It’s not a tantrum. I view players first and foremost about whether or not their presence on the team makes us better able to win playoff games in proportion to what we’re paying them. IMO paying Cedee Lamb top dollar as a WR does not make us better.
yeah I have been saying trade lamb for exact same reasons. The picks you get for him, if used wisely could make the team better than it is with him,
and paying all that money to one guy. Also once he gets his "bag" he might let up like many do, or become more of a diva.
Fans like him, and that is why jerry will keep him, regardless of what he does in games, he puts fans in seats, and sells jerseys.
He is what i will call a KTR player, Keep Team Relevant ! lol
As long as jerry keeps building KTR teams they wont be good enough to win in playoffs, much less win a SB.
The other thing is I keep saying coaching is important, but fans dont get it. They focus on players.
Take dak for example.
Dak is awful, Dak is great. but without a good HC, and staff, Dak will never be great, Same for the team.
Jerry keeps hiring these lame HC's, and that is the biggest problem cowboys have had since
MM is like dak, unless you give him a all star roster, he will falter in playoffs. And jerry has only given him and JG the KTR rosters.
And now Jerry has gotten worse,wont use FA at all except for jags, and gives the bulk of money to a few supposed stars.
So without a new and good HC Who hires his own staff. Cowboys are doomed to be KTR and nothing more.
I would love to see BB hired in 25, and see what he could do, give him a few years and see if he can change the culture, and have
the team prepared for games, and less penaltys , more innovation, etc.