Recap: 103.3 Cowlishaw & Mosley On Dak Today


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I'm confused by this statement, would you be kind enough to elaborate a bit on what you're trying to say here?

They were making fun of the front office by saying they waited to the fourth instead of taking him in the second as some "expewrts" suggested because Dak didn't have a pot problem or nerve damage in his leg.

Sorry, I was vague. It was a joke they said. Cowlishaw and Mosely are pretty funny guys on this show.

CT Dal Fan

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I still don't get the love fest for a rookie who hasn't taken a single snap in a regular season game.

When was the last time the Cowboys had a quarterback that we can legitimately look at and say "that's our future"? That would be Romo about ten years ago.

The excitement with Dak is palpable. In our hearts, we see him as our starter at age 33 in 2026 with multiple Pro Bowls and a couple rings to his credit. Is this premature? You bet. Is is unrealistic? Not at all. Every scouting report I've ever read on Prescott tells me he has it all from the neck up.

Finding a franchise quarterback is the hardest thing to do in football. The Cowboys just might have gotten theirs with a compensatory draft pick. And note I said might. Personally, I'm excited we'll soon find out for real.


The Boognish
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"Exotic blitzes" -- the new media buzz word to discredit excellent play by a rookie quarterback.

Here's the thing -- if our offensive line doesn't see the "exotic blitz" coming, it won't matter. Tony Romo's broken a collarbone twice from "non-exotic" pass rushes.

They weren't rolling coverage, zone dogging, disguising, or the like. That is what I take it to mean.


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They weren't rolling coverage, zone dogging, disguising, or the like. That is what I take it to mean.

I wasn't certain if Mosley was suggesting this was said by the people he spoke with, or if Mosley coined this term exotic blitzes himself.


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They weren't rolling coverage, zone dogging, disguising, or the like. That is what I take it to mean.

Were they not? Or were they? Does anyone really know, or is it just another buzzwordy *** comment by journalists?

I also don't like how they just say stuff like that as a drive by as if he is incapable of doing it. Nobody ever said this type of **** about Andrew Luck. They were anointing him when he was returning to Stanford.


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As an NFL scout there's no way you can be honest and truely say you thought Dak was a second rounder. Based off of everything on tape and measurables he ended up about where you would think.


The Boognish
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Were they not? Or were they? Does anyone really know, or is it just another buzzwordy *** comment by journalists?

I also don't like how they just say stuff like that as a drive by as if he is incapable of doing it. Nobody ever said this type of **** about Andrew Luck. They were anointing him when he was returning to Stanford.

They were not. About the most exotic thing I saw was sugaring the A gap and bailing. They weren't moving S and the like around to disguise coverage. Seattle in particular can do that with their extremely athletic LB.

I fail to see what Luck has to do with this.

CT Dal Fan

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Does anybody else get the feeling that if Dak came out and had a horrible preseason, all the talking heads in the media would be saying "See?! We told you this gimmick offense quarterback can't play!"

But since Dak has been lights out, we get the old "it's only preseason and it's only vanilla defense" cautionary tale.

Can't we just say the kid had shown us he has some mad skills and, while he's almost certain to run into some struggles once the games count for real, he has the mental makeup to learn and bounce back from his mistakes?