Twitter: No doubt Mara made a phone call


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Ah, a know-it-all...another reason why everyone hates us...
What exactly was I wrong about? Or are you just another hack that criticizes someone without elaborating and not responding? I’ve had several criticisms in this thread but at least some have the courtesy to respond with a well thought out response, that's respectable whether disagree or not.


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why do they give you access to a keyboard? calm down man


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So the officials don’t admit blown calls against the Cowboys? Is another “poor us” conspiracy theory? You are wrong and one simple google search would have saved you from making those accusations. More than happy to help.

This is a call against Detroit not against Dallas. Did you read the article? The NFL mentioned 2 blown calls against Detroit. I remember that game because there were a lot of blown calls against the Cowboys but the NFL was silent on these just like they have been on 99% of the games blown by the refs against us. The NFL very rarely admits its mistakes when it comes to the Cowboys. By the way, I am not saying they have never admitted a mistake, but it is incredibly rare (considering that refs make tons of mistakes all the time this is surprising).


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This is a call against Detroit not against Dallas. Did you read the article? The NFL mentioned 2 blown calls against Detroit. I remember that game because there were a lot of blown calls against the Cowboys but the NFL was silent on these just like they have been on 99% of the games blown by the refs against us. The NFL very rarely admits its mistakes when it comes to the Cowboys. By the way, I am not saying they have never admitted a mistake, but it is incredibly rare (considering that refs make tons of mistakes all the time this is surprising).
No, honestly I just glanced at it and thought it was weird because Detroit got screwed in that game. Funny that this is another great point and helps support my argument even further. Apology or not, no one can say what would have happened for sure but there’s a good chance Detroit would have won that game and the Cowboys would never have “the Dez” catch to blame on the refs. Kinda funny how that works, it all comes full circle.

So even though there’s people who will swear by the officials and Goodell constantly targeting the Cowboys, here’s one more example where the league admittedly screwed up which led to the Cowboys advancing in the playoffs.

Who cares about an apology? I’ll take a W in a game everyday due to a bad call on another team and let the league apologize to that team. But....I’ll keep digging for a league apology to the Cowboys if that makes you feel better.

Edit: That didn’t take long, here’s your apology good sir!


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What exactly was I wrong about? Or are you just another hack that criticizes someone without elaborating and not responding? I’ve had several criticisms in this thread but at least some have the courtesy to respond with a well thought out response, that's respectable whether disagree or not.
Right or wrong, know-it-alls have to have the final say no matter what. I bet if I went back in this thread, you have probably have almost responded to every person in here. I am wrong far more than I am right so if that makes me a hack, oh well. I've certainly been called worse.


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Right or wrong, know-it-alls have to have the final say no matter what. I bet if I went back in this thread, you have probably have almost responded to every person in here. I am wrong far more than I am right so if that makes me a hack, oh well. I've certainly been called worse.
Wow! You’re smart, did you know I respond to every person in here because I actually stated that exact thing in this thread or did you just guess? It’s called be polite whether you disagree with someone or not. Insulting someone and then not responding is juvenile. Grow a set.

If you also took the time to read the thread you would see that I have admitted I was wrong and have done so several times, apologies included. As far as my original questions, ya know my “know it all” questions, kinda funny that no one has an answer. Why is that? Did I ruin the conspiracy party with facts and logic?


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Got to be a tough couple of years to be a Giants troll here. Looked good for a minute but now not so much. Fun game search aria for Barkley, Mara, Zeke posts and make your own conclusions.
Another good example was an argument he had with me about The Cowboys being America’s Team. He was really upset about that FACT and went on and on whining.

After accusing me of trolling him he blocked me when pointed out that is exactly what he was doing in the thread in question.

He’s a real little ***** in my book:)

After reading the end of the thread I’m again confused if @aria is he or she. Seems like she, but I thought someone said different. That’s not some attempt at insult. I really don’t know. It Doesn’t matter really.
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Wow! You’re smart, did you know I respond to every person in here because I actually stated that exact thing in this thread or did you just guess? It’s called be polite whether you disagree with someone or not. Insulting someone and then not responding is juvenile. Grow a set.

