This is heart wrenching


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Its way too early to know yet.

But if you hear the National Media..many are pointing out that Dak blew it.

Not taking a long term deal when he could have.

Not taking the secure 5 year contract guaranteeing him $80 million plus plus for over $120 million all told. and now he has $32 mil and uncertainty going forward.

Dak bet on himself and rolled snake eyes.

I do not mean that as knocking him.

But the saying goes..

"Don't write a check your body can't cash.."

Dak's agent has a lot to do with that. He was hard-nosed and looking for his payday thru Dak.

Now what? Dak lost his bet. Big time.

Can he come back? Maybe.

Will it be in Dallas..? Unclear.

Dak has really been a Drama Queen to me.

Too much attention has been afforded him when it's the team that is the Show.

52 other guys are trying to play and support families.

It ain't all about Dak. Never should have been.

The story is paused.

Glad things played out this way for you in your assessment of Dak and his contract status in your quest to be right.

Maybe Dalton will lay it on the line for his family like Dak did week in week out. Maybe he has the warrior soul like Dak. Maybe.


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Its way too early to know yet.

But if you hear the National Media..many are pointing out that Dak blew it.

Not taking a long term deal when he could have.

Not taking the secure 5 year contract guaranteeing him $80 million plus plus for over $120 million all told. and now he has $32 mil and uncertainty going forward.

Dak bet on himself and rolled snake eyes.

I do not mean that as knocking him.

But the saying goes..

"Don't write a check your body can't cash.."

Dak's agent has a lot to do with that. He was hard-nosed and looking for his payday thru Dak.

Now what? Dak lost his bet. Big time.

Can he come back? Maybe.

Will it be in Dallas..? Unclear.

Dak has really been a Drama Queen to me.

Too much attention has been afforded him when it's the team that is the Show.

52 other guys are trying to play and support families.

It ain't all about Dak. Never should have been.

The story is paused.

First, don't listen to national media.

Second, if you're of the mindset that you take the big guaranteed money that sets you up for life because your career could end at any time (I don't disagree with that).... Then there are only 2 ways Dak screws the pooch by "betting on himself" :
1. A career ending injury
2. A sustained drop in performance that tanks his value.

Since there's no indication that this injury is a career ender, it seems likely he's still going to end up getting a contract with more guaranteed money than he walked away from.


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God bless this child. Learn from him, there is so much hatred in this world it so disgusting, such an awful place to live. In the end it's only a damn sport!!! I would never wish injury to my worst enemy. The child's words really moved me!!!!

America's Cowboy

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Its way too early to know yet.

But if you hear the National Media..many are pointing out that Dak blew it.

Not taking a long term deal when he could have.

Not taking the secure 5 year contract guaranteeing him $80 million plus plus for over $120 million all told. and now he has $32 mil and uncertainty going forward.

Dak bet on himself and rolled snake eyes.

I do not mean that as knocking him.

But the saying goes..

"Don't write a check your body can't cash.."

Dak's agent has a lot to do with that. He was hard-nosed and looking for his payday thru Dak.

Now what? Dak lost his bet. Big time.

Can he come back? Maybe.

Will it be in Dallas..? Unclear.

Dak has really been a Drama Queen to me.

Too much attention has been afforded him when it's the team that is the Show.

52 other guys are trying to play and support families.

It ain't all about Dak. Never should have been.

The story is paused.
Seriously, Red??? Hate much?

Where was your hatred when Zeke held out for #1 overall RB position pay last year?

Where was your anger when DeMarcus Lawrence pulled the same stunt last year for a $105 million new contract?

Dak NEVER held out, missed a practice or a game. Yet, here you are spewing such vitriol against him?

You want to see a drama queen? Look in a mirror.

Redball Express

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First, don't listen to national media.

Second, if you're of the mindset that you take the big guaranteed money that sets you up for life because your career could end at any time (I don't disagree with that).... Then there are only 2 ways Dak screws the pooch by "betting on himself" :
1. A career ending injury
2. A sustained drop in performance that tanks his value.

