A strong case for Urban Meyer as next Cowboys coach


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wait...what? you are the one who from the beginning has been serving his opinion without providing any proof or fact, and in the meantime I gave 10 examples of college coaches failing recently....hmmmm, what color is the sky where you live? and can I have some of what you are smoking....

and you failed ever so miserably to even try to make my FACTS seem like fiction you are peddling....you should consider a career in fiction writing because you are so good at it.

I'll do it again. It only takes two words. Barry Switzer. And poof! Again you look like a fool.

two championship gems? what Gem? he utterly failed miserably to have his team prepared to play against the niners. a team that was the most loaded in NFL history with 5 HOFers….that's the biggest coaching failure in NFL history.

Again, two Championship Games and one Super Bowl. That's not failure. You're failure.

sorry dude, you failed once again miserably in your vague attempt to defend Meyer as a head coach....

Nobody has to "defend Meyer" least of all to someone who clearly doesn't know their *** from a hole in the ground like you. His resume speaks for itself and is impeccable. You're some nobody on the internet who mistakenly thinks he knows stuff.

point me to where I didn't state a fact... you are avoiding..... its so obvious its not even funny

wait...what? you are the one who from the beginning has been serving his opinion without providing any proof or fact, and in the meantime I gave 10 examples of college coaches failing recently....hmmmm, what color is the sky where you live? and can I have some of what you are smoking....

and you failed ever so miserably to even try to make my FACTS seem like fiction you are peddling....you should consider a career in fiction writing because you are so good at it.

I'll do it again. It only takes two words. Barry Switzer. And poof! Again you look like a fool.

two championship gems? what Gem? he utterly failed miserably to have his team prepared to play against the niners. a team that was the most loaded in NFL history with 5 HOFers….that's the biggest coaching failure in NFL history.

Again, two Championship Games and one Super Bowl. That's not failure. You're failure.

sorry dude, you failed once again miserably in your vague attempt to defend Meyer as a head coach....

Nobody has to "defend Meyer" least of all to someone who clearly doesn't know their *** from a hole in the ground like you. His resume speaks for itself and is impeccable. You're some nobody on the intern who mistakenly thinks he knows stuff.

point me to where I didn't state a fact... you are avoiding..... its so obvious its not even funny

its not an assumption. its fact based on every college coach who ever coached in NFL. assumption is on your part thinking Meyer will have immediate success.

Right here. Or maybe your account was hacked?

what was clear to everyone on this thread is that it was clearly without a doubt stated that Meyer succeeded at the college level and that doesn't mean it will translate to NFL and it will take time...but you are hell bent on arguing that Meyer will have immediate success and couldn't prove with any, and I mean any example that it ever happened.

The only person "hell bent" here is YOU. Once again trying to pass off your opinion as fact. That first it won't "translate" and then "it will take time". Both of which are your opinion and not "fact". Learn the difference.

sorry, you are not challenging enough for me...you are intellectually inferior and I am bored with you

this is done...

Good idea. Run.

It will be the first smart thing you've done since you entered this thread.


Devil's Advocate
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At this point I am open to almost any coach other than what we have currently. If I thought Garrett would improve... but nine years has told us he lacks the ability to change/adjust/mature.


You Can't Fix Stupid
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This isn't my work, but I think it gives a lot of good reasons why Meyer should be a strong consideration at head coach if a change is made:

The Next Head Coach of the Dallas Cowboys should be..

Posted on November 20, 2019

It’s looking more and more likely that the 2019 season will go the way of the 2018 season- with a division title and a first or second round playoff loss. If the season plays out in that manner, it’s painfully obvious that Jason Garrett’s tenure will come to an end. Garrett will be remembered as a good coach, better than many of his predecessors, but one who couldn’t succeed when it mattered most for the team. The next page will need to be written on who will lead the Dallas Cowboys in 2020 and years to come. After reading and researching, the obvious top solution should be Urban Meyer. His qualifications and experiences check every box, making him the obvious choice and the person to take this team to the next level. Check out just some of the qualifications I’ve been able to come up with to validate the move.

