About that bastidge Jerry hiring an OC...


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Next_years_Champs;1340123 said:
Now how would I know that I'm no insider

You don't know, yet you were perfectly willing to make an assumption... and of course, you naturally assumed the worst...

Which makes you like a lot of people in here, I'll grant you, but it still ain't right...


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rangers71;1340775 said:
hank2k;1340561 said:
So it's ok to lose 1 time but not twice?

The thing is, by any RATIONAL definition of the term, Phillips isn't an ANY time loser... he was well over .500 with the Bills, and .500 in his 2 years with the Broncos...

How that equates to a "two time loser", only hank could explain to you...

Bluntly, hank's just runnin' off at the mouth, ranting without having any FACTS to support his verbal diarrhea... from what I've seen, all he brings to this dialogue is a string of opinions as to why he DOESN'T want coach A or coach B for the Cowboys... I don't seem to see him offering any stance on who he WOULD want...


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VA Cowboy;1340857 said:
That's just it. How many good quality HC's did Jerry actually go after in the 90's?

Well, making questionable choices when it comes to head coaches is somewhat different from pursuing good coaches, and getting turned down...

IOW, while you have a point, it's not exactly relevant to THIS argument, is it??


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hank2k;1341177 said:
Moore was already the OC in Indy.

Again, that makes NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL... Moore was still "forced" on the head coach, he wasn't able to pick his own coordinator...

And that, I believe, was the crux of the argument-- that's it's wrong to "force" an incoming head coach to accept assistants not of his own choosing... clearly, if that IS the argument, whether or not that assistant is a holdover from the old regime doesn't make any difference...

That weak copout is just you refusing to address the glaring inconsistency in your specious argument...


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Next_years_Champs;1341249 said:
You don't know me from beans and it's not likely we will ever know one another. But I will tell you one thing I do know, the lack of high quality successful head coaches interested in coaching the Cowboys should concern ever fan.

Seems to me that all the "high quality successful head coaches" either have jobs already, or would cost the Cowboys dearly in terms of draft picks to get them to sign...

Could you kindly give me a list of the "high quality successful head coaches" who are on the open market, besides Bill Cowher (who's the guy I was referring to above)??


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TruBlueCowboy;1341481 said:
Some of you are clueless. You don't have to use football, use your own experiences in positions of authority -- or just human nature -- to ask yourself if the new head coach will have the same respect from players with them knowing a young assistant coach is the real man the owner plans on promoting.

If I'm that head coach, I'm gonna remind the players that I'm the boss, and if they like their jobs, they'd best recognize that fact...

At my job, the boss' authority rests mostly on my job security... it isn't likely any different in the NFL... even ol' coach-killer TO knows that he'd best not try any of his crap, or it will be his last season in Dallas...

Which is my typically long-winded way of saying I'm not particularly concerned that the new head coach will be viewed as a figurehead who's just keeping the seat warm for Garrett... a good head coach can deal with that kind of crapola...

VA Cowboy

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silverbear;1341493 said:
Well, making questionable choices when it comes to head coaches is somewhat different from pursuing good coaches, and getting turned down...

IOW, while you have a point, it's not exactly relevant to THIS argument, is it??

That's the point...he didn't get turned down because he didn't pursue any...

Try to keep up...

VA Cowboy

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silverbear;1341505 said:
Which is my typically long-winded way of saying I'm not particularly concerned that the new head coach will be viewed as a figurehead who's just keeping the seat warm for Garrett... a good head coach can deal with that kind of crapola...

You're concerns aren't really relevant to this situation...now are they?

And since we are talking about the likes of Norv, Phillips and Gary Gibbs, then we aren't really discussing a "good heach coach".

You might want to slow down on the rants and digest the info first.


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cowboyjack;1339670 said:
Has anyone considered Avery Johnson of the Dallas Mavericks? He had no head coaching experience and very little coaching experience to speak of, yet he was coach of the year last year in the NBA. If you got it, you got it and it sounds like Jason Garrett has it.

