A Touch of Hostility... Week 14

Hostile;3146890 said:
You mistake having you painted into a corner with butt hurt. I'm not hurt at all. I am highly amused at how you suddenly have nothing. You completely skip the post with exactly what you asked for, 13 years of Decembers. I knew you would BTW. I said as much. Thank you for proving me right yet again.


*oh my sides*


Here's another trend for ya.

A guy named Hostile got butt hurt two weeks ago. He was still butt hurt last week. He's currently still butt hurt. Will he be butt hurt next week? I'll go with yes. ;)
Hoofbite;3146891 said:
You guys think you have it rough? I can't pull myself away if I would like to and I DON'T have the power to delete the nonsense.
We don't delete as much as you think, but we'll certainly do a quick merge. ;)

Some threads (like this one) is a train wreck where you can't pull yourself away, tho. Whenever Bach and Hos go at it, it's like watching a dog chasing its tail. They rarely see eye to eye. Not even sure why they try. *smh*
Bach;3146892 said:

What's comical is how you are so butt hurt over the fact a trend exists for the Cowboys that you feel compelled to find some time in history with some other team where they might have broken their trend. I guess you want to prove that trends can be broken, which I have already stated that from the beginning. I'm just waiting for the Cowboys to break their current trend, but unfortunately it looks like we'll have to wait yet another year.

As for you silly question, I'll go with 13-3 for year three. Happy now? Maybe you can next ask me how many fingers you're holding up behind your back, as if that would somehow be relevant to the Cowboys current trend also.
Finally we get an answer. It doesn't really break down December, which is the only thing I asked for, but I will take anything at this point.

We have 3 weeks to see. That scenario was the current New Orleans Saints. So you're predicting they will lose their last 3 games?

Well, good to see you finally pick the Cowboys to win anyway.


You got played.
Hostile;3146902 said:
Finally we get an answer. It doesn't really break down December, which is the only thing I asked for, but I will take anything at this point.

We have 3 weeks to see. That scenario was the current New Orleans Saints. So you're predicting they will lose their last 3 games?

Well, good to see you finally pick the Cowboys to win anyway.


You got played.

OH NOES!!!!! OMG!!!!! You got me good HOS! :laugh2:

Now tell me how accurately predicting the Cowboys would fade again this December based on their schedule and recent trends is "bashing" the team.
Hostile;3146902 said:
We have 3 weeks to see. That scenario was the current New Orleans Saints.

Hostile said:
There is this team with a new head coach. Year 1 they were 7-9. Year 2 they were 8-8. Tell me their 3rd year trend for this coach.

If that scenario was the current New Orleans Saints, then you need to get your facts straight. You said they had a new head coach and in year one the were 7-9.

If you look at the current New Orleans Saints, Sean Payton became their head coach in 2006 and they went 10-6 in year one.

You're so hard up to try and make a point that you can't even factually get your lame scenario right. :laugh2:
Bach;3146896 said:

*oh my sides*


Here's another trend for ya.

A guy named Hostile got butt hurt two weeks ago. He was still butt hurt last week. He's currently still butt hurt. Will he be butt hurt next week? I'll go with yes. ;)

That was a good one. I liked that.
Bach;3146909 said:
Now tell me how accurately predicting the Cowboys would fade again this December based on their schedule and recent trends is "bashing" the team.

You bash the team in lots of ways ....

Your old and current Sigs, things you say about players, wishing death on the owners, enjoying losses.

You trying to deny it now is pretty funny.
Bach;3146909 said:
OH NOES!!!!! OMG!!!!! You got me good HOS! :laugh2:

Now tell me how accurately predicting the Cowboys would fade again this December based on their schedule and recent trends is "bashing" the team.
I actually already did, but you were playing dodge ball so much you missed it. I said you just wanted yet another reason to predict doom and gloom for the team. Any reason you could justify to do it.
Bach;3146928 said:
If that scenario was the current New Orleans Saints, then you need to get your facts straight. You said they had a new head coach and in year one the were 7-9.

If you look at the current New Orleans Saints, Sean Payton became their head coach in 2006 and they went 10-6 in year one.

