49ers/Eagles/Cowboys HOFer T.O. announces speech location

I LOVE how upset this is making folks. GOOD. I’m glad TO is doing his own thing and not what these clowns who’ve never played the sport want him to do.

First ballot in my book!

August 4th will be a huge day in Chattanooga (& we all know it).

Screw the "shut up and color" establishment. Well done TO.
I LOVE how upset this is making folks. GOOD. I’m glad TO is doing his own thing and not what these clowns who’ve never played the sport want him to do.

First ballot in my book!
No way is he guaranteed First Ballot......he waited the appropriate time for his antics and numbers
Does this fool think he’s gonna fill an arena? He’d be better off holding it in a 7-11 parking lot.

Don't underestimate the draw that a media presence and free entry has on today's 20 somethings with nothing to do.
I guess there is no show like a T.O. show, he can sure suck folk in like Parcells said, it would be really awesome if he got signed up in the NFL again after getting into the Hall of Fame. #Available
I think this just confirms that TO is broke and could not afford the Canton trip. It’s ironic that the NFL requires HOF inductees to pay their way into the ceremony. What a money grab for the owners.
I'm not mad in the least. I don't care. He won't be the first to cut off his nose to spite his face.
I actually like the idea that he is giving the Middle Finger to the establishment, always better to be your own man and not someone else's.

Turning down induction would be giving the middle finger to the establishment.

He's accepting it, he's just doing it in a rude, self-serving manner.
Turning down induction would be giving the middle finger to the establishment.

He's accepting it, he's just doing it in a rude, self-serving manner.
He's doing it his way... The same way he played the game... Who are we to cast judgment if we have never achieved such greatness in the sport?
I don’t always agree with T.O. But Damn right T.O., celebrate “your” day the way you want, not the way others want or think you should celebrate it.Do you.

Man, I'm disappointed to read that. As a high school coach, you should know this is wrong and sends a terrible message.
But, you're entitled to your opinion, so I will agree to disagree... but you're wrong (lol).

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