If you also took the time to read the thread you would see that I have admitted I was wrong and have done so several times, apologies included. As far as my original questions, ya know my “know it all” questions, kinda funny that no one has an answer. Why is that? Did I ruin the conspiracy party with facts and logic?
To be honest, I didn't read through your responses. I actually do agree that it may be silly to think that there is something between Mara and Goodell given how many fines and suspensions the Giants have had. Nonetheless, I still stand my know-it-all comment. oh and grow a set of what? shoes? pants? or is that your feathers are a little ruffled?


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To be honest, I didn't read through your responses. I actually do agree that it may be silly to think that there is something between Mara and Goodell given how many fines and suspensions the Giants have had. Nonetheless, I still stand my know-it-all comment. oh and grow a set of what? shoes? pants? or is that your feathers are a little ruffled?
Tomato plants, what else?


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What’s funny is how many responses to the tweet believe in this crap too. This is why Cowboys fans are known as cry babies and people hate us. Zero proof that there is any conspiracy, especially with regard to Mara as I outlined above, and yet people still make these accusations :rolleyes:

This is certainly not exclusive to Cowboy fans. Every team has fans like this. The only reason we get targeted is because of our past success. Also we have had some rather ironic ordeals with the league. Not everyone that believes the league is biased is a crazy, tin hat wearing fool.


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This is certainly not exclusive to Cowboy fans. Every team has fans like this. The only reason we get targeted is because of our past success. Also we have had some rather ironic ordeals with the league. Not everyone that believes the league is biased is a crazy, tin hat wearing fool.
From my experience, it’s more exclusive to Cowboys fans than every other team. As mentioned earlier, that certainly has to do with the size of the fans base but I still think it’s higher percentage wise. Every team has legitimate gripes and can point fingers but for some reason Cowboys fans like to think they’re the only ones and when something doesn’t go our way it’s because of the bias officials, Mara and Goodell.

Past success? Lol, c’mon. The only people who care as much about 3 dusty Lomabardis from 25 years ago are Cowboys fans. A decent part of the fan base wasn’t even alive to see those teams and many were too young to appreciate or remember. The Giants, Pats, Packers, Seahawks, even Philthy have had more playoff appearances and SB wins in the past ~23 years than the Cowboys.


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From my experience, it’s more exclusive to Cowboys fans than every other team. As mentioned earlier, that certainly has to do with the size of the fans base but I still think it’s higher percentage wise. Every team has legitimate gripes and can point fingers but for some reason Cowboys fans like to think they’re the only ones and when something doesn’t go our way it’s because of the bias officials, Mara and Goodell.

Past success? Lol, c’mon. The only people who care as much about 3 dusty Lomabardis from 25 years ago are Cowboys fans. A decent part of the fan base wasn’t even alive to see those teams and many were too young to appreciate or remember. The Giants, Pats, Packers, Seahawks, even Philthy have had more playoff appearances and SB wins in the past ~23 years than the Cowboys.

Doesn't matter how long its been, we are and always have been in the spotlight. Are you denying that?

Go on ahead and visit other team message boards and see how they act. Its the same as us. No one likes officiating or league offices. Do you think its only Cowboy fans booing the commissioner every draft?


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Another good example was an argument he had with me about The Cowboys being America’s Team. He was really upset about that FACT and went on and on whining.

After accusing me of trolling him he blocked me when pointed out that is exactly what he was doing in the thread in question.

He’s a real little ***** in my book:)

After reading the end of the thread I’m again confused if @aria is he or she. Seems like she, but I thought someone said different. That’s not some attempt at insult. I really don’t know. It Doesn’t matter really.
If Aria's a female, she's jacked like few I've ever seen. I don't understand the need for personal attacks.