Drafted by Cowboys 5th Round Pick - QB Mike White, Western Kentucky (171st pick)

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Watched 5 of his games on tape.

Had some excellent deep ball games. Had some poor deep ball games.
Longest QB to Receiver pass I saw was 51 yards; I want to see 56 yards.
Really struggled in the 15 to 30 yard range.
Can make multiple reads.
Can force some passes.
Limited athelete.

I know Broaddus was cheerleading for him to sneak into the first three rounds. I'm not as high, but I see potential.
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Another young QB to sit behind Dak, this team does not need.

How soon everyone forgets Cooper Rush. White as 3rd QB does not help Cowboys win any games, let alone contend for a ring.

Not when there are still starting positions that are up for grabs.

Dude, it's the bottom of the 5th round. And White is incredible value. And by the way, QBs get hurt sometimes. Great pick.


Village Idiot
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Tick Tock Tick Tock....FO sending a message to Noodles.....

Mike Whites scouting ....

  • Arm talent is the first thing you notice
  • Former high school pitcher with 90 MPH fastball who can crank up that heat when he needs to
  • Has good drive accuracy
  • Able to push the ball into tight windows
  • Has velocity and accuracy to attack the middle of the field
  • Can alternate between heat and touch
  • Throws catchable deep ball and has ability to drop it over a cornerback's head down the sideline
  • Can be dangerous from the pocket when he's protected
  • Completed 57 percent of his deep throws when protection was better in 2016
  • Resets feet before throwing when he leaves the pocket
  • Asked to make full-field reads at times
The above in BOLD is what Dak doesn't have.....

I think Brandon Weeden had similar strengths. How did that work out?
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