Not saying you're wrong jt, but that Stretch Smith guy on 103.3 was advocating all pre-draft season for the Cowboys to do exactly what you said, to draft Mosley (or some other MLB prospect) and move Lee to the WLB to maybe keep him healthy. But I heard they supposedly asked Stephen about it and he said they weren't considering that. Now I guess he could have been lying, but that's what he said the way I remember it.
I didn't get it from 103.3 because I don't listen to them at all anymore. Stretch was the main guy advocating moving to a 4-3 and firing Ryan as quickly as possible to bring in the dinosaurs.
He is a football guy so I wanted to like him but I just never got him at all. His football points were just poor imho.
But it appears they did decide to punt on that idea if it was ever real internally. Mosley obviously was there for the taking and they passed.
Smith knows a lot of Cowboys staff so I am guessing his idea wasn't so original but I could be wrong.
Whatever the case if McClain maintains and Lee gets healthy they have an awesome problem to solve.
Plus they got Zach Martin to boot.