CFZ A bold roster strategy I would support

Bad idea. Let's see what they have got this year. They could end up much better than you think.
Are you serious? There was too many holes created this offseason for them to improve. It wouldn’t take much for them to surpass my expectations. They lost a starting LT and C this offseason. Those positions will be hard to fill with decent players. Everyone knows how important the LT position is, but few realize how the C position is the heart and soul of the OL. When Frederick was drafted, the OL immediately got better when he took over for Phil Costa. I have a feeling that they are going to field another Costa caliber of player this year.
I would have fired Mac in January. McCarthy is better than any coach we’ve had since Parcells. But when you get trucked at home by a 7 seed in the worst playoff loss in the team’s 64 year history, you don’t recover from that IMO.

If I had been GM I would have cleaned house. If I was owner, I would have fired the GM named Jones and hired someone else. Because it’s clear he can’t get it done.
Let me say right off the bat, what I’m about to suggest will never happen. Why? Because Jerry Jones no longer takes big risks in attempts to build a championship roster. In fact, sadly Jerry and Stephen clearly make sales and marketing the centerpiece of what drives this organization more than sound roster moves that give us better chances of winning playoff games.

Most fans around here probably would not support my roster plan either. And I understand that. But I believe this is the way to make this team better in the long run. So what is the roster building strategy I would support? Here it is:
  • Make 2024 an aggressive rebuild. Simply put, if we are being honest, there is no core of this team that has done anything important in the playoffs. Yes, the last 3 years have given us 3 playoff appearances, BUT…that has resulted in 1 wild card win. That’s not worth building around IMO.
  • Seek trades for Cedee Lamb, Micah Parsons, Dak, Zack Martin and D-Law. Having all these top paid guys (Lamb and Parsons will be soon) collectively have given us 3 wild card wins - one back when Romo was QB. Here’s my thinking on this:
    • Trade Cedee Lamb- why? Yes Lamb deserves a big payday. But I would not pay him top market dollar because keeping him here at top market value does not make this team better. It keeps it the same. He has disappeared at times in big games and pouts way too easily. I would see if we could get a first round pick for him.
    • Trade Micah Parsons- I would think long and hard about paying this guy top of the defensive market. Not because of talent. He’s the most talented guy on this team. But he’s also the biggest head case on this team. Hate to say it, he disappears in big games, pouts and talks waaaay too much. Trade him while his value is high. He might garner a first and a second round pick.
    • Trade Dak Prescott- I know the Jones boys don’t have the stones to do this but I would be vigorously seeking trade partners right now for Dak. They should have shopped him to Pitts because I think Dak would have agreed to that trade. That “no trade clause” just means they need to find a team he would like. It may be too late now.
    • See what trading Zack Martin, Trevon Diggs and D-Law could garner- doubtful there would be much value for Martin and Law at their age but I would explore it. Diggs maybe.
  • Use the haul in draft picks for a rebuild of the core of this team.
    • Draft a QB in the first round for a change.
    • Draft a LT, G/C, WR and edge rusher the next two years that you can build around.
As stated earlier, the current core of this team has not given us much of anything in playoff wins. Isn’t that what we are supposed to be about? Winning playoff games? Like I said at the beginning, this will never happen. The Jones boys are mostly about sales and marketing. This is why they sign their “marquee” players whether or not having them means we have a legit shot at a Lombardi.

IMO it is long past the time to move on from this core of players who have underachieved. A new era of Cowboys football should be in the making. Don‘t hold your breath. There are jerseys and commercials to sell first.
Brilliant ideas! ... If one lives in Bizarre World.

Bizarro Jerald: "Fire our best players!"
Bizarro fan: "Yes we fire our best players to be bad and that is good."
Bizarro Jerald: "Bad is always good, idiot fan!"
Bizarro fan: "We are No. 32! We are No. 32!"
Well I don't think most teams would do that...

that is why I keep saying this place is full of opinions by very amateurish writers who think they have answers and advice for an entire organization that is full of professional football guys.

I don't care what you think of Jerry Jones, he's been around the block a few times but he has people working for him they're under him will McClay the scouts, the coaches they all have 30 plus years experience,

I don't know many teams that would literally just explode a team that you just said three straight 12 win seasons... they do need to make some changes and maybe some critical ones ,which they may make before game one but yes this whole rebuild mode you never really hear this from a team that's won two division titles in a division where a lot of this place seems to think the Eagles have a better GM and yet we beat them twice for the division in the last three years been to the playoffs, actually five out of the last eight years with a healthy quarterback..

