Bryan Broaddus, any updates with him not on Talkin' Cowboys?

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You Have an Axe to Grind
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He steal reads here (maybe under an alias) and a few other Dallas media members do as well. I've talked to them about things that have happened here or certain posters and they have acknowledged that they knew of specific events/issues.

Bryan is okay but he can get real chippie, really easily. Not excusing anyone that ran him off here but needs to develop thicker skin.

That being said, whatever issue he's going through that has him away from work, I hope everything works out well. Bryan is always a good listen or read.

He posted under “proscout.” Wouldn’t surprise me if he has an alias he reads under now. He made some comments a few years ago during training camp that rubbed a few idiots the wrong and they attacked him. Nothing but name calling and insults. He deleted his account after that. I had several debates with him and they were always respectful.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Someone mentioned that Jesse Holly got booted from some show because he had a dispute with Mickey. Don’t know if there’s any truth to it. Makes me wonder if something didn’t go down between Mickey and Broaddus because they have had some heated on air arguments. Broaddus commented during a show last season that everyone thinks he hates Mickey but that he doesn’t hate him. Mickey wasn’t on the show that day. Before Broaddus came on board I rarely ever listened to Talkin Cowboys. I got sick of listening to Mickey’s stories and finding out what his cheerleader cohost did on her weekend. The show was boring! If Broaddus is done on Talkin Cowboys the show won’t be nearly as good, it hasn’t been.
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Chris in Arizona
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Someone mentioned that Jesse Holly got booted from some show because he had a dispute with Mickey. Don’t know if there’s any truth to itbut it was posted. Makes me wonder if something didn’t go down between Mickey and Broaddus because they have had some heated on air arguments. Broaddus commented during a show last season that everyone thinks he hates Mickey but that he doesn’t hate him. Mickey wasn’t on the show that day. Before Broaddus came on board I rarely ever listened to Talkin Cowboys. I got sick of listening to Mickey’s stories and finding out what his cheerleader cohost did on her weekend. The show was boring! If Broaddus is done on Talkin Cowboys the show won’t be nearly as good, it hasn’t been.

Most of the media guys, Cowboys-employed ones as well, are very cool to talk to. They have some levels of arrogance but for the most part, good people. Mickey is not. He's the same person in person that he is on the radio. He thinks he's something really special and he's an absolute hack.


Taco Engineer
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He posted under “proscout.” Wouldn’t surprise me if he has an alias he reads under now. He made some comments a few years ago during training camp that rubbed a few idiots the wrong and they attacked him. Nothing but name calling and insults. He deleted his account after that. I had several debates with him and they were always respectful.
Same thing happened on the website message board they closed. He took heavy fire from armchair experts and stop commenting.


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Never understood the vitriol he got when he posted here a few years ago. Talking Cowboys has been lame this week without him. Mickey has had free rein to spew his propaganda.


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Broadus doesn't tow the company line. If anything, he stepped on Garrett's toes enough to get run off. Sometimes he comes across as a bitter ex scout, but I do enjoy his insight into what goes on behind the scenes.


Last Man Standing
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Also, side note, and maybe I am just behind the times, but did you guys know that they have Cowboys Break and Talkin' Cowboys on the NFL app for Xbox? Just discovered that the other day.

Not just there, but my favorite new discovery is the Cowboys TV app on the Apple TV. It’s got everything including the pregame show an hour before the game.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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If there’s a problem between Mickey and Broaddus maybe Broaddus could move over to The Break and take Ambar Garcia’s spot. Can’t stand her voice! Find her so annoying. How she got that gig is beyond me.


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Derek Eagleton said on Friday's Cowboys Break that BB was dealing with a personal matter. He said it wasn't health related but was going to keep it private. I was glad they at least said something about it.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Derek Eagleton said on Friday's Cowboys Break that BB was dealing with a personal matter. He said it wasn't health related but was going to keep it private. I was glad they at least said something about it.

They didn’t say anything about it until someone called in asking about him.


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I'm pretty sure at this point it's gotta be a personal (maybe professional) matter. If it was a health issue, I think they would have just said that (never once did anyone say "Get Well, Bryan" or anything along those lines).

Me? I've always enjoyed Bryan. I always listen to whichever Cowboys show he's on, Break or Talking. He clearly loves to talk Xs and Os while also willing to remind everyone he's not perfect and has screwed up plenty of times (he was a huge Joey Harrington fan). Yeah, he can get impatient with fans, but its usually fans who clearly just want to cry and moan because this isn't the 90s championship team. If I had to listen to that 5 days a week, I'd probably get a little cranky, too.

And I agree with others, Talking Cowboys has been absolutely unbearable without Bryan. I've never been a fan of Mickey, and I wasn't happy when they put Mickey & Bryan back on the same show. But, he was even more terrible this week, lunging at fans' throats whenever they criticized coaching even the slightest. I'm switching to the Break next week and probably will stick with them until (if?) Bryan returns.


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Mickey was asked about it from a caller on Fridays Talkin Cowboys and said “you’ll have to ask him.” His tone of voice made it sound like it’s something Broaddus did.


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If there’s a problem between Mickey and Broaddus maybe Broaddus could move over to The Break and take Ambar Garcia’s spot. Can’t stand her voice! Find her so annoying. How she got that gig is beyond me.

Nowhere near Taylor Stern's boring, boring input. Ambar, I have no prob with.


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Rob is fair.

Rob is very vanilla, but I actually feel bad for him at times because it feels like Mickey tries to contradict every single opinion he has. I've seen people say Rob is whiny at times, and I don't blame him! If someone is trying to crap on my opinion every chance they get, I'd get pretty annoyed, too.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Nowhere near Taylor Stern's boring, boring input. Ambar, I have no prob with.

It’s not necessarily her input it’s her voice and that English isn’t her first language. It’s not her accent that bothers me it’s the texture of her voice. Would rather listen to Dani Sureck who they’ve been using on Tuesdays. I like her voice and she provides good input.


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I don’t think Broaddus will be working the show for much longer. Maybe he will still do the website part time.

someone asked him recently if he thought the Cowboys were going to resign Gallup...he said something along the lines that he will be retired by the time that is possible.

so 1-2 more years.
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