You're so hard up to try and make a point that you can't even factually get your lame scenario right. :laugh2:
Ah, you are correct. That is irrelevant though. They had the same General Manager almost all of those Decembers. As you have professed hundreds of times, who the GM is matters more than the coaches or players.
Hostile;3146936 said:
I actually already did, but you were playing dodge ball so much you missed it. I said you just wanted yet another reason to predict doom and gloom for the team. Any reason you could justify to do it.

So you construe an honest prediction with wanting to predict doom and gloom?

Like I said before, it's obvious you just want everyone to make rosey predictions and always expect their wishful thinking to come true. Sorry, but some of us base things on what we see and observe, not on just what we feel or want.

I still dont' undertand how expecting a 5-0 or 4-1 finish is rational when we have not done that once in the last 13 years AND based on our closing schedule. Yet if I say 3-2 but leaning towards 2-3 then it's "wanting to predict doom and gloom" even though it is the most logical and rational prediction to make?

Dude, you really are out there. I mean it's great to want to be overly positive at all times, but if you want to throw logic and rationality out the window then just ask Reality to change the name of this place to the FantasyZone. I mean, that would probably suit you much better.
Bach;3146950 said:
So you construe an honest prediction with wanting to predict doom and gloom?

Like I said before, it's obvious you just want everyone to make rosey predictions and always expect their wishful thinking to come true. Sorry, but some of us base things on what we see and observe, not on just what we feel or want.

I still dont' undertand how expecting a 5-0 or 4-1 finish is rational when we have not done that once in the last 13 years AND based on our closing schedule. Yet if I say 3-2 but leaning towards 2-3 then it's "wanting to predict doom and gloom" even though it is the most logical and rational prediction to make?

Dude, you really are out there. I mean it's great to want to be overly positive at all times, but if you want to throw logic and rationality out the window then just ask Reality to change the name of this place to the FantasyZone. I mean, that would probably suit you much better.
Blah blah blah.

I just want to point out that you went from pimping trends to saying they can be broken, which was my point in the "It's December Folks" thread. You went from looking at previous Decembers to asking about rosters and injuries, which I also said I do in that thread before I make any predictions and you sort of poo pooed the idea.

I really only have one more thing to say to you Bach. Please accept this in the spirit intended.

Welcome to the bright side happy fan. Pick up your pom poms and rose colored glasses at the concession stand when you get your Koolaid.


Oh yeah, here's an ironic switch.
Hostile;3146961 said:
Blah blah blah.

Yeah, that's about what I expected from you. Didn't really think you'd give a a real honest answer to why a 5-0 or 4-1 projection for us was more rational or logical than a 3-2 or 2-3 projection. Or why predicting something based on the schedule and the teams prior performance over a like period means one is wanting to predict doom and gloom.

But instead of an honest answer, I get from you "Blah blah blah".

Can't say I'm surprised either.

Hostile said:
I just want to point out that you went from pimping trends to saying they can be broken, which was my point in the "It's December Folks" thread. You went from looking at previous Decembers to asking about rosters and injuries, which I also said I do in that thread before I make any predictions and you sort of poo pooed the idea.

Right here Hos, this is from that same thread over a week ago. I've said from the get-go the same thing I'm saying now:


Bach said:
Show me where I said a trend can't be broken. No one has claimed it's some kind of exact science. It's just a pattern of like performance over a certain amount of time.

Right now for the Cowboys, they have a trend of 13 consecutive years of not winning a playoff game and about as long of not having a winning record over the last month of the season. That doesn't mean it will always have to be that way, but until it changes, then it's a trend. Really rather simple for most.

Maybe if you read and comprehended that from over a week ago you could've saved yourself alot of embarrassment and butt hurt. ;)
Bach;3146978 said:
Yeah, that's about what I expected from you. Didn't really think you'd give a a real honest answer to why a 5-0 or 4-1 projection for us was more rational or logical than a 3-2 or 2-3 projection. Or why predicting something based on the schedule and the teams prior performance over a like period means one is wanting to predict doom and gloom.

But instead of an honest answer, I get from you "Blah blah blah".

Can't say I'm surprised either.

Right here Hos, this is from that same thread over a week ago. I've said from the get-go the same thing I'm saying now:


Maybe if you read and comprehended that from over a week ago you could've saved yourself alot of embarrassment and butt hurt. ;)
I am glad to know you agree with me so much. I already knew that, I just wanted to get you painted into a corner where there was no way out before I sprang the trap. But thanks for the links and the reminders. You Sunshine Pumping son of a gun.