Of course we all want to do better in the playoffs of course we want another NFC championship game but the craziness that's happened since the Green Bay game from the fan base all this talk is just nuts I believe it could be done in 2025 but the whole premise of doing this in 2024 starts with the quarterback and it's a little late in the game as far as the offseason goes to now trying to trade your quarterback you would have done that a month ago proposed that to Prescott and let him make a list to see if he'd waive the no trade clause for certain teams and then done this before free agency started.. Too many pieces have moved around already too many boards have been made to do this in 2024...
I don’t think you should refer to anyone that posts on this site as “very amateurish writers”.
Are you serious? There was too many holes created this offseason for them to improve. It wouldn’t take much for them to surpass my expectations. They lost a starting LT and C this offseason. Those positions will be hard to fill with decent players. Everyone knows how important the LT position is, but few realize how the C position is the heart and soul of the OL. When Frederick was drafted, the OL immediately got better when he took over for Phil Costa. I have a feeling that they are going to field another Costa caliber of player this year.
Bada s s was only average, but he did know what he was doing and mostly held his own. A downgrade at C would be monumentally bad. We might easily be going back to the jailbreak that was Costa where Romo was being hit nanoseconds after the ball was snapped.
Especially from a writer who doesn't understand punctuation even at the most basic level.
So all manner of professional writings and literature have mistakes, but you judge people on an internet sports message board? Hmmm.

I have good grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc...but not very good typist....especially on my dumb smart phone. Dont judge!:):cool::laugh:
So all manner of professional writings and literature have mistakes, but you judge people on an internet sports message board? Hmmm.

I have good grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc...but not very good typist....especially on my dumb smart phone. Dont judge!:):cool::laugh:
Everyone judges everyone. Just a fact of life.

Spewing long diatribes w/ not even an attempt at punctuation is just rude. No one's talking about a few mistakes,dude, we're talking about zero punctuation and on top of that, no effort whatsoever. Makes it unreadable. Hmmmmmmmm.............
Everyone judges everyone. Just a fact of life.

Spewing long diatribes w/ not even an attempt at punctuation is just rude. No one's talking about a few mistakes,dude, we're talking about zero punctuation and on top of that, no effort whatsoever. Makes it unreadable. Hmmmmmmmm.............
It could be your are talking about someone that uses speech to text? Could be challenges you haven't considered. That can happen when rushing to...judgement.

There are a few others that go on long dramatic rants. I've asked the undermentioned person to please consider the challenges his readers might face in deciphering his point when presented like that. No judging, just fyi.

Oh...and by the way:
""Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteers be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.""

Although there was never any "study"...the point still stands.
Let me say right off the bat, what I’m about to suggest will never happen. Why? Because Jerry Jones no longer takes big risks in attempts to build a championship roster. In fact, sadly Jerry and Stephen clearly make sales and marketing the centerpiece of what drives this organization more than sound roster moves that give us better chances of winning playoff games.

Most fans around here probably would not support my roster plan either. And I understand that. But I believe this is the way to make this team better in the long run. So what is the roster building strategy I would support? Here it is:
  • Make 2024 an aggressive rebuild. Simply put, if we are being honest, there is no core of this team that has done anything important in the playoffs. Yes, the last 3 years have given us 3 playoff appearances, BUT…that has resulted in 1 wild card win. That’s not worth building around IMO.
  • Seek trades for Cedee Lamb, Micah Parsons, Dak, Zack Martin and D-Law. Having all these top paid guys (Lamb and Parsons will be soon) collectively have given us 3 wild card wins - one back when Romo was QB. Here’s my thinking on this:
    • Trade Cedee Lamb- why? Yes Lamb deserves a big payday. But I would not pay him top market dollar because keeping him here at top market value does not make this team better. It keeps it the same. He has disappeared at times in big games and pouts way too easily. I would see if we could get a first round pick for him.
    • Trade Micah Parsons- I would think long and hard about paying this guy top of the defensive market. Not because of talent. He’s the most talented guy on this team. But he’s also the biggest head case on this team. Hate to say it, he disappears in big games, pouts and talks waaaay too much. Trade him while his value is high. He might garner a first and a second round pick.
    • Trade Dak Prescott- I know the Jones boys don’t have the stones to do this but I would be vigorously seeking trade partners right now for Dak. They should have shopped him to Pitts because I think Dak would have agreed to that trade. That “no trade clause” just means they need to find a team he would like. It may be too late now.
    • See what trading Zack Martin, Trevon Diggs and D-Law could garner- doubtful there would be much value for Martin and Law at their age but I would explore it. Diggs maybe.
  • Use the haul in draft picks for a rebuild of the core of this team.
    • Draft a QB in the first round for a change.
    • Draft a LT, G/C, WR and edge rusher the next two years that you can build around.
As stated earlier, the current core of this team has not given us much of anything in playoff wins. Isn’t that what we are supposed to be about? Winning playoff games? Like I said at the beginning, this will never happen. The Jones boys are mostly about sales and marketing. This is why they sign their “marquee” players whether or not having them means we have a legit shot at a Lombardi.

