1053 - Is Micah Parsons' behavior wearing thin at The Star?

They said something I haven’t heard before, that Parsons is saying he doesn’t want to play past 30. That’s interesting.
and I remember the Stones saying they certainly didn't want to keep playing music when they were 50.. lol

bet Parsons changes his kind when he hits 30 ;)
They will wait until they have zero leverage on the guy and everyone in the league knows he is for sale hence bottom ticking his value before they do anything.
This is the 2nd time that the morons at 105.3 release something to grab headlines. We really gonna trust Shan if there's no other source behind this? The station also interviewed The lawyer that's going after Dak. Another player going for an extension and then so.ething like this is released about him? We should be questioning the timing and the reasoning. 105.3 are a bunch of scum bags either way.
Id bet anything that the great head coach Dan Quinn would take him off your hands in a minute. How would you like them apples.

Cool, give me some picks. But my response was speaking to contracts in general since everyone complains about them.
They can make it if they want to.

There is a HUGE difference between the two.
Only fools think the Cowboys are really in cap trouble. They can kick cans down the road until eternity if they wanted. They are just choosing not to because they don't want to (for whatever reason). I personally think they don't like the players after that GB game and it would be one of the only times I agreed with the "Jones Boys".
Dallas Cowboys pass rusher Micah Parsons went from being an unheralded first-round pick to a superstar in his rookie season. He won the Defensive Rookie of the Year award, was named first-team All-Pro, made his first Pro Bowl, and finished as the runner-up for Defensive Player of the Year.

Can't blame him for seeing the lack of trying to stay competitive from this front office This is one of the all time lows for this franchise....regardless what they do in the draft. It's just not feasible for this team to stay atop after this dreadful off-season
I see contract negotiations have started and the smear campaign is in full swing.
Should have traded him last year when we could have received a kings ransom.
now what? Trading a disgruntled player coming off a solid but not spectacular season maybe 2 #1s best case or 1,2,4th?
I used to say that as well, but his mouth is now bigger than his talent.
He's an elite defensive player. Easily in the top 10 and can make a case he is in the top 5 defensive players in his mid 20's

He's not perfect but the amount of people so willingly to get rid of such a talent is laughable. The teams that will want him will go right around the corner.

This fanbase sometimes truly deserves the horrible ownership it has.
I'll stop watching NFL until the Jones's are gone if Dak is on this team and Micah isn't. Dude is the only guy on defense that's not a CB that offenses fear.
But we need to trade an elite defensive player in his mid 20's because he talks too much. lol
Micah seems selfish too. Which goes back to the immaturity. The consequence of running your mouth is you better back it up on game day in BIG games especially. DFLAW is another dude that needs to show up. I dont see any dogs on this team.
It's the culture of the franchise, dude. Jerry has embedded a culture of no accountability, ego boasting, etc

If we had a better culture some of Micah's problems would have been controlled from the start. But when the owner is just a loudmouth, who never takes any accountability, that is going to flow down to the players.

This is why I have zero reason to be optimistic about supposedly trading our best players now for picks and restarting. Restarting into what? Those new players will just go through the same rotten culture and have similar problems as the ones that came before them.

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