Since there's no indication that this injury is a career ender, it seems likely he's still going to end up getting a contract with more guaranteed money than he walked away from.
It all in the balance.

I think if Dak was in a different situation he would have chosen differently.

Dak is single and no wife or children he has to provide for. It's just him and his brother. At least that we know of.

Taking chances with your future can be tempting. If you justify it as you are learn your lesson and have plenty of time to fix things.

So Dak did it as he felt it. Nothing wrong with that.

Not for me to imply there is anything wrong there.

But as you get older it gets harder to go back and pickup where you left off. Things change..situations change ..people change.

I wish Dak all the good fortune going forward. I am just a fan of him but more so a fan of the team so I hope for both to recover and move forward.

But Dak..psstt..sign the contract mon.

It was your time and now the train just pulled out.

All My Best to you and your brother.

Go Cowboys.


Redball Express

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Seriously, Red??? Hate much?

Where was your hatred when Zeke held out for #1 overall RB position pay last year?

Where was your anger when DeMarcus Lawrence pulled the same stunt last year for a $105 million new contract?

Dak NEVER held out, missed a practice or a game. Yet, here you are spewing such vitriol against him?

You want to see a drama queen? Look in a mirror.
I have no clue why you decide your feelings out weigh anyone else.

What exactly is your problem?

And how do you know how I felt about Zeke or Tank?

And I support and follow the team. Some people act like it's their position to defend players or coaches and they are the final arbitor of truth.

Not me. I just say what makes sense given my life values which maybe different from yours.

So you think it thru and we can see each other in one of your threads.


America's Cowboy

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I have no clue why you decide your feelings out weigh anyone else.

What exactly is your problem?

And how do you know how I felt about Zeke or Tank?

And I support and follow the team. Some people act like it's their position to defend players or coaches and they are the final arbitor of truth.

Not me. I just say what makes sense given my life values which maybe different from yours.

So you think it thru and we can see each other in one of your threads.

How do I know how you felt about Zeke or Tank? Because you never came out, bashed them for holding out & demanding top positional pay, and you never called them drama queens. That's why.

That's your problem. You only hate on Dak. It's crystal clear you've got a personal vendetta against Dak. I'm simply questioning you, which you have yet to answer.
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Redball Express

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It wasn't A Injury that took Tony Romo's career, it was REPEATED injuries that cost him a few seasons at the end of his career.

And unless something happens or if there is something that we are not being told, Dak's career is in NO WAY in danger.

His time with the Cowboys? Who the heck knows. I would bet there is a better chance than not on him wearing the star next year, but again, unless there is something we don't know yet, the the guy will be a starter in the NFL again.

This I hope too.

I am not saying otherwise.

And I only hear what the team wants to feed reporters.

There are HIPPA laws that protect one's right to privacy about health matters.

So even if anything is different than what we are told..

ain't nobodies business but Dak and his immediate family. We are not on a need to know basis.

So I am aware of this and take each report like it's been censored..which it is.

Yes about Romo's repeat injuries that ended his career. I was referring to his last injury against Seattle that broke his back.


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Wait till the pregnancy test comes back positive on the same day he loses his job at Dairy Queen and then he'll know what sorrow is.

Redball Express

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How do I know how you felt about Zeke or Tank? Because you never came out, bashed them for holding out & demanding top positional pay, and you never called them drama queens. That's why.

That's your problem. You only hate on Dak! It's crystal clear you've got a personal vendetta against Dak. I'm simply questioning you, which you have yet to answer.
oh brother..

So I am a Dak hater?

Give me a break.

I have questioned things he has done or not done as a player for the team.

That's fair game for any one here.

But personally I really like the guy. Frankly I' m jealous of Zeke. Him and Dak are best buds.

I bet they have some interesting adventures together.

But yes..I have been in the camp that Dak could have handled his contract better but I do not blame him.

