A great analogy of our biggest problem using a restaurant as the example


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Someone shared a link with me yesterday where a guy was talking about why the Cowboys have been so playoff inept for 28 years. (The language was inappropriate at times so I can’t share it) I thought it was perfect.

Any way, the analogy goes like this:
  • A rich man buys a famous restaurant with a great reputation, but the place had slipped a little in prior years.
  • The owner hires a great chef named Jimmy who in short order turns the place around.
  • The food is great, the atmosphere great, and crowds come back. The awards begin to flow - this is the best restaurant in town.
  • The owner becomes concerned that chef is getting too much credit. The owner and chef clash and the great chef leaves.
  • At first the restaurant continues to do well with chef Jimmy’s recipes, but over time the restaurant declines without the great chef.
  • The owner begins to hang out in the restaurant more and more, places his photos all over the place and becomes the centerpiece of the restaurant.
  • The owner vows to never again hire a chef that will take away the spotlight from him. The owner won‘t hire the best chefs anymore.
  • The restaurant continues to do good business but it’s all based on past reputation. The loyal crowds who continue showing up agree that food isn’t that great but somehow the reputation of the restaurant remains high.
  • The owner continues hiring mediocre chefs and simply blames them for mediocre food.
  • The crowds keep showing up anyway.
Can‘t think of a better analogy of what’s happened to this franchise.


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Someone shared a link with me yesterday where a guy was talking about why the Cowboys have been so playoff inept for 28 years. (The language was inappropriate at times so I can’t share it) I thought it was perfect.

Any way, the analogy goes like this:
  • A rich man buys a famous restaurant with a great reputation, but the place had slipped a little in prior years.
  • The owner hires a great chef named Jimmy who in short order turns the place around.
  • The food is great, the atmosphere great, and crowds come back. The awards begin to flow - this is the best restaurant in town.
  • The owner becomes concerned that chef is getting too much credit. The owner and chef clash and the great chef leaves.
  • At first the restaurant continues to do well with chef Jimmy’s recipes, but over time the restaurant declines without the great chef.
  • The owner begins to hang out in the restaurant more and more, places his photos all over the place and becomes the centerpiece of the restaurant.
  • The owner vows to never again hire a chef that will take away the spotlight from him. The owner won‘t hire the best chefs anymore.
  • The restaurant continues to do good business but it’s all based on past reputation. The loyal crowds who continue showing up agree that food isn’t that great but somehow the reputation of the restaurant remains high.
  • The owner continues hiring mediocre chefs and simply blames them for mediocre food.
  • The crowds keep showing up anyway.
Can‘t think of a better analogy of what’s happened to this franchise.
Sounds like the owner needs to pass it off to his kids, and let new fresh ideas take over!! Out dated ways, lead you to losses in KEY places!


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The chef analogy is perfect. As is the description that the diners continue to eat there even though the food isn’t as good. It’s all reputation. And the owner continues raking in the cash even though the food ain‘t that great.


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36 and 15 against mostly jelly donuts from the Northeast corridor Amtrak derailment of the NFCE . Then a win in the playoffs where Brady looked every bit 45 yrs old . When facing dawgs from the pound the team goes into a shell . 2024 . Rinse & repeat . “ here we go “


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Problem with the analogy is that the Cowboys are part of a collective that participates in revenue sharing.

A crappy restaurant living off its name will eventually default. It may take 25 years longer than it should have, but regulars eventually fall off and the restaurant fails.

The Cowboys will never default. Even if they have no fans, the NFL will keep them viable and keep the Jones family flush. How do you think teams like the Lions have survived this long?


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36 and 15 against mostly jelly donuts from the Northeast corridor Amtrak derailment of the NFCE . Then a win in the playoffs where Brady looked every bit 45 yrs old . When facing dawgs from the pound the team goes into a shell . 2024 . Rinse & repeat . “ here we go “
When the food is bad the diners don’t blame the owner of the restaurant for not hiring the best people. They blame the people he’s hired.


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Someone shared a link with me yesterday where a guy was talking about why the Cowboys have been so playoff inept for 28 years. (The language was inappropriate at times so I can’t share it) I thought it was perfect.

Any way, the analogy goes like this:
  • A rich man buys a famous restaurant with a great reputation, but the place had slipped a little in prior years.
  • The owner hires a great chef named Jimmy who in short order turns the place around.
  • The food is great, the atmosphere great, and crowds come back. The awards begin to flow - this is the best restaurant in town.
  • The owner becomes concerned that chef is getting too much credit. The owner and chef clash and the great chef leaves.
  • At first the restaurant continues to do well with chef Jimmy’s recipes, but over time the restaurant declines without the great chef.
  • The owner begins to hang out in the restaurant more and more, places his photos all over the place and becomes the centerpiece of the restaurant.
  • The owner vows to never again hire a chef that will take away the spotlight from him. The owner won‘t hire the best chefs anymore.
  • The restaurant continues to do good business but it’s all based on past reputation. The loyal crowds who continue showing up agree that food isn’t that great but somehow the reputation of the restaurant remains high.
  • The owner continues hiring mediocre chefs and simply blames them for mediocre food.
  • The crowds keep showing up anyway.
Can‘t think of a better analogy of what’s happened to this franchise.
The problem here is another hidden narrative that's actually false because it's missing information..