IMO it is long past the time to move on from this core of players who have underachieved. A new era of Cowboys football should be in the making. Don‘t hold your breath. There are jerseys and commercials to sell first.
I agree with an aggressive rebuild strategy but that’s too aggressive. We still need a some experienced high end players to build around.

Trade Dak, D-Law, and maybe even Martin or Steele but I think we should hang on to Parsons, Ceedee and Diggs.
Jethro has zero idea what makes a DT good.

I never understood the hoopla over Mazi. Both is scouting report and his play in college read like a 4th/5th round talent. Wonder who it was, exactly, who hyped him up?
What I like was the play acting that the JonesBoys did right after that Mazi picked as if they just snagged an all time talent. They knew they reached, and they knew the fans would be scratching their heads at yet another reach a round too early for a spare.
First of all who cares what anybody says in here nobody in here's a professional nobody in here knows more than the Cowboys front office they literally have been a top six team the last three years they'll get it figured out but I guarantee this this whole strategy thing isn't gonna work for 2024 we're too far into the process Prescott doesn't have as many options now because they've already passed that point where many teams have already settled on their quarterbacks or they're gonna get one in the draft it's too late for that because in order for Prescott to get traded he would have to waive his no trade clause and for sure they're not doing a dumb thing like Denver and eating $65 million to have a guy play somewhere else that would be the dumbest business move in the history of football given the fact that Prescott had his best year......

So we can table all these rebuild talks for next year that would be 2025 the Cowboys right now as they sit have a bunch of contracts on hold they have a one year head coach a one year defensive coordinator and they will get it either figured out before the season starts or this is gonna go into the offseason of 2025 and we're gonna see if the Cowboys wanna do a full reboot....​
Right now we're going into the season trying to make one last push with this current team... There are no better plans from the fan base there are no strategies there is nobody in here that knows more than the Cowboys front office I'm sorry whatever it might seem they don't know they definitely have 100 times more experience than anybody in here that includes everybody posting all these ideas as if they're professionals....​
These are nothing more than input from a fan base it's all opinions... We are all at the mercy of the Dallas Cowboys front office they will build this team they have plenty of time between now and game one to go through the free agent pool drafts and make trades and get back at it...​
Clearly you do. You write these novels as responses that most people will never read.

Your actions betray your true mindset - you are a propaganda crusader here to police any wrong-think according to your own opinions.

You care more about what the rest of us post than any other member, again based upon your responses and their filibuster lengths.
Jethro has zero idea what makes a DT good.

I never understood the hoopla over Mazi. Both is scouting report and his play in college read like a 4th/5th round talent. Wonder who it was, exactly, who hyped him up?
THIS. AGAIN, and even wose this time because it was a 1st rd pick.
I mean, the 3tech mistakes in rounds 2 thru 4 with Collins-3rd, Gallimore-4th, and Hill-2nd is one thing. But then to double down on a 4th/5th rd weak 1tech in the first round?Borderline insanity.

The funny crap is the sales job of the Mazi supporters with "he wasn't asked to do that at Michigan, or 1 tech DTs take time to develop, or he's used to a read and react college defense as to why his get off at the snap is so slow."
McClay with an absolute HUGE fail.
And the the funniest of all and to top it off is then we get him to lose weight to become a 3tech.
An extremely slow twitch 3 technique getting pushed around and backwards in the majority of his one on snaps for the entire year.

Now, don't let me get started on Schoonmaker...

THIS. AGAIN, and even wose this time because it was a 1st rd pick.
I mean, the 3tech mistakes in rounds 2 thru 4 with Collins-3rd, Gallimore-4th, and Hill-2nd is one thing. But then to double down on a 4th/5th rd weak 1tech in the first round?Borderline insanity.

The funny crap is the sales job of the Mazi supporters with "he wasn't asked to do that at Michigan, or 1 tech DTs take time to develop, or he's used to a read and react college defense as to why his get off at the snap is so slow."
McClay with an absolute HUGE fail.
And the the funniest of all and to top it off is then we get him to lose weight to become a 3tech.
An extremely slow twitch 3 technique getting pushed around and backwards in the majority of his one on snaps for the entire year.