Sorry, this was a lot of fun.
Hostile;3146984 said:
I am glad to know you agree with me so much. I already knew that, I just wanted to get you painted into a corner where there was no way out before I sprang the trap. But thanks for the links and the reminders. You Sunshine Pumping son of a gun.


Sorry, this was a lot of fun.

I don't know what's cuter, you being butt hurt or trying to save face ;)
The theme for Hos and Bach on this thread. LMAO

WoodysGirl;3146885 said:
I wouldn't say it kills my spirit, but this has been my worst season as a moderator. Obviously, it's something I voluntarily signed up for, but it's brutal coming on here some days.

I understand your frustration. It must be quite taxing at times. However, at least people care enough to express their anger and frustration. If this trend of non-playoff seasons and non-winning Decembers continues, it's very likely that apathy will set in. People will lose their emotional investment in the Cowboys, and simply stop caring. Then, you'll have fewer and fewer people to moderate, which might be worse than the incessant complaining.
Bach;3144072 said:

You're ok in my book Braveheart

Same here Bach. We don't always agree but I enjoy your posts all the same.

Bach;3145868 said:
I didn't think you got involved in the 'realists' vs. 'homers' deal. Interesting.

Isn't it funny that we even have anything going on with a forum that can be called Realist vs. Homers?

It's almost like we've got a contest going on or something.

Also from reading this thread a few things:

1) Rampage you're one of my favorite posters here and I REALLY hope you're not actually leaving these forums. That would suck, IMO, as I like having you around here. We don't always agree either but you're still one of my favorites.

2) It was still uncool to make any sort of threat about what you would or wouldn't do if you guys were face to face. There wasn't really any need of that from either side. Things were allowed to go way to far at that point.

3) Is DC really not going to comeback because people took serious offense to his personal insults at them? I really hope not. I know that it seemed like, in the last thread he was in and all that happened, like I hate him or something but that is absolutely not the case. i don't agree with him a lot. In fact I tend to agree with him less than just about anyone here but I like him and I love what he brings to the forum. In that particular instance though I was very put off by not his disagreement with people but his personal shots at people in order to try and make his point.

I really hope, either way, that he's not actually considering not coming back over any of that. It's not worth getting that worked up over.

4) Everyone needs to calm down and not take all this stuff so personally. We've got arguments leading to threats, even if there is no shot of them actually happening there is no place for them here, people getting all pissy with one another over absolutely nothing. We're all going to disagree with one another at multiple times while we're on these forums but that doesn't mean we need to let any of it turn so darn ugly.

If it's getting that bad then people need to really think about logging off, getting up, and walking away from the computer until cooler heads can prevail.
BraveHeartFan;3147079 said:
3) Is DC really not going to comeback because people took serious offense to his personal insults at them? I really hope not. I know that it seemed like, in the last thread he was in and all that happened, like I hate him or something but that is absolutely not the case. i don't agree with him a lot. In fact I tend to agree with him less than just about anyone here but I like him and I love what he brings to the forum. In that particular instance though I was very put off by not his disagreement with people but his personal shots at people in order to try and make his point.

so tell me - how are you supposed to take them? someone "perosnally insulting you" and you just laugh it off and stay happy? how come they can get away with it when you're NOT supposed to personally insult people?

in the end i'm not too far from you but i do wish he'd tone it down and give the respect he wants and try NOT to be a mediot mouthpiece to just say shocking things for reaction.

i hate to see anyone active walk away from the forums, but if the crux of why it's so hard for fans *and* moderators in here is the extreme nature of some, then what do you do? live with it or change it?

i don't think dcfanatic is going to change. and i must say, if that *mindset* (not just dc to be sure) is slowly pushed out, i think a lot of posters would come back and post more because we'd not have someone in our face when disagreed with posting megabytes of emotes laughing at your thoughts.

who wants to really post in all that? if anyone knows me my own history has been "slightly argumentative" as well but i've tried to tone that down through the years as well because it just wasn't that productive to me, or the argument at hand and yea, i'd get a few "chill out" PM's.

so where do we go from here? i'd imagine once DC chills out, he'll be back. like him or hate him, he's one of the top posters on this board and this is likely THE best board out there. he's here to drum up listeners as much as he is to post his news, and i think both are fine.

i just wish disagreements didn't spin off to insults.

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