Avery was groomed and eased into his HC role. Was brought on as an assistant just like JG is...


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silverbear;1341490 said:
rangers71;1340775 said:
The thing is, by any RATIONAL definition of the term, Phillips isn't an ANY time loser... he was well over .500 with the Bills, and .500 in his 2 years with the Broncos...

How that equates to a "two time loser", only hank could explain to you...

Bluntly, hank's just runnin' off at the mouth, ranting without having any FACTS to support his verbal diarrhea... from what I've seen, all he brings to this dialogue is a string of opinions as to why he DOESN'T want coach A or coach B for the Cowboys... I don't seem to see him offering any stance on who he WOULD want...

Fired twice = a winner??? There's verbal diarrhea 4 ya....
What Im criticizing first off, is the process of hiring an entirely new coordinator before the Head Coach which therefore limits the pool of quality head coaches.Suppose Belichek or Cowher were available, do you really think either would take the job without the opportunity to hire their own guys???

I never saw a "SilverBears Opinion on the Head Coach Search" thread, but Im pretty sure it wouldnt have included either Phillips or Turner or Garrett as your top guys UNTIL they became Jerrys targets.THEN of course theyre great prospects, despite the fact that no one else has interviewed any of those guys this year for a HC spot.(That incidentally is a "FACT"). SOME of us have opinions that dont begin the moment Jerry gives his. You are a bigger Jerry apologist than Mickey Spagnola, and he's on Jerry's payroll !!


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VA Cowboy;1341516 said:
You're concerns aren't really relevant to this situation...now are they?

And since we are talking about the likes of Norv, Phillips and Gary Gibbs, then we aren't really discussing a "good heach coach".

You might want to slow down on the rants and digest the info first.

As the season wound down, had somebody in here said any of these guys would be our top candidates if Parcells leaves, it would have been like 99% opposed.


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silverbear;1339468 said:
Before hiring a head coach... some of you have your panties ALL in a wad over that... well, I'm here to tell you that your position is asnine...

You see, there are two frontrunners for the head coach job right now, and both of them seem to be completely on board with having Jason in place...

The first is Wade Phillips, who had this to say about working with Jason:


The other top candidate is Norv Turner, and he tried to hire Jason as an assistant coach for the Raiders back in 2004... clearly, he thinks that Garrett has something to offer...

So, it doesn't look like either of the frontrunners for the head coach job has the same reservations you Jerry haters do about the hiring of Jason Garrett...

Of course, that won't stop any of you Jerry haters from p*ssing and moaning about the whole deal...

Even if there were no "frontrunners" for the job I still wouldn't think it's a big deal. All it tells me is we're gonna hire a defensive minded HC.

Personally, I hope we hold out and AT LEAST interview Ron Rivera.


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silverbear;1341497 said:
Again, that makes NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL... Moore was still "forced" on the head coach, he wasn't able to pick his own coordinator...

And that, I believe, was the crux of the argument-- that's it's wrong to "force" an incoming head coach to accept assistants not of his own choosing... clearly, if that IS the argument, whether or not that assistant is a holdover from the old regime doesn't make any difference...

That weak copout is just you refusing to address the glaring inconsistency in your specious argument...

The FACT that you are unable to cite a single instance of where a team has changed head coaches , then changed coordinators, then hired a head coach (let alone successfully) proves Im right.



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VA Cowboy;1341516 said:
You're concerns aren't really relevant to this situation...now are they?

And yours are?? Indeed, are ANY of our concerns relevant to the situation??

So, are you suggesting we shouldn't express opinions on the subject?? That seems rather strange, given that you're doing a LOT of opinionating these days...

You might want to slow down on the rants and digest the info first.

You might want to come up with something a little more compelling in the way of a response before making a fool of yourself...


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silverbear;1341764 said:
And yours are?? Indeed, are ANY of our concerns relevant to the situation??

