When people use profanity, it is an attempt to generate and obtain attention. It is the one-up environment we live in. If everyone says, "Crap!" when they get mad, it's not special and will likely go unnoticed in conversation unless yelled loudly. So, people use profanity as a means to gain that attention without yelling. Of course yelling profanity increases the attention you gain.
The problem is that people start to regularly use profanity because they believe each thing they are saying to be important enough to justify it. Once that happens, their friends get used to it so the only recourse they have to stress that this time they are really angry or excited is to yell louder, include excessive animation or to combine several profane words together in strange combinations. To the rest of the public, they see a person that is seems mentally unbalanced. My point is that everything becomes a pattern no matter how common or how rare, no matter how quiet or how loud and no matter how polite or how rude. Once the pattern sets in, people have to break that pattern by more and more extremes to continue to garner the attention they seek.
It is the same with forums. Ever notice how some users tend to create new threads than reply in threads even with there are already threads discussing the topic right there? I am not referring to duplicate threads, which happens sometimes due to differing thread titles, but rather intentional thread separation. The reason is that the person feels their opinions or comments would be considered on the same level of relevance or importance if they post them in a reply, so by creating a new thread on the topic, they gain the exposure they want or need for their comments.
One of the main benefits of profanity is that it requires little effort to think. It's like using the word "thing" to describe everything including the abstract and non-physical items. That is the main reason profanity is used when people are very angry, upset or hurt as it requires no thinking to say them and almost any usage works.