Cowboys&LakersFan;4585341 said:
I really, really wanna say OKC wins, but I have a feeling the Spurs win and force a game 7. I really hope I'm wrong though.
Glad to see that you were wrong.
The30YardSlant;4585457 said:
My prediction: The Thunder falter under the pressure of the situation and the desire to win in front of the home crowd and the Spurs pull it out tonight with some monumental mistakes by OKC down the stretch.
That didn't go to well for ya.
Props on having the guts to call that though.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4585564 said:
Knew this would happen. OKC is emotionally drunk off the crowd and is choking under the pressure. They're still a year away from winning a championship.
Man you're way to reactionary. Smile a little bit.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4585583 said:
They're not winning a game 7 in San Antonio.
Good thing for them. They don't have to.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4585614 said:
Doesn't matter if he takes over they have no answer for Parker or the shooters.
They must have done something right. THey're headed to the Finals and the Spurs are going home.
zrinkill;4585711 said:
Two classy franchises.
I will be hoping the Thunder bring home a Championship now that my Spurs are out.
Classy as always zrinkill.
RamziD;4585744 said:
Rewatch the game. There were no phantom fouls on Durant. Sleep it off, buddy. Blaming the refs is the oldest trick in the book and really unbecoming.
I could do nothing but laugh at the idea that a Spurs fan is complaining about the refs and flopping.