1 Player who is standing out, 1 Player who isn't?


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But he is getting paid less after he took the paycut, making his play justify his pay


But in all seriousness, this is absolutely his best season since 14.5 sacks. Hes been borderline elite this year
Wrong on every level.

He didn't really take a pay cut, he took an extension that increased his guarantees but dropped his cap hit - which is still $17m and wildly high (Nick Bosa $11, Myles Garret $16.2)

He is not better than he has been at any point. Not even close. His burst is mostly gone and he can't capture the edge on tackles. He's been the best, or one of, run-defending edge in the game for years and still is, but his pass-rush juice isn't there anymore.


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Wrong on every level.

He didn't really take a pay cut, he took an extension that increased his guarantees but dropped his cap hit - which is still $17m and wildly high (Nick Bosa $11, Myles Garret $16.2)

He is not better than he has been at any point. Not even close. His burst is mostly gone and he can't capture the edge on tackles. He's been the best, or one of, run-defending edge in the game for years and still is, but his pass-rush juice isn't there anymore.
His per year on his extension was substantially lower than what he was making on his original contract. “We’re going to cut you if you don’t agree to take less money. We’ll turn most of it into guarantees, but you will have no way of getting the salary difference back.” That is the very definition of a paycut.

Hes right now playing like one of the top 5 or 6 DEs in the NFL. Most here would corroborate that, his play this year he been outstanding. Whether or not you choose to see that is a you problem.


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His per year on his extension was substantially lower than what he was making on his original contract. “We’re going to cut you if you don’t agree to take less money. We’ll turn most of it into guarantees, but you will have no way of getting the salary difference back.” That is the very definition of a paycut.

Hes right now playing like one of the top 5 or 6 DEs in the NFL. Most here would corroborate that, his play this year he been outstanding. Whether or not you choose to see that is not a you problem.
Wrong and wrong.

Just stop talking lol


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Literally having an outstanding season. Every analyst, every announcer, every coach, every fan seeing this is crediting him as a big reason why Dallas has been crushing teams this year.


But if you want to deprive a Dallas player of his props, don’t let me stop you
He is very good and he has always been very good. He is not better now than he was. For crying out loud that grade is lower than 2021 lol. I've said over and over how underappreciated he is.

That grade is right in line with...his entire career. But what he doesn't do now is capture the edge on the pass rush. He is effective as an interior rusher but not on the edge. They don't even ask him to do it because he does not have have the burst anymore. He is still maybe the best run defending edge in the league, but he's not even a top-10 edge rusher.

You just straight up have no clue what you're talking about. Glad you see how good he is, welcome to 2017.


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Wrong on every level.

He didn't really take a pay cut, he took an extension that increased his guarantees but dropped his cap hit - which is still $17m and wildly high (Nick Bosa $11, Myles Garret $16.2)

He is not better than he has been at any point. Not even close. His burst is mostly gone and he can't capture the edge on tackles. He's been the best, or one of, run-defending edge in the game for years and still is, but his pass-rush juice isn't there anymore.
Still top 10 at position...that still adds up well.


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He is very good and he has always been very good. He is not better now than he was. For crying out loud that grade is lower than 2021 lol. I've said over and over how underappreciated he is.

That grade is right in line with...his entire career. But what he doesn't do now is capture the edge on the pass rush. He is effective as an interior rusher but not on the edge. They don't even ask him to do it because he does not have have the burst anymore. He is still maybe the best run defending edge in the league, but he's not even a top-10 edge rusher.

You just straight up have no clue what you're talking about. Glad you see how good he is, welcome to 2017.
Again, that was pre-paycut. When your Boss comes to you and demands you take less money or you’ll be fired, you can’t justify that with “Well, I’d be making no money if I’m fired so this isn’t a paycut”

He was making Khalil Mack money in 2021, and hes not Khalil Mack


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Again, that was pre-paycut. When your Boss comes to you and demands you take less money or you’ll be fired, you can’t justify that with “Well, I’d be making no money if I’m fired so this isn’t a paycut”

He was making Khalil Mack money in 2021, and hes not Khalil Mack
Idk what you're babbling about. He went from $0 in guarantees to $30m in guarantees.

He's been better than Khalil Mack for like 5 years.


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Standout: Bland, no contest. Not because he's better than CD, Micah etc but he's the most unexpected.

