Anyone else find this place is comical and entertaining is the 75 posts we see of unprofessional amateurish writers behind a keyboard trying to advise and give plans to a fully seasoned professional staff??
I mean it's so crazy to have amateurs sit back behind a computer thinking that they have a better plan, the better idea, and something that fits more to their time frame, it's something they would accept more than again a professional staff full of very experienced football people..
Its not just Jerry with a gavel and or a dart board..
I I don't get that you all don't understand that they have 1200 employees ,if you count everybody and the players and that includes a lot of management a lot of scouts and yes will McClay is the GM...
I don't care about who has the title and who does the talking, then we have a bunch of professional coaches who have been head coaches or assistant coaches for the better part of 30 to 40 years.. I think they'll get it figured out if we just give them time to get the team put together in five months before game one...
So all these plans from a lot of y'all who really believe you think you can do a better job with strategies and roster building and the way you would handle free agents and trades why are you wasting your talents I don't know what you all do for a living but it for sure isn't running professional football teams especially one that's worth $10 billion and has at least a winning tradition regardless if we haven't got past that hump everybody wants they literally have more experience than you they do know what they're doing even if it doesn't match what you think they're supposed to be doing...
The ego maniacal fan base who think because they watch and follow professional football team and see other teams do things then they could just try to use that philosophy to come in here and advise us on how they can do a better job than what they would accept from the front office in order to be part of the fan base moving forward...
lmao good stuff