1. Comfortable with Dak

As you consistently hear from national media the concern is continuing to move Dak ahead in his development. It should be remembered that Dak was coached and developed by Dan Mullen at Mississippi State. Mullen was a top assistant and offensive coordinator for Meyer at Florida and brought that system with him to Mississippi State. Dak is Urban’s type of QB and should continue his trajectory to becoming a Super Bowl caliber quarterback.

2. Handling Zeke

Zeke Elliott is possibly the Cowboys most dynamic and combustible player and the more success they have keeping him from the police blotter; the better for the team. With Urban being the new coach, it could draw comparison to Michael Irvin getting Jimmy Johnson many years ago. Irvin didn’t stay out of trouble his whole career in Dallas, but walked the line a lot better with Jimmy walking the halls.

3. Strong Familiarity with Current College Players

With the departure of Jason Garrett, the Cowboys would benefit with someone who is familiar with the next few draft classes and finding those diamonds in the rough. Meyer would add a valuable addition to the selection process something they have not had since Jimmy and the boys were in the war room.

4. Proven Track Record

Of course Urban has never walked the sidelines of an NFL team but he has won at four college programs Bowling Green (17-6 in 2 years), Utah (22-2 in 2 years), Florida (65-15 in 6 years) and Ohio State (83-9 in 7 years). He wins and wins big wherever he coaches in football. The belief from some circles is Dallas is the one of only a few NFL jobs that he would make the jump for to the professional ranks. The chance to become only the third coach to win a National Title and Super Bowl would be too tempting for Urban. Plus a Super Bowl title would give him something a certain coach in Alabama could not accomplish during his tenure in the NFL.

5. Player Development

First day NFL draft selections were a common event during Meyer’s stops in college, especially at Florida and Ohio State. The impressive aspect of Meyer’s tenure had players develop at nearly every position and wasn’t only focused on offense his calling card. He has the resume to convince anyone that he can get the best out of a player.

6. Coaching Staff

With the success that Meyer has had at the college ranks, recruiting a top echelon coaching staff should not be an issue, and many of his former assistants would likely lineup to coach with him again for the most valuable franchise in professional sports. As we have seen, Urban is a builder and not a long term answer, so possibly after five or six years, he would likely look to move on and maybe really retire as he would be in his early 60’s at that point. One of those assistants who made the jump with him could be next up to benefit from the work he would have done and assume the reigns in Big D.

7. Familiarity with both sides of the ball

Researching this article, I was surprised to discover that Meyer actually was a defensive back at the University of Cincinnati and some of his early stops as an assistant where on the defensive side of the ball. Urban is as sharp a football coach as there is on the market and has the feel, with his resume and the Cowboys talent, of a perfect marriage. Too often a hot offensive or defensive coordinator gets the promotion and then has to lean heavily on a coordinator on the other side. Urban knows football and would be the leader for both sides of the ball.

Recently, as many people have seen, Urban Meyer was on Fox Sport One with Colin Cowherd where he openly said “the Cowboys are the one team you answer,” when Colin asked if Lincoln Riley would take a call from Jerry Jones. Urban went on to rave about the talent on the team, the stage of coaching the Dallas Cowboys and the appeal of all things Dallas. The biggest concern I see for the Dallas Cowboys is Urban’s track record of having some players and assistants in his program that were not of the highest character and not fixing the situation appropriately when he was made aware of it. Granted Urban would not be the only voice, with the Cowboys controlling everything and I am sure Will McClay and the current front office would work in tandem with him in making sure the players behave within NFL rules.

Urban coming to the Cowboys sidelines has the feel of Phil Jackson joining the Lakers after playoff failures with Shaq and Kobe. We all remember how that ended. @ftballdialogue

2020 Head Coach Candidates and tagged Dallas Cowboys, Urban Meyer by cowboyscorner247. Bookmark the permalink.
But the #1 question is...........is he willing to be Jerry's puppet?