So, are you suggesting we shouldn't express opinions on the subject?? That seems rather strange, given that you're doing a LOT of opinionating these days...

You might want to come up with something a little more compelling in the way of a response before making a fool of yourself...

OK, you show me yours, Ill show you mine. (#1 Top pick for HC , that is )



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hank2k;1341712 said:
silverbear;1341490 said:
Fired twice = a winner??? There's verbal diarrhea 4 ya....

Unless you're Tom Landry, if you coach long enough, you'll get fired... indeed, Landry got fired too...

I never saw a "SilverBears Opinion on the Head Coach Search" thread,

That's because I prefer to speculate on the KNOWN candidates, what their chances are, rather than try to read Jerry's mind...

but Im pretty sure it wouldnt have included either Phillips or Turner

Then you'd have been WRONG, because all along I thought Norv Turner would be a fine choice to mentor Tony Romo, bring out everything that Tony has to offer...

Phillips wouldn't have been on my list, no... and he's still not my top choice, I won't be excited if he gets the job... I won't be pissed, I'll be lukewarm about the whole thing...

Norv doesn't "excite" me either, but he'll do... the ONLY coach who would excite me would be Cowher, he'd be PERFECT for this team, but no way I'd forfeit draft picks to bring him in...

As for Garrett, I AM excited that the Boys have the chance to bring him in-- so long as he's not the head coach (he's simply not ready for that yet)...

or Garrett as your top guys UNTIL they became Jerrys targets.

I didn't know Jason was AVAILABLE until I read that the Boys were bringing him in for a talk...

SOME of us have opinions

Too bad you don't seem to have any GOOD opinions...

that dont begin the moment Jerry gives his.

Hey, can I help it if Jerry generally sees things pretty much the way I do?? :D

Seriously, I have my criticisms of Jerry, when criticism is warranted... it's not warranted in this situation, though...


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hank2k;1341724 said:
The FACT that you are unable to cite a single instance of where a team has changed head coaches , then changed coordinators, then hired a head coach (let alone successfully) proves Im right.

I see no reason to cite such instances, given that your argument is completely MEANINGLESS...

The CORE of the argument is the advisability or inadvisability of not allowing your new head coach to choose his own staff for himself... whether you bring in a "new" assistant before you hire your head coach, or rehire one or more of your "old" assistants, you're still denying that head coach the chance to hand-pick his staff...

And I HAVE proven that "forcing" quality assistants on a new head coach has worked, and worked well, in the past... I have also proven that this year, every team that has hired a new head coach has compelled that coach to keep assistants not of his choosing... so doing that is hardly some new, revolutionary idea Jerry just came up with...

More to the point, that isn't just ME talking, that's JEFF FISHER, head coach of the Tennessee Titans talking... he has been quoted as saying the trend these days is toward NOT letting a new head coach pick all his own assistants...

But what the h*ll does he know, when I've got such a football expert as yourself telling me he's wrong??



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silverbear;1341775 said:
I see no reason to cite such instances, given that your argument is completely MEANINGLESS...

Dude, just admit it. It isnt that you "see no reason to cite such instances", its that you CAN'T. If you could you would.And when Jeff Fisher lets someone else pick his coordinator Ill believe him.


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hank2k;1341768 said:
OK, you show me yours, Ill show you mine. (#1 Top pick for HC , that is )


It would have been Cowher, but for the draft picks thing... after that, there's nobody who really gets me excited, but for reasons I've already outlined at length, I think ol' Norv might be an asset right now...


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silverbear;1341809 said:
It would have been Cowher, but for the draft picks thing... after that, there's nobody who really gets me excited, but for reasons I've already outlined at length, I think ol' Norv might be an asset right now...

Can't say I agree with you about Cowher. He's the most overrated coach in NFL history IMO.

And that "look" he gets on his face when he's angry? Looks to me like he's about to throw a temper tantrum. I don't EVER want anything to do with Cowherd.