Let's start with the fact that Jerry brought in two renowned chefs and Parcells and Mike McCarthy who both have ran great restaurants beforehand and those guys brought in their sous chefs waitress waiters and bartenders...

And somehow all the patrons did come back because the full stadium says that's a full restaurant the fact that the league still gives the Cowboys primetime high rated time slots and people watch...

The fact is you're calling the playoffs somehow the whole entire restaurant franchise actually the people are filling up and eating at the restaurant have become tired of some of the bad attitudes from the other employees or the drinks fell off or something went bad that the food wasn't worth the headache anymore...

I mean you guys can keep dumping on this team all you want and making up narratives and the order to hide the same exact thing that's been said since 2 weeks ago and every offseason and now you just need to make up analogies with hidden narratives it's all the same message you don't like the owner you don't like where the team's going you don't like his choices and coaches and I'm still ask why are you still talking so much about the Cowboys you're content depends on the Cowboys it's like the social media and ESPN and the other media that's all they talk about so Dallas Cowboys apparently the restaurant still big enough it's still popular enough that it still is making money so it's a bad analogy because those restaurants usually lose money go bankrupt and go out of business because nobody comes anymore but the fact is people are still coming have you seen the full stadiums have you seen the fact that we get so many prime time games that means the product is still producing because 36 wins two division wins and three straight playoffs in the last three years says this restaurant is seating patrons...

So let's put the blame where the blame should be something else inside the restaurant has gone wrong and they keep trying to fix it so they hired new staff and then that stopped working out but then the bartender starts messing up starts making bad drinks starts having an attitude he gets fired they're trying to find a way to get the right mix of staff and chef and the chefs crew in the back like the prep people or how about the suppliers of the food...??

So I can play this game and twist your narratives too this is a bad analogy because I know why restaurants fail and they usually go bankrupt people stop coming people have not stopped coming I mean you're in here 18 hours a day talking about the Cowboys tell me are their product is not serving up good food because you're still talking about them one way or the other somebody's gonna go in and take a peek and have a meal and see if what you're saying is true or not....

Things have not been great in the playoffs and they've been far from perfect but don't tell me somehow this is an embarrassing franchise because it can't get over the hump when we've watched other teams have the same problem trying to get through us in the 70s and the 90s with great players and great coaches that still couldn't beat the Dallas Cowboys until we started to decline...

I get all the blowback and the negativity and the emotional outburst but these are getting ridiculous this might have be liked by the same people who like the same thing you could have just came on and said you don't like Jerry Jones and any of his coaching choices and that until that changes it's all gonna be a lot of the same thing over the last 30 years... That one line would have covered up that whole facade that you're trying to cover the same spewing things that have been said for two straight weeks now.... You just cloaked it into some more fun analogy for some of your followers that Jerry Jones hate club..


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LOL...very good. Some people don't care if the food is great, as long as they serve plenty and they don't get sick. Low standards, some have. They get used to it, no longer expecting great food or service. As long as you have those kind of people in the world, you keep living with past reputation. They didn't come in when it was great so nothing to compare it to.

Hopefully, the Dept of Health keeps a close eye on Jerry's arse.


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Problem with the analogy is that the Cowboys are part of a collective that participates in revenue sharing.

A crappy restaurant living off its name will eventually default. It may take 25 years longer than it should have, but regulars eventually fall off and the restaurant fails.

The Cowboys will never default. Even if they have no fans, the NFL will keep them viable and keep the Jones family flush. How do you think teams like the Lions have survived this long?
You aren’t wrong here.


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I'm not sold entirely. If you wanna use that analogy, there's one thing missing:

A new law passes which tells the restaurant owner that he can only pay his employees so much. Now he can't just hire the best staff anymore, he has to actually manage talent and develop it. Even though he clearly lacks the skills to do so, he fails to hire a restaurant manager since for whatever reason the whole town keeps talking about the restaurant and fills up every table even though the food sucks. Even a burger goes for 30 bucks and 12% keep eating that crap.


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I'm not sold entirely. If you wanna use that analogy, there's one thing missing:

A new law passes which tells the restaurant owner that he can only pay his employees so much. Now he can't just hire the best staff anymore, he has to actually manage talent and develop it. Even though he clearly lacks the skills to do so, he fails to hire a restaurant manager since for whatever reason the whole town keeps talking about the restaurant and fills up every table even though the food sucks.
Except a bunch of other restaurant owners have somehow figured the employee salary cap, lol.