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But the #1 question is...........is he willing to be Jerry's puppet?

Not a chance. It's clear by Meyer's history that he calls the shots. And that's another reason why I'd like the hire. It would show that Jerry isn't the meddler he's portrayed to be.


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Chalk me up in the "Garrett has gone as far as he can" list. I don't think he's entirely without his positives, but his limitations were clear as far back as 2013.

I'm a little more ambivalent about Meyer than some though. The "he coached Zeke, his OC coached Dak, college schemes now work in the Big 12 NFL" elevator pitch is a compelling one. But the problems I have is that Meyer's health genuinely seems bad, and his teams have a habit of spiraling out of control off the field.

When he left Florida for a media gig the first time, I thought it was just a ruse to escape a situation that had become completely toxic; I think he had 30 players arrested in 6 years, and those are just the ones they found out about. Turns out that he had a heart attack one morning where he stood up to get out of bed and just collapsed onto the floor. He was rushed to the hospital and obviously turned out OK, but that episode would put the fear of God into anyone. And then we all saw the scene at Ohio State where his players were celebrating a TD while Meyer was doubled over on the sideline grabbing his head. It turns out his has a cyst on his brain that occasionally causes migraine-type headaches. While he's been managing it his entire life, I read an article at the time saying that symptoms like his tend to get worse with stress and they tend to get worse with age.

Meyer doesn't seem like a wonderful human being, but I don't know him either, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. So just for his sake, I hope he quits coaching. He's changed the college game with his schemes, he's won three nattys, he has tens of millions of dollars from his huge coaching salaries - if he's invested well, I'll bet you he's got around $50 million in the bank. And with his health failing, it's time to kick back in a cushy make-work College Gameday role and enjoy it for once. I seriously doubt his body can hold up to the stress of high-pressure 80 hour weeks for much longer.

But Meyer didn't get to where he's at by kicking back and relaxing. Even with nothing left to prove at the college level, he's the kind of guy who still thinks to himself "I haven't won a Super Bowl", and he'd probably be willing to die in his office chasing one.

And the legal issues are a whole 'nuther bucket of worms. His last two programs went off the rails in college, and that was in a situation where he controlled most of his players' daily routines, had a university police department willing to cover up things near campus, and an administration that would cover his *** in the absence of any smoking-gun evidence. In the pros, he'd be trying to manage millionaires who he can't control off the field, and playing under an increasingly litigious league office where Goodell would throw him under the bus at the first sign of scandal.

So the most likely scenario I see with Urban Meyer and the Cowboys is he ends up getting forced out within 3 to 5 seasons - either because his body finally fails him and even the most type A person in the universe cant drive through it, or because he covered up a bunch of DV again. The short term results would probably be positive, but long term, it's a situation I just don't see ending well.
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Reverend Conehead

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Rev, if I thought he'd do that with anybody, I wouldn't care who he brought in but why would he do that with Meyer who's proven nothing at the NFL level? He had to do that with Johnson and Parcells and in that radio interview that Broaddus had with Galloway, he said that will never happen again as long as Booger operates the team. Booger was actually having physical withdrawal symptoms from being the face and voice of the franchise.

If he wants a shot at a championship, he's going to need to do it that way. It doesn't mean he can never do interviews. I don't think there's any way Jerry backs off from that. But the coach needs to have autonomy over the team. It was ridiculous the way he brought that Saudi Prince into the locker room when Johnson was coach. That really made Johnson mad, and rightfully so. If Jerry's going to just install another puppet, we might as well just keep Garrett.


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Not a chance. It's clear by Meyer's history that he calls the shots. And that's another reason why I'd like the hire. It would show that Jerry isn't the meddler he's portrayed to be.
Meyer has never worked in the NFK or for Booger. Most college HC's call their own shots.