Underachiever: Schoonmaker. Still don't know what their plan was. Might not even be his fault. And he hasn't had much time to show off so far. But when he had, it wasn't that great apart from the TD.

Lots of picks take off in their second year, so maybe it'll make sense then. Not writing him off yet.


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so because they're playing slot, they can't excel??
I don't think that is what some posters are saying. Lewis is 28 years old, coming off an injury and playing a position that is difficult even if you are 21, healthy & twitchy as hell. Anyone expecting him to be a "shut down" slot corner was setting the bar way too high to begin with. That position is going to give up plays. There is a reason smart offensive coordinators move their best receiver into the slot as it automatically provides them some advantages. The fact that Lewis isn't getting worked like a rented mule given his age & recovery actually means he's exceeding reasonable expectations. IMO.


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Idk what you're babbling about. He went from $0 in guarantees to $30m in guarantees.

He's been better than Khalil Mack for like 5 years.
His guarantees went up, right…. He had used up the guarantees on his previous deal as it was many years ago. Why are we ignoring all the other money on the deal?

And Khalil Mack might get 20 sacks this year; no one has asked him to take a paycut.


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His guarantees went up, right…. He had used up the guarantees on his previous deal as it was many years ago. Why are we ignoring all the other money on the deal? If CeeDee was offered a deal with 10 million in guarantees but a low APY, you would recommend he take that over a much
Contract ended, got new money. The idea that it was a paycut is distanced from the reality of NFL contracts. This is a really stupid point.


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Contract ended, got new money. The idea that it was a paycut is distanced from the reality of NFL contracts. This is a really stupid point.
It did not end, he had multiple years left. When a contract gets to that point, you offer a higher value extension as the cap has gone up significantly since his last deal. Extending him at 2/3 the APY is a huge pay decrease (and substantially less guaranteed than the last deal if that’s all that matters)


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It did not end, he had multiple years left. When a contract gets to that point, you offer a higher value extension as the cap has gone up significantly since his last deal. Extending him at 2/3 the APY is a huge pay decrease (and substantially less guaranteed than the last deal if that’s all that matters)
When the guarantees end, the contract ends. Everybody knows this.

DLaw did them a favor by not going to free agency more than he took a paycut lmao.


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Wilsons contract is fine like 21 million over 3 years. Sure I would like more out of him but he has been hurt and may come on late. Jordan Lewis is a fine player and helps build a full roster. Pollard has been disappointing but what do you expect when you give a guy a big deal coming off a nasty injury. Same with Steele. Gallup was the same way. Lesson learned? Williams is a head case and a team cancer. D Flaw fans will slurp him no matter what.

The positive players have been incredible. Most of them on insane team friendly deals. Lamb, Bland, Tyler Smith, Ferguson, Bell and Parsons are what championship rosters are made of. If you have a nucleus like that making almost nothing and you do not go far in the playoffs you gotta take a hard look at where the money went and what did you get for it.

This is the year Dak, Zack, Tyron and D Flaw need to justify their existence. Dak had been very good. The others need to step it up.


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When the guarantees end, the contract ends. Everybody knows this.

DLaw did them a favor by not going to free agency more than he took a paycut lmao.
Even if he was at the end of his contract, and he was a free agent, going from 20m$ APY to 13m$ APY and from 65m$ in guarantees to 30m$ in guaranteed (despite the cap increasing in that time by over 20%) is a mammoth pay decreasefor a dude in his 20’s. He went from All-Pro money to rotational star money.

He didn’t go to free agency because either A) he wanted to a Cowboy so badly he was okay taking so much less money than a big deal he could have gotten, or B) his agent had convinced him no one in the league wanted to pay him that big deal. Either way his future earnings plummeted


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Even if he was at the end of his contract, and he was a free agent, going from 20m$ APY to 13m$ APY and from 65m$ in guarantees to 30m$ in guaranteed (despite the cap increasing in that time by over 20%) is a mammoth pay decreasefor a dude in his 20’s. He went from All-Pro money to rotational star money.

He didn’t go to free agency because either A) he wanted to a Cowboy so badly he was okay taking so much less money than a big deal he could have gotten, or B) his agent had convinced him no one in the league wanted to pay him that big deal. Either way his future earnings plummeted
blah blah blah

He wasn't going from anything to anything that doesn't start with $0, because before the extension he was never going to see that money. Your distance from the reality of how NFL contracts work is shocking.