Now, don't let me get started on Schoonmaker...

I might be the biggest "Need a NT" screamer on this site, and I didn't like the Mazi pick. Keeanu Benton went to Pitt in the 2nd and he was great as a rook. I couldn't fathom how Mazi was considered a 1st/2nd round talent.
Let me say right off the bat, what I’m about to suggest will never happen. Why? Because Jerry Jones no longer takes big risks in attempts to build a championship roster. In fact, sadly Jerry and Stephen clearly make sales and marketing the centerpiece of what drives this organization more than sound roster moves that give us better chances of winning playoff games.

Most fans around here probably would not support my roster plan either. And I understand that. But I believe this is the way to make this team better in the long run. So what is the roster building strategy I would support? Here it is:
  • Make 2024 an aggressive rebuild. Simply put, if we are being honest, there is no core of this team that has done anything important in the playoffs. Yes, the last 3 years have given us 3 playoff appearances, BUT…that has resulted in 1 wild card win. That’s not worth building around IMO.
  • Seek trades for Cedee Lamb, Micah Parsons, Dak, Zack Martin and D-Law. Having all these top paid guys (Lamb and Parsons will be soon) collectively have given us 3 wild card wins - one back when Romo was QB. Here’s my thinking on this:
    • Trade Cedee Lamb- why? Yes Lamb deserves a big payday. But I would not pay him top market dollar because keeping him here at top market value does not make this team better. It keeps it the same. He has disappeared at times in big games and pouts way too easily. I would see if we could get a first round pick for him.
    • Trade Micah Parsons- I would think long and hard about paying this guy top of the defensive market. Not because of talent. He’s the most talented guy on this team. But he’s also the biggest head case on this team. Hate to say it, he disappears in big games, pouts and talks waaaay too much. Trade him while his value is high. He might garner a first and a second round pick.
    • Trade Dak Prescott- I know the Jones boys don’t have the stones to do this but I would be vigorously seeking trade partners right now for Dak. They should have shopped him to Pitts because I think Dak would have agreed to that trade. That “no trade clause” just means they need to find a team he would like. It may be too late now.
    • See what trading Zack Martin, Trevon Diggs and D-Law could garner- doubtful there would be much value for Martin and Law at their age but I would explore it. Diggs maybe.
  • Use the haul in draft picks for a rebuild of the core of this team.
    • Draft a QB in the first round for a change.
    • Draft a LT, G/C, WR and edge rusher the next two years that you can build around.
As stated earlier, the current core of this team has not given us much of anything in playoff wins. Isn’t that what we are supposed to be about? Winning playoff games? Like I said at the beginning, this will never happen. The Jones boys are mostly about sales and marketing. This is why they sign their “marquee” players whether or not having them means we have a legit shot at a Lombardi.

IMO it is long past the time to move on from this core of players who have underachieved. A new era of Cowboys football should be in the making. Don‘t hold your breath. There are jerseys and commercials to sell first.
Nope. Even Jimmy Johnson, Bob Ackles, and John Wooten didn't and wouldn't do it.

You do not trade away young, good or great players (see Amari Cooper still making Pro Bowls).

I would traded down in the 1st round for a 2nd round pick and a no.1 in 2025, resign both Lamb, and Parsons (play at WOLB like Anthony Barr in 4/3 or ROLB 3/4 like Ware), you can franchise either.

Draft OL and DL with 2nd round picks, get RB in 3rd. Draft QB and defense in 2025 with 1st round picks. This way I stay competitive with a high floor. Then have the option in 2025 to have a cheap QB (2024 or 2025 draft) or build behind a legitimate franchise QB in 2025 (free agent or trade). I would have jumped all over the opportunity to trade for Kyler Murray.

People think Jimmy, Bob, and John blew everything up in 1989 but they kept 3 starters on the OL, 2 starters at WR, 3 DL, and 1 LB from the 1988 team that was on the 1991, 1992, or 1993 and 1994 rosters. They all were young and talented.

The salary cap is a myth as long as the NFL is the no.1 sport in America and no. 2 in the world.
I might be the biggest "Need a NT" screamer on this site, and I didn't like the Mazi pick. Keeanu Benton went to Pitt in the 2nd and he was great as a rook. I couldn't fathom how Mazi was considered a 1st/2nd round talent.
We are not going to like any of our DT picks unless we get into the top 10. That is why we should have got one in FA.

But we apparently still believe it is a passing league. Which will only get you so far.

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