A great analogy of our biggest problem using a restaurant as the example


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Someone shared a link with me yesterday where a guy was talking about why the Cowboys have been so playoff inept for 28 years. (The language was inappropriate at times so I can’t share it) I thought it was perfect.

Any way, the analogy goes like this:
  • A rich man buys a famous restaurant with a great reputation, but the place had slipped a little in prior years.
  • The owner hires a great chef named Jimmy who in short order turns the place around.
  • The food is great, the atmosphere great, and crowds come back. The awards begin to flow - this is the best restaurant in town.
  • The owner becomes concerned that chef is getting too much credit. The owner and chef clash and the great chef leaves.
  • At first the restaurant continues to do well with chef Jimmy’s recipes, but over time the restaurant declines without the great chef.
  • The owner begins to hang out in the restaurant more and more, places his photos all over the place and becomes the centerpiece of the restaurant.
  • The owner vows to never again hire a chef that will take away the spotlight from him. The owner won‘t hire the best chefs anymore.
  • The restaurant continues to do good business but it’s all based on past reputation. The loyal crowds who continue showing up agree that food isn’t that great but somehow the reputation of the restaurant remains high.
  • The owner continues hiring mediocre chefs and simply blames them for mediocre food.
  • The crowds keep showing up anyway.
Can‘t think of a better analogy of what’s happened to this franchise.