I think they should go about things in a sneaky way. To use Jerry's own greed against him in a diabolical strategy . A plan to end all plans.
They should randomly buy about 100 or more pavers and just have a word or two on each paver. Once all the pavers are put in place they can use google earth to take a picture of the stadium. Then they can find each paver and connect to dots and you could read their message that says something like....We thought about doing this on a Billboard but found this way to be much more savage, Jerry is the debil!1! and we need to fire fire fire him as a GM cause we hate hate hate him as GM so there!1!11 We are on to your money grubbing ways Jerry Jones and the only way we will leave you alone is if you fire yourself as GM1!!!
Haha the most evil plan imaginable and they and their group can laugh about it for ever and ever that they got the best of Debil GM Jones at his own stadium.
Now never mind the fact that they paid money to him to do this and in doing so only giving him more reason to continue his ways. They will get the best of him and show the world that they are the only true fans that have to make a stand and make a stand they will.
Yes...I am bored this afternoon.