As stated in another thread, even Jerry figured out after Romo broke his collarbone the first time that you might need an Oline if you want your quarterback to be successful. Irsay and Snyder haven't figured that out yet it seems.


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Cmon man...............try to imagine that your franchise QB just quit. Are you telling me you would understand?

Give me a break. Why didnt the pain scared gilligan quit in the offseason if he was so worried about it?

He obviously made a bad decision to play another year and simply couldnt take it anymore. And he screwed EVERYONE in the process.

I have zero respect for someone that quits the way he does. He bailed. No other way to see it.

It'd be one thing if Irsay hadn't spent 6 seasons fumbling not knowing what an Oline is or what it's for in my view.


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Traitor? A little dramatic dont you think?

I respect your.............."its all good bra"............"pass that joint"..........frame of mind.

I look at it from the perspective of a Colts fan. This guy is going to be remembered as a softy. I have zero respect for the way he went about this. He bailed.
No that's not dramatic. When a guy says he's retiring and he's followed by BOOS? You do that to scum. Luck has been nothing but a professional there.

I'm not even a Luck fan. I usually wouldn't even comment on these affairs of another team but it really disturbs me the way fans have treated him in the past 24 hours. Football already walks a thin line when it comes to common decency. I thought there was a certain unwritten code though. A code among fans and players that you will not be booed if you are walking from the game. To me that's like celebrating a injury which does happen and its disgusting. Its sick. And this Luck situation is a quick reminder how sick people are when it comes to their football being disrupted.

And if that's how the Colts chose to remember him? Shame on them because they have NO IDEA what he had to go through to even be able to suit up last year.