Twitter: 25 yr old woman suing Jerry Jones

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Maybe Jerry should have been a man about it and accepted responsibility for his actions and been a real dad to the child instead of having nothing to do with her.

As a guy and as a dad, I have no sympathy here for Jerry. He is the one that cheated on his wife, he is the one that could not keep his zipper up, and he is the one that could not be bothered to even use a condom. Then when the girl he is banging gets knocked up, he wants nothing to do with the child and is somehow a victim in all of this?

Maybe its just me, but if you are going to whip it out and get some girl pregnant, then be a man about, accept responsibility for your actions, and try to make it as right as you can for the child by being a real dad.

I think youre being a little unreasonable. If its not all a lie...people have needs and urges. A lot...and I mean a lot of people have sex. Im sorry...I just dont find bashing Jerry for the sex part of it as reasonable. Hes dumb for getting married and dumb if he doesnt have an agreement with Gene...but I dont fault him for falling for temptation. Its a built in urge men have. Do women not enjoy sex? Are they only in it to get pregnant? A mutual experience based around pleasure just isnt that big of a deal to me.

Jerry whipped it out...did he intend to get her pregnant? How many men who have sex want a girl to go through with a pleasure pregnancy/baby? NOT MANY! So men shouldnt have sex? So unreasonable.

Should Jerry have man'd up. Yeah. But shouldnt the Mom take some heat in this? I guess that is just SO UNREASONABLE to suggest.
Jerry should have talked to the girl when she turned 18 (legal age to sign a contract) and offered her $20 million to keep her mouth shut, would have saved him money in the long run and the public embarrassment he is getting right now.
Ha yep....but she's not a Cowboys draft pick so Stephen lowballed her with an honest offer.


I can already tell the simulation is going to lock this thread. It cant come up with a reasonable argument against my position
What not Jerry, he is so wholesome and family friendly. the moral compass for this team. Jerry is a fine upstanding citizen for the DFW
I think youre being a little unreasonable. If its not all a lie...people have needs and urges. A lot...and I mean a lot of people have sex. Im sorry...I just dont find bashing Jerry for the sex part of it as reasonable. Hes dumb for getting married and dumb if he doesnt have an agreement with Gene...but I dont fault him for falling for temptation. Its a built in urge men have. Do women not enjoy sex? Are they only in it to get pregnant? A mutual experience based around pleasure just isnt that big of a deal to me.

Jerry whipped it out...did he intend to get her pregnant? How many men who have sex want a girl to go through with a pleasure pregnancy/baby? NOT MANY! So men shouldnt have sex? So unreasonable.

Should Jerry have man'd up. Yeah. But shouldnt the Mom take some heat in this? I guess that is just SO UNREASONABLE to suggest.

I can already tell the simulation is going to lock this thread. It cant come up with a reasonable argument against my position

Your "position" is absurd. :muttley:

Mom raised the kid. Jerry wrote a check in exchange for her silence, then went on as if the child doesn't even exist.

All of your tap dancing about men enjoying sex, as if that's some sort of revelation, is irrelevant to those basic facts.
Anyway...can anyone tell me where I have been unreasonable in any of this?

Or do we have to play the Polar Extremes game?
Wait so he paid them to keep quiet yet now she's suing because?

She want in on his will?

She's already been paid and coming back for more? Tell her lazy *** to get a job and stop looking for handouts.
This old scumbag is getting exactly what he deserves ....... I hope is name is smeared through the mud for years to come.
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