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Credibility in order to get what he wanted. The team was doing poorly on the field and what name could he bring in that would raise eyebrows and point to the owner being serious about winning? Add to that this was the most HC hands on/GM hands off HC that he could hire and it rattled the media the week he did it. It was the Wow! deed of the year.

The fact that the team turned to 10-6 and made the playoffs sent the signal they were back on track. And Booger had made the one ultimate sacrifice of not only acquiescing team control but taking himself out as the spokesperson and face of the team. And according to Broaddus.it put him into such a deep depression that it made him ill.

You do realize he also went to the NFL for a loan, don't you? Think him hiring Parcells had nothing to do with that? He needed cred with them because he was looking like a train wreck of an owner and a questionable investment. Don't you think they asked themselves "can he and will he do what's necessary to max out that team"?

I couldn't disagree more, it makes perfect financial sense and he wouldn't have gotten what he wanted without dong that. He didn't just want a new stadium, he wanted that stadium. Or they could have blown the one down in Irving and played at the Cotton Bowl while a new one was constructed, but not like that one. That venue is what it's about, that's what it's always been about.
The nfl chips in to the construction of any new stadium under resolution g3/g4. Jerry puts in his own money. The city puts in money. The income stream is plentiful and in no way is it dependent on the head coach. The bank could care less who is the coach. Only that the loan is protected by adequate collateral. The new rams stadium was financed before mcvay. Raiders new facility financed before chucky. No bank gave a rat's patoot about head coaches. All they care about is collateral and roi. Sorry, but you're way off base on this one.


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The nfl chips in to the construction of any new stadium under resolution g3/g4. Jerry puts in his own money. The city puts in money. The income stream is plentiful and in no way is it dependent on the head coach. The bank could care less who is the coach. Only that the loan is protected by adequate collateral. The new rams stadium was financed before mcvay. Raiders new facility financed before chucky. No bank gave a rat's patoot about head coaches. All they care about is collateral and roi. Sorry, but you're way off base on this one.

And yet another conspiracy theory dies a horrible death...


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And yet another conspiracy theory dies a horrible death...
I understand what coach couch is saying as it relates to placating fans after three consecutive 5-11 seasons. But the only thing banks concern themselves with is making money.


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I understand what coach couch is saying as it relates to placating fans after three consecutive 5-11 seasons. But the only thing banks concern themselves with is making money.

And the fans aren't giving out the billion dollar loans. (At least not directly) ;)


You Can't Fix Stupid
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Not a chance. It's clear by Meyer's history that he calls the shots. And that's another reason why I'd like the hire. It would show that Jerry isn't the meddler he's portrayed to be.
That's what it would take.....I for one along with most do believe he's a meddling owner that picks his asst coaches and not his head coach.


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The nfl chips in to the construction of any new stadium under resolution g3/g4. Jerry puts in his own money. The city puts in money. The income stream is plentiful and in no way is it dependent on the head coach. The bank could care less who is the coach. Only that the loan is protected by adequate collateral. The new rams stadium was financed before mcvay. Raiders new facility financed before chucky. No bank gave a rat's patoot about head coaches. All they care about is collateral and roi. Sorry, but you're way off base on this one.
don't have a dog in this race but wouldn't the city have to raise taxes, put it to a vote and approve location and permits so on so forth. Seems you would want public support to get that part of it done.


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Yep. They never work out.






Switzer!!! really...he rode coat tails of Jimmy with 5 HOFers on the roster.

Carroll was an NFL head coach. In fact he was the Patriots head coach before going to.college

And no one says college coaches can't find success. It will take a few years for them to learn the way of NFL....

And way more college coache's have failed than succeeded...Spurrier, Kelly, petino, Erickson., Saban and on and on and on...all of whom were great college coaches in their own right....

So if we go the college coach then there is a learning curve....like I said even for the ones you listed


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At this point I am open to almost any coach other than what we have currently. If I thought Garrett would improve... but nine years has told us he lacks the ability to change/adjust/mature.
He gathered some talent, I'll give him that, but we need a spark that we're lacking.