3-4 NT's stacking up

Nors said:
Link their boards? Or do you want me to do that too?:lmao2:

I've been leaning a draft of:

1) Lawson
2) Watson

I'm sure you have it on file. Be my guest. There displeasure with Carr has nothing to do with with their displeasure for Watson. One ran the program into the ground and the other just ran himself into the ground. Unrealized potential and a lack of heart is all it took for Michigan fans to see the truth.
Nors said:
Michigan fans are pissed cuz Carr has run program into ground. I saw Watson play 3 games and I watched him closely. Constantly double teamed yet dominant and disruptive. May he wear don? Sure. But he has 3-4 tools and experience and an ideal NT complement in rotation next to Fergi.

Same clowns that think Fergi suck think Watson sucks. They don't get 3-4 NT role for ONE second. :cool:

I'm still waiting to hear what 3 games those were. Considering he took less then 30 snaps in the last 3 games I'm wondering how much watching you really did.
Nors said:
Michigan fans are pissed cuz Carr has run program into ground. I saw Watson play 3 games and I watched him closely. Constantly double teamed yet dominant and disruptive. May he wear don? Sure. But he has 3-4 tools and experience and an ideal NT complement in rotation next to Fergi.

Same clowns that think Fergi suck think Watson sucks. They don't get 3-4 NT role for ONE second. :cool:

Perhaps, but then I ask again, why would you use the 18th over all selection on a NT? Ferguson was a 7th round pick.
Perhaps, but then I ask again, why would you use the 18th over all selection on a NT? Ferguson was a 7th round pick.

I'm done with this. You will never convince Nor of anything until Scott Wright says it first, but I'll be back on Saturday to see how Nors spins the fact that Watson will once again be MIA come game time.

I'm sure his answer will have something to do with him getting double teamed or something to the effect that no one but him understands the role of a 3-4 NT.
Watson's having a problem with offsides this week. Shows he's pushing hard to impress. $$$ in his eyes, wait to see what he does with money in his pocket.

Nors will never tell you the three games he studied Watson closely in because it'll take him a week to research it online.

The bottomline is that I've seen him 20+ times and there are several here who've seen him play 40+ times and we all think that the reward isn't worth the risk unless it's a third round risk.
Again - you guys have no clue what a 3-4 NT is asked to do then.

Carry on!
Nors said:
Again - you guys have no clue what a 3-4 NT is asked to do then.

Carry on!

:lmao: Predictable
Nors said:

Did your legwork - :lmao2:

Funny - Michigan boards not hating on Gabe anywhere near what the few nitwits here who are season ticket holders of Michigan were!

Kinda like the New York Bledsoe contingent that spread total BS last year......

You are something else!:lmao2:

You dug up someone else work (no big surprise there) and then somehow turn 4 posts about his character into a winning argument thread about his play!:lmao:

OMG you are something else! Every board has to have one!:lmao:
Nors said:
Again - you guys have no clue what a 3-4 NT is asked to do then.

Carry on!

Oh, I'm pretty damn sure I know a little bit about that Nors. Just because I don't like the 34 doesn't mean I don't know the 34.
Notice he didn't link to the thread on page 3 "opinions of Gabe Watson", a much more relevant thread to this topic. Even the Maize and Blue faithful recognize that he's an undermotivated player who is a "boom or bust".

"Are you sure you didn't mean motivated because we all know he's always hungry" :lmao2:
StanleySpadowski said:
Notice he didn't link to the thread on page 3 "opinions of Gabe Watson", a much more relevant thread to this topic. Even the Maize and Blue faithful recognize that he's an undermotivated player who is a "boom or bust".

"Are you sure you didn't mean motivated because we all know he's always hungry" :lmao2:

He will have an excuse for that as well. Actually he will just copy and paste something from some draft web site and give some guarantee then drop a line about Lloyd Carr and finish up with telling us we don't know anything.:lmao:

Nice find by the way:lmao2:
Sounds like they all have the same opinion and it's what most of us knew already. Ton's of potential but has problems living up to it. Great guy and boom or bust.

Still say that's great for a second round pick but to much to risk in the 1st round for a NT.
StanleySpadowski said:
Notice he didn't link to the thread on page 3 "opinions of Gabe Watson", a much more relevant thread to this topic. Even the Maize and Blue faithful recognize that he's an undermotivated player who is a "boom or bust".

"Are you sure you didn't mean motivated because we all know he's always hungry" :lmao2:

Did you even read all 23 replies? I did - maybe 2 were very negative. 3 or so on underachiever. Rest were very positive and favorable to ol Gabe.

Foiled yet again on the glooms. :p:

StanleySpadowski said:
And this proves you watched the game how??? You knew the names of two players that were in it. Big whoop.

Actually it proves you didn't watch the game if you called Watson a "stud" after it.

You want a play by play of him in the game?

We wait on pins and needles to see how Nors ducks this one.:lmao2:

It's going to be short play by play anyways.

Last I checked that's 1 game. Two more to go.

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