Twitter: ESPN- Kellen expected to stay as OC


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How is having the #1 offense in yards and the #1 offense in scoring a terrible season. He was the only bright spot.
More like 6th in scoring , 5th in rushing, 1st in pass yards and 1st overall yards but still a great season for a 1st year OC...

He’s most likely not calling plays here anyway..So KM and MM can merge their play books in the off-season auto form a new age scheme to match this teams talent

Then game day a very experienced offensive play caller in MM will help manage in game calls and adjustments..this will be witnessed and heard over the headset and teach Moore further..

He’s young and talented and has future much like we passed up in Sean Peyton because BillP suddenly without warning. Retired and we lost SP..if there were discussions about possible ply wanting to retire, Jerry would have informed SP to stay because hes next up...

So Jerry is hoping in time KM can be the next Sean Peyton. This will go along ways to getting that done..


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Big decision to make. Very much a feather in his cap just to be offered it. Interesting that Petersen just quit as head coach there.

Decision wasn't that big. It sounds like Moore accepted the Cowboys offer 2 seconds after he was offered his job back. lol

I'm guessing it went something like this.

Washington - Hey Kellen we notice Dallas is cutting ties with a lot of guys there. How is your job looking?

Kellen - Um I'm not sure yet. I haven't been told anything yet..

Washington - well look, if you want we would love for you to come here and be the OC of our offense

Kellen - Wow, thanks that would be a great oppor...wait excuse me..can you hold for a second?

Washington - sure

5 minutes later

Kellen - Thanks for the offer but I'm gonna stay in Dallas.


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Hard to say. You don't think he didn't even consider it?

Think about this. Imagine your company gets new owner ship. The boss comes in and looks at you at your desk and says...I'm open to keeping that guy in the corner but let me do some thinking first.

Then in a different city where you're entire family lives, there is a company that CALLS YOU PERSONALLY and says," hey we think you'd be an awesome fit down here. We've heard you guys have been bought out and think you'd be an awesome fit. "

Then turning that role down for the guy who looked at you when he walked in and said, I'm "open" to keeping that guy over there.

Kellen Moore accepted that guys offer in less then a day of even thinking it over. You know why... because that guy who said he is open to keeping him is the new boss of Google...and the job offer down the street that is close to his family is a job offer from a family owned donut shop.
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Think about this. Imagine your company gets new owner ship. The boss comes in and looks at you at your desk and says...I'm open to keeping that guy in the corner but let me do some thinking first.

Then in a different city where you're entire family lives, there is a company that CALLS YOU PERSONALLY and says," hey we think you'd be an awesome fit down here. We've heard you guys have been bought out and think you'd be an awesome fit. "

Then turning that role down for the guy who looked at you when he walked in and said, I'm "open" to keeping that guy over there.

Kellen Moore accepted that guys offer. You know why... because that guy who said he is open to keeping him is the new boss of Google...and the job offer down the street that is close to his family is a job offer from kinkos.
Good points. So, his family and friends from his home state are thrown under a bus as if they don't matter to him? If nothing else, he says it out of consideration for them and himself.
Or, are you just focused on some other point, like he isn't worth it and is lucky to have a job?
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Good points. So, his family and friends from his home state are thrown under a bus as if they don't matter to him? If nothing else, he says it out of consideration for them and himself.
Or, are you just focused on some other point, like he isn't worth it and is lucky to have a job?

No I don't mind Moore at all. I am okay keeping him. I'm saying deep down in Kellen Moore's soul he never considered going to Washington as long as there was the chance to come back. For a career choice it makes 0 sense. He is in charge of one of the most important offenses in the entire football no scratch that sports galaxy. Suceed here and he can be the head coach anywhere he wants. Who quits that to go work at a college coordinator spot?


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No I don't mind Moore at all. I am okay keeping him. I'm saying deep down in Kellen Moore's soul he never considered going to Washington as long as there was the chance to come back. For a career choice it makes 0 sense. He is in charge of one of the most important offenses in the entire football no scratch that sports galaxy. Who quits that to go work at a college coordinator spot?
Only he really knows.
I just hope he wasn't forced on McCarthy as opposed to being wanted by him as a choice.