I blame his agent. Dak put his career in the agents hands and the agent coughed a hairball.

Dak takes responsibility and has.

But I am still hopeful that both the player and the team will behave differently if they decide to still try to work something out.

This whole process has just left both parties in a less than flattering light. And it leaves fans split over it too.

So hope you feel better.

I am reminded of that old Revlon hair shampoo commercial where this beautiful babe does an extreme close up and looks in the camera and says..

"Don't hate me cuz I'm beautiful".

America's're beautiful like you are.

Don't change anything.

Got it?



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Too bad for every Philly fan like him there are 5 others who were probably cheering. The same scum that cheered while Irvin laid motionless and thought to be possibly paralyzed.

America's Cowboy

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oh brother..

So I am a Dak hater?

Give me a break.

I have questioned things he has done or not done as a player for the team.

That's fair game for any one here.

But personally I really like the guy. Frankly I' m jealous of Zeke. Him and Dak are best buds.

I bet they have some interesting adventures together.

But yes..I have been in the camp that Dak could have handled his contract better but I do not blame him.

I blame his agent. Dak put his career in the agents hands and the agent coughed a hairball.

Dak takes responsibility and has.

But I am still hopeful that both the player and the team will behave differently if they decide to still try to work something out.

This whole process has just left both parties in a less than flattering light. And it leaves fans split over it too.

So hope you feel better.

I am reminded of that old Revlon hair shampoo commercial where this beautiful babe does an extreme close up and looks in the camera and says..

"Don't hate me cuz I'm beautiful".

America's're beautiful like you are.

Don't change anything.

Got it?

LOL!!! Sheesh, Red, thanks for such an old memory refresher (Revlon commercial)! :laugh:


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"And a little child shall lead them." Lol... Leave it to a Philly fan to show some in our fanbase how to love and respect the leader of our franchise.
I don’t think nobody here is happy about Dak’s injury. I have never liked Dak as the starting QB for this team, but I take no joy from him being hurt and I have not read the first post celebrating his injury. I wish him the best on a personal level, but on a professional level, I hope that he never plays another down for the team. I hope he moves on to another team before next season and I wish him good luck. I am not going to change my mind just because he is injured. All of this fake outrage being shown by Dak lovers because the rest of us are not devastated and crying is worse than than a fan being happy about his injury IMO.

Redball Express

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I don’t think nobody here is happy about Dak’s injury. I have never liked Dak as the starting QB for this team, but I take no joy from him being hurt and I have not read the first post celebrating his injury. I wish him the best on a personal level, but on a professional level, I hope that he never plays another down for the team. I hope he moves on to another team before next season and I wish him good luck. I am not going to change my mind just because he is injured. All of this fake outrage being shown by Dak lovers because the rest of us are not devastated and crying is worse than than a fan being happy about his injury IMO.
You know..

Being a fan with a pet player on a team can be very stressful at times.

I always like Romo but when he went down in Seattle and Dak stepped up and opened our eyes to his talent..

I was very disappointed. I wanted Romo to get to a SB and have his shot.

As a fan I felt cheated in a way. But I went ahead and accepted Dak becuz obviously the team played for him.

Seeing a player get injured seriously is sort of like a death in the family. Some members of the family think it was their time anyway and they are happy for the time they were here on earth.

Others are unhappy becuz they think the doctor did not help the patient and could have done more. Still others want to know the combination of the safe to see if they were mentioned in the will.

Reactions are just all over the place. It's sort of the same for fans and their teams and favorite players.

You mention a variety of reactions in your post that don't sit well with your sensibilities.

I would just suggest the reactions are all the same source..

Grieving. We all grieve differently.

Let people let it out. It's important that they do.

Then after some time or after a games or 2 goes by they will be OK.

Can't tell you in 55 years of watching this team how many times I have turned off the TV. Only to turn it back on 15 minutes later wanting to watch again.

It's all part of being a participant with no control over the outcome.

Story of my life baby.