Twitter: 25 yr old woman suing Jerry Jones

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He wasn't providing for the kid. He gave her mom hush money for a non-disclosure agreement. Writing a check in exchange for anonymity is what rich guys do when they're more concerned with their own image than any people impacted by their actions.

So yeah, it tells me a lot about what kind of man he is. He didn't take responsibility for anything. He took action to hide his mistake. His number one priority was covering his own backside. Best of luck, kid. Just hope your mom keeps her mouth shut.

Firing Jimmy and not putting him in the ring of honor also does that. Jerry has Narcissistic personality disorder.
If she is, he'll take care of her, as he should.....shouldn't affect anything else.....unless she's better at managing the salary cap than Stephen is.
You mean where he doesn't look around the league to see how to improve and just waits to pay his guys, or waits for the left overs to not get picked up so we can sign then and pat ourselves in the shoulder? That is a low bar.
Meh. Even if it is true, won't make a darn bit of difference to her, the cowboys or Jerry. Mom signed away in a settlement so that debt is paid. The woman will get nothing other than noteriety.

But if the paternity is true there should be no reason for Jerry to step up and be a Dad.

We can't let children be turned into only commercial transactions. There is more to dadhood than money. I don't think that is the society we want.
Lol. This team, man. So, is the Fan banned from talking about this? Haven't heard anything from that station but it's all the Ticket is talking about. Guessing The Fan really is in Jerry's pocket
I am not going crazy, he's worth over 8B and if she is his biological daughter, she is due. He sent his other daughter to an Ivy League school and gave her a job doing God knows what except posing as an upskirt model at drafts.
She’s just looking for a payday. Hell, I would too, and I imagine he’ll have no problem with that. I just won’t attach Booger’s paternal shenanigans and whatever drama the media tries to conjure for rating$ To go with it, to my Dallas Cowboys fanhood.
From everything I’ve read, there have been an ongoing series of payments.
yes... monthly, yearly and now on the
You're not speaking logically. You have an opinion like everyone else.

You proudly put money in Jerry's pockets every year. You don't question anything he does - those are your prerogatives.

Having seen first hand what happens to kids whose fathers abandon them my opinion is different than yours. Writing a big check doesn't make it all better.

Since I saw my father maybe 4 times after the age of 7... I kind of know what it is like.

As an adult, Im a football fan. I dont care one bit about anything that happens away from the field.
He wasn't providing for the kid. He gave her mom hush money for a non-disclosure agreement. Writing a check in exchange for anonymity is what rich guys do when they're more concerned with their own image than any people impacted by their actions.

So yeah, it tells me a lot about what kind of man he is. He didn't take responsibility for anything. He took action to hide his mistake. His number one priority was covering his own backside. Best of luck, kid. Just hope your mom keeps her mouth shut.
Not excusing it, but you can drum up dubious stuff on most any rich guy you want. Jerry has so many detractors desperate to take him down that the details are more inevitable than relevant.
And all this time I thought the Cowboys was Jerry favorite toy. Guess he found some time to play with some others.
This thread is way better than a Wwwwwwaaaaaahhhhh thread Does Stephen have a slut puppy in his past?
375k in the 90’s was fairly good. I received an extra 100k in 2015, and my whole family has lived quite comfortably ever since. We can only speculate, but I’d imagine Booger probably added to that over the years, if for no other reason, to create goodwill and discreet interaction. Look, I certainly don’t wanna defend the goofy SOB, but let’s not go crazy.
375k went to mommy... Jerry supporeted the child from the time that NDA was signed. Monthly, yearly, and lump payments on birthdays.
I am not going crazy, he's worth over 8B and if she is his biological daughter, she is due. He sent his other daughter to an Ivy League school and gave her a job doing God knows what except posing as an upskirt model at drafts.
she is due if Jerry decides to pay her. I dont support what he did, but he can chose to be in the persons life or not. And he can chose to support her as an adult or not... his choice. Not ours.
I doubt Jones wants this to go to court. She's about to get a big payday.
JOnes could just say, the NDA is done. Case closed... no payday involved. She has zero ground to stand on to get MONEY out of him. This case is about the NDA.
Do more? How about being a father to your child, like he was to his other 3.
again not your business, this entire thread should removed..freedom of choice and family internal matter not for nosey azz fans to comment on..
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