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What we need to realize if this hasn't already been said is the offensive coordinator does not play as an important role in a Mike McCarthy led offense because the buck stops with him in regards to calling the plays. I'm sure him and Kellen will work together and formulate new plays and gameplans, and Kellen will play a big role in that. There is no doubt that there is potential for the two of them together to be very very good.. The dynamic with Garrett was incredibly toxic because Garrett resented him from day one and gave him the Wade Phillips treatment. I was laughed at on the forum a few times suggesting that during the season Jason was sabotaging the play calling and I still believe that to be true. Personally, I believe Garrett kept Kellen from doing what he really wanted to do, and some of those boneheaded playcalls that we didn't like did indeed come from the freckled puppet.


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Only he really knows.
I just hope he wasn't forced on McCarthy as opposed to being wanted by him as a choice.

That I cant answer. I hope you're right. I think McCarthy can teach him alot of things. I just think getting to the NFL and having success is so hard to begin with. Why would such a young bright mind who has the world at his fingertips just leave all that behind to go to Washington and never be heard of again. Kellen Moores face is on national TV every weekend as an assistant coach! There are NFL head coaches less known then Kellen Moore. He's no dummy that's why he wasn't leaving this job.


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That I cant answer. I hope you're right. I think McCarthy can teach him alot of things. I just think getting to the NFL and having success is so hard to begin with. Why would such a young bright mind who has the world at his fingertips just leave all that behind to go to Washington and never be heard of again. Kellen Moores face is on national TV every weekend as an assistant coach! There are NFL head coaches less known then Kellen Moore. He's no dummy that's why he wasn't leaving this job.
As a career move, it's the best choice for most. It's just a few that seem to prefer college jobs. No guarantee that Moore would be wildly successful in college as an assistant. I bet Washington wanted to groom him for HC. He might have gone there if Chris Petersen had stayed.


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Umm he was offered OC at the University of Washington and he's from Washington so yes he thought about it with family and the opportunity to be Wash head coach in a few years

I'm pretty sure KM grew up a fan of Washington State Cougars. So just hope they don't call with a job offer or he'll be gone. :muttley:


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If you are a HC with QB coaching and training experience and you are coming in and your QB, that just happens to be up, is looking at his 3rd OC in 5 years, wouldn't you want a little security and stability for your QB? There will be a new offense and new verbiage, something needs to be consistent. All of these coaches that have been around know what that did to Alex Smith.

It is obvious that Prescott responded favorably to Moore and Kitna last season, why not keep that in place? And the guys you want to keep on are aware there will be changes in the offense and they want to stay and help the QB through that.

One thing the new HC knows very well. There's the QB and there's the rest of the team. Make your QB comfortable and he will make the rest of the team comfortable with the changes. And this QB doesn't have to be taught how to be a leader, he came in with that.


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What a mind blower if Dak has to change yet again. The WRs really like KM.


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That I cant answer. I hope you're right. I think McCarthy can teach him alot of things. I just think getting to the NFL and having success is so hard to begin with. Why would such a young bright mind who has the world at his fingertips just leave all that behind to go to Washington and never be heard of again. Kellen Moores face is on national TV every weekend as an assistant coach! There are NFL head coaches less known then Kellen Moore. He's no dummy that's why he wasn't leaving this job.
Are you establishing what would be your criteria for his? I would be like you are describing but coaches leave or turn down higher profile jobs all the time.

Some do it for family like Paul Christ at WIS, the guy lives in the same house he grew up in Madison. The NFL took shots at Bill Snider at K State and he wasn't leaving for any money or fame. The guys that did, Pepper Rogers, Petrino, Saban and Spurrier decided that wasn't for them. Tom Herman went big time to UT, I wonder how many times he wishes he were back in HOU?

I think Moore has decided the NFL is for him. He got his first chance with the Cowboys and then some so it stands to reason where his loyalty would lie and if this HC from the O side wants him to stay and he has decided at least for now that the NFL is where he wants to be, I agree, this is the job for him.

But I would not have faulted him or considered him not smart if he returned to his part of the country because compared to Washington, Dallas is butt